In the first week of summer vacation, Wade finished all his homework.

It was easy for him, all the required knowledge was in his head, and he could complete most of the papers without even flipping through the books.

On the morning of the eighth day, Professor Murray's son Steven appeared outside the door.

Because there were no pedestrians on the road at this time, he apparated directly to the neighborhood instead of emerging from the fireplace of Wade's house.

Early in the morning, there was a sudden knock on the door. Ferdinand opened the door and saw a big man standing outside.

"Hello, Mr. Grey. I'm Steven Murray - is Vader here?"

The big man smiled cheerfully.

"Of course...please come in."

Ferdinand stepped away from the door, with a little doubt in his eyes——

Most of the wizards he had met did not wear Muggle clothes, but the man in front of him was very well dressed.

Steven Murray, Ferdinand heard Wade mention this person.

I don't know why, but he always has the image of a fat guy in his mind, but he looks like a basketball player in person.

"Hi Steven, long time no see."

Wade came down from upstairs and raised his hand to say hello.

"Vide, I'm here to pick you up and take you to the Alpine Manor."

Steven's smile suddenly spread to the corners of his eyes, and he said, "I guess you are ready?"


Wade picked up the pencil case on the cabinet and stuffed it into his pocket. After saying goodbye to his parents, the two left Gray's house together.

The cold morning light shone on the streets, and the windows of most houses were still dark. The mist made the distant street scenes appear blurry.

"How do we get there?" Wade asked.

"Before I went out, my father told me not to disapparate with you to avoid danger."

Steven raised his wand: "So there's only one option - the Knight Bus."

With a loud "bang", a three-story bus seemed to be squeezed out of the air, the lights in front of it emitting a dazzling light.

"Wouldn't such a loud noise wake up the Muggles?" Vader was startled and asked speechlessly.

"No. There's a shielding spell cast on the car. Muggles generally can't hear or see it." Steven said.


" are really sharp."

Steven couldn't help but laugh: "Occasionally some Muggles will notice this bus, but they usually think it's because they are dazzled."

"Welcome aboard the Knight Bus, just stick out your wand and step on board and we'll take you wherever you want to go. My name is Stan Sampack, and I'm your conductor tonight— —”

A thin young man leaned half out of the car door. After babbled a long series of opening remarks, he seemed to see the two people waiting on the roadside.

"Please get in the car, you two. What are you waiting for?" Sampac said enthusiastically.

"Waiting to see when you give me a chance to speak... Eleven silvers for each person, right?"

Steven took Wade to the car and handed Sampac a gold Galleons and several silver Sicors at the same time.

"Would you like some chocolate, sir? Just two more Silver Sickles per piece!"

Sampac asked loudly and pulled the door hard.

"No, thank you. Go to Alpine Manor." Steven said.

"Yes, sir!" Sampac shouted back.

Wade looked at the interior of the bus. There were several beds with brass pillars in the bus, and the curtains were drawn on the windows next to them. Candles were lit on the shelf next to the bed, bringing a faint source of light into the car.

Only one bed had a passenger.

The man wore an old nightcap and covered himself tightly with the quilt. He only made even breathing sounds. The conductor's loud voice didn't seem to affect him at all.

"Go to sleep, Vader."

Steven chose a bed and lay down on it, warning: "This bus is very wild."

Vader followed the advice.

Sampac raised his eyebrows: "Speed ​​is a man's romance!"

"Thank you, but I hope this romance is gentler." Steven complained.

Before he finished speaking, the whole bus jumped like a frog and suddenly jumped so far away that Wade almost rolled off the bed.

He immediately took out his wand and cast a temporary sticking spell on his clothes, which finally prevented him from being shaken upside down by the bus afterwards.

"Wow, student - you're violating Ministry of Magic bans!"

Sampac said, then chuckled himself.

Steven asked: "Will you report it to the Ministry of Magic?"

"Of course - no!"

Sampac pinched his mouth and said in a weird voice: "My mouth is as solid as a permanent sticking spell!"

The driver driving in front also said: "Sir, we have professional ethics - Sampac, don't joke around."

"Copy that, Ern!" Sampac raised his hand and made a gesture in front of his forehead.

Although the Knight Bus drove wildly, it was very fast. It didn't take long for it to arrive outside the Jiaozhen Manor.

Steven and Wade stepped out of the car together, and the iron door of the manor slid open silently, then closed automatically after the two of them entered.

Compared with ordinary Muggle manors, wizards' manors are very quiet, because Muggles need at least fifty or sixty servants to maintain a manor of this size.

But wizards don't need to.

House elves can do all the grunt work.

"Actually, I would like to invite you to my farm, Alsophila Manor, which is a bit too quiet."

Steven said, "But my father said that he would give you a few days of alchemy lessons first."

Wade asked, "Don't you have to go to Mr. Scamander's place?"

"Mr. Scamander gave me a two-week summer vacation."

Steven said happily, "After you finish your classes, we will go to the farm to play for two days. After the vacation, we will go to Dorsetshire. Mr. Scamander said that he welcomes your visit."

Wade is also looking forward to it.


According to Steven, there are more than a dozen house elves serving at Alsophila Manor, but Wade has never seen them once.

The food here is also richer than the cafeteria at Hogwarts.

Although the long table in the school auditorium is always full, there are usually large plates of baked potatoes, fried steaks, roast chickens, cakes, etc. It cannot be said that it is not rich, but you will always get tired of eating too much in the school cafeteria.

Alsophila Manor is different.

Professor Murray traveled all over the world when he was young, and now he often goes to other countries to attend conferences, exchange alchemical products, and even attend new product launches of Muggles in disguise.

Therefore, he also introduced the cuisines of various countries to the Alsophila Manor - Peking duck, Brazilian barbecue, Singaporean chili crab, Spanish ham, Mexican burritos...

The recipes provided in the cafeteria alone are a two-inch thick booklet.

And you can also order food.

Choose what you want to eat in advance, and the house elves will deliver it to the table silently within half an hour.

At noon, Professor Murray came back from outside. He didn't spend much time on greetings and started teaching Wade.

"You have mastered all the basics of alchemy." Professor Murray said bluntly: "This summer we will learn something special - biological alchemy."

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