Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 108 Elves and Biological Alchemy

"Biological alchemy?"

Wade thought of the walking tin can man for a moment, and then he recalled what he had learned from the book: "Just like the Sorting Hat and Wizard Chess?"

Professor Murray smiled.

"Wizard chess and the Sorting Hat look similar, but they are actually completely different."

He raised his finger, and a box lid on the table opened. Black and white chess pieces lined up and walked out of it, arguing and standing on the chessboard.

The White Queen stared at Wade very dissatisfiedly: "Hurry up and play chess, is there any command?"

The knight on the other side shouted: "Let me charge! I want to break the opponent's army!"

Professor Murray nodded, and the chess pieces immediately quieted down.

"This is wizard chess."

Professor Murray said: "Sometimes it gives people the illusion that they also have life and thoughts. In fact, this is not the case-do you know why?"

Wade thought about it carefully.

He didn't play chess very often, but because these chess pieces were very interesting, he also collected a set, and let them fight on the chessboard when he was bored.

The more you observe, the more you will find that these seemingly lively chess pieces actually behave very rigidly.

"They always show similar personalities and say similar things... Occasionally there will be some changes, but they themselves have not grown, and they will not learn from failures."

"That's right, so these are just toys pretending to have thoughts."

Professor Murray put the chess pieces back into the box and said:

"Injecting thoughts into inanimate objects, making things like mirrors, measuring tapes, and flying brooms seem to have their own ideas, is just low-level biological alchemy."

"But the Sorting Hat is different. If you communicate with it a few more times, you will find that the guy is actually very thoughtful."

"It is really thinking independently and making its own judgments, instead of rigidly choosing students according to the ideas of the four founders."

Wade gritted his teeth when he thought of being rejected by the Sorting Hat.

- That's right! That guy is not only thoughtful, but also very weird.

"But the Sorting Hat is not a real life... It has a brain, but it cannot reproduce and does not metabolize."

"Real biological alchemy - in ancient times it was actually called life alchemy - is the ability to create real life forms, and you are no stranger to the most successful works. Guess, Wade... what is that?"

Wade lowered his head and thought.

Biological alchemy... real life forms... able to reproduce on their own... successful works...

He has learned a lot about magical creatures from books, but he has rarely come into contact with them.

After a moment, Wade raised his head and said affirmatively: "House elves."

Professor Mori smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, it is a house elf."

"Legend has it that the ancient wizards felt that life was inconvenient because they were far away from people, so various elves were born from nature."

"Gollandlin helps craftsmen improve their skills and make tools;"

"Dwarf elves provide help for farms, and some even help people make shoes;"

"Wine cellar spirits help people manage food and wine, but they also steal wine themselves;"

"Cobb will help milk cows, pick eggs, and clean the yard;"

"Brown elves help people do housework with extraordinary speed and efficiency, but if they are paid, they will disappear forever."

" At the same time, because of the evil thoughts of wizards, many bad elves were born from swamps, tree roots, and dark forests. "

"Goblins create disasters, red hats hunt for blood, magic spirits make animals sick, Pixie makes people lost, and Berdock scares children at night."

"Some of these elves have become legends, and we don't know if they really exist; but some... you can learn about them in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

Wade nodded: "There are red hats in the third grade textbook... Are house elves the descendants of those good elves?"

Excluding the part where the whole world is centered on wizards, those legends in the magic world are likely to be true even if they sound beyond imagination.

"'Descendants' is too mild, Wade."

Professor Murray said: "To be precise, the ancient wizards used extreme means to strip away the parts of the elves that were not good for humans-"

"Such as laziness, theft, mischief... and dignity."

"The first house elves were born from experiments."

"But their magic power is too weak, their work efficiency is greatly reduced, and they are often even harmed by livestock."

"So the ancient wizards made some changes to them-integrating the blood of the goblins, so that the house elves also have powerful magic."

"But the goblins don't seem to regard the house elves as their own kind?" Wade asked.

"Of course not." Professor Murray said slowly: "The goblins are very proud. In their eyes, house elves are lowly creatures and are not worthy of being called their own kind."

"After the house elves have powerful magic, they are no longer willing to be enslaved by wizards."

"Their predecessors - such as brown elves and dwarf elves - like to work for wizards, but they are proud creatures. If they feel insulted, they will even harbor malice towards their masters."

Wade nodded and said: "That's why there is a record of the elf rebellion in the History of Magic."

More than half of the wars between wizards and alien races in "History of Magic" came from goblins, so many students did not pay attention to the subtle difference in the expression, and regarded the goblin rebellion and the elf rebellion as the same thing.

"Yes." Professor Murray sighed: "Although the number of times is not large, the house elves have also rebelled several times."

"Wizards are reluctant to completely destroy this kind of creation, so they can only transform their thoughts and erase their personalities again and again, and plant the mark of absolute obedience in their minds, so that they are willing to be enslaved by wizards."

"Thus, the most ideal slaves were domesticated."

"But there is only one thing, rooted in the soul of this creature, which wizards cannot eliminate no matter what - that is, life is born with a yearning for freedom."

"So wizards and house elves have an unchangeable contract - when the master gives them clothes, they will be free."


Wade remembered the attitude of the elves towards freedom in the original plot, and the exiled elf named "Sparkling".

"Almost all the elves I know hate freedom. If they are exiled by their masters, they will feel very humiliated and miserable."

"Yes - miserable."

Professor Murray's smile was somewhat sarcastic.

"The exiled house elves are free. They can go anywhere - including the home of their original owner."

"But look, have any exiled elves returned?"

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