The last week without classes passed quickly, and the last Quidditch match of the semester was held at the weekend.

Gryffindor had no seeker, and was beaten badly by Ravenclaw. Especially Ravenclaw's seeker flew leisurely in the sky for a long time, and only caught the Golden Snitch after ensuring that Ravenclaw had a complete advantage.

So this year, Ravenclaw finally won the Quidditch Cup. Gryffindor was indignant, but there was nothing they could do.

But Slytherin still had the highest score in the house - there was no way, Professor Snape made an outstanding contribution in this regard.

However, at the end-of-term dinner, Dumbledore finally gave extra points to all the people who had ventured into the Chamber of Secrets because of the previous incident: each person won 20 points for his own house, and Harry Potter added an extra 50 points. Gryffindor immediately jumped to first place, and Slytherin slipped to second place.

The excitement first belonged to the Serpentine House, and then to the Lion House. The students of Ravenclaw followed suit and applauded. They were third before the bonus points, and they were still third after the bonus points. But even if they were the last, the Eagle House didn't really care.

It didn't matter whether the hanging ribbons hanging above their heads were red or green. The ups and downs of the students' emotions in the Lion and Serpentine Houses were more interesting.

In the teacher's seat, the subtle changes in the expressions of Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape seemed to have said a thousand words.

"I still can't believe it now," Michael whispered to Wade, "Professor Snape is not Quirrell's accomplice! He looks very much like a Death Eater... Don't you think so?"

"Indeed. But if he was, how could Dumbledore let him stay in Hogwarts for so many years?" Wade said.


The day after the final dinner, the test results were finally posted.

Wade's overall score was the first in the whole grade, but Hermione topped the list in both History of Magic and Astronomy. The scores of other members of the SSC were also very high, and they were almost the top students in every subject.

Of course, in the eyes of those who don't know the SSC, the level of the first-year students this year is very good, and the distribution of each college is relatively even (Malfoy and Zabini from Slytherin also have high scores). Unlike previous years, most of the top ten are Ravenclaws.

The students once again signed the notice not to use magic during the holidays, packed their luggage, and boarded the Hogwarts Express. Wade, Michael, Theo, and Ryan occupied a compartment, Hermione was with the Patil sisters, and Harry and Neville were in a private room with their roommates in the dormitory.

"How about coming to our house to play during the summer vacation?" Michael said enthusiastically: "My family lives by the sea, and we can take a boat to the nearby island to play."

"Okay!" Theo responded actively: "Let's make an appointment and play together, otherwise it will be too boring to stay at home for two whole months."

"Where is Wade? Do you have time?" Ryan asked.

"I'm going to learn alchemy from Professor Murray, but if I can spare the time, of course I will come!" Wade smiled, "Even if I am, I don't want to do nothing but study for the whole summer vacation."

"Then wait for my news-don't forget to check the friend book!" Michael urged.

The train stopped at King's Cross Station, and the students got off one by one. As soon as Wade walked out of the platform, he saw Ferdinand and Fiona standing side by side, waiting for him happily.

His mother gave him a hug as usual, and his father helped him lift the suitcase.

"Get in the car first, I have booked a table in the restaurant."

Ferdinand opened the trunk and stuffed the suitcase in. Seeing him struggling, Wade wanted to use the levitation spell for a moment, but then he thought that he had left school, so he had to suppress this impulse.

"Wade, I heard some outrageous rumors in the Leaky Cauldron--"

After eating and drinking, Fiona couldn't wait to say: "That can't be true, right? I mean... about one of your professors being a puppet of the Dark Lord... and your school has hidden a stone that can make people immortal..."

Wade raised his eyes and saw Ferdinand looking at him silently.

"The Philosopher's Stone is real." Wade said: "Mr. Nick Flamel and his wife have lived for six centuries relying on the elixir of immortality!"

"Oh my God!" Fiona said in a trance: "I have seen him in fantasy novels! I didn't expect that he is still alive... I don't know what it feels like to be immortal..."

She looked very yearning.

"In fact, you can only live forever, not 'not age'. So..." Wade spread his hands and let his mother imagine it.

The image of the immortal, mysterious and handsome wizard collapsed suddenly, and Fiona's mind outlined a gray-haired, chicken-skinned, toothless and hairless appearance.

But the oldest person she had ever seen was only over a hundred years old... Fiona didn't know what an old man over six hundred and sixty years old should look like... Her imagination began to gradually extend towards the image of Cthulhu.

Ferdinand noticed the part that Wade had omitted, and his heart suddenly sank.

When Fiona returned home in the evening, she went to wash up. Ferdinand gestured, and the father and son went to the balcony.

"So... that thing is true too?" Ferdinand played with a lighter, but did not light a cigarette, but asked: "About... the rumors of the mysterious man?"

Wade hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should tell his father the truth.

Ferdinand saw it, and felt a little heavy, and forced a smile: "Don't tell me... the truth is stranger than the rumors?"

Vader finally made up his mind.

"It's like this - the one who sneaked into Hogwarts was not Fu Di... the mysterious man's puppet, but the mysterious man himself... He did not die completely, but possessed Quirrell's body in the state of a wandering spirit..."

Considering most people's fear of Voldemort's name, Vader consciously did not mention that name in front of others.

Ferdinand's hand shook and he almost dropped the lighter.

"He...isn't dead?"

he asked with a pale face.

"Yes. But that person's hiding ability was not good enough. Dumbledore discovered it from the beginning, so the situation was always under his control..."

Wade said in a relaxed tone: "You should have heard that Quirrell was finally defeated by the first-year Harry Potter. In fact, it was not Quirrell who failed again, but the mysterious man."

Ferdinand was silent for a long time, until he heard the sound of sliding the door from the bathroom. He was about to go back to the living room, but when he opened the door, he suddenly turned back and said: "Wade——"


"You have learned magic is impossible to become Obscurus you ever thought..."

Ferdinand seemed to have a particularly difficult time speaking.

Vader waited quietly.

"——Do you want to go to the United States? Or Australia?" Ferdinand said: "I heard that there is also a good magic academy in the United States. Maybe they are willing to accept transfer students..."

Wade was silent for a moment and then said: "...I'm sorry, Dad."

"Okay..." Ferdinand sighed: "I'm really not surprised at all."

"But you can make some preparations in advance." Wade added: "If the situation becomes very dangerous one day in the future, I hope you and your mother can move there first."

"Silly boy." Ferdinand smiled helplessly: "How could we leave you... and hide in a safe place alone?"

"If I am in danger, I will go." Wade said with a smile: "You know, wizards can apparate. I plan to learn this magic in the second grade, and it will be easier to escape..."

I feel that the readers who choose 2 are the most popular. I will discuss it with the editor and if nothing else happens, I will change the name.

I delayed revising the cover for two days to prevent old readers from finding their way around.

Thank you all for your enthusiastic suggestions. Many of the names are very good.

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