The afternoon class was History of Magic, and Ravenclaw and Slytherin attended the class together. Sitting in front of Wade was a boy with light blond hair, and he was followed by two chubby little followers. Wade recognized the boy as Draco Malfoy, the villain who had been at loggerheads with the protagonist for seven years in the original book. But the relationship between Slytherin and Ravenclaw was okay, and Malfoy did not spray venom at everyone. On the contrary, except that he spoke in a somewhat arrogant manner and liked to show off his family background and wealth intentionally or unintentionally, he was still polite in the classroom.

However, he must have a different attitude towards his nemesis Harry Potter.

When Professor Binns appeared in the classroom through the wall, Malfoy was still talking bad about Harry Potter to his followers: "Showing off the scar on his head all day long, as if it was so great - and hanging out with the stinky Weasleys, his whole body was covered with the shabby smell of their family -"

The surrounding Ravenclaws looked sideways and quietly distanced themselves from the Slytherins.

——No matter what happens in the future, Harry Potter is still a hero in the eyes of many wizards. These children in the school basically grew up listening to his stories. Draco Malfoy's words naturally disgusted everyone, and at the same time reminded others of some facts that have been covered up.

"I heard that Malfoy - I mean Draco Malfoy's father is a Death Eater who follows the mysterious man -" Michael whispered to Wade: "It is said that after the mysterious man was defeated by Harry Potter, his father claimed that he was under the Imperius Curse and donated a lot of money to the Ministry of Magic, so he escaped from prison. Look at his appearance, it is obvious that his father still hates Harry Potter for defeating his master, so he is influenced by his father..."

Wade shook his head secretly in his heart. He knew that Draco Malfoy must not have thought so much. He seemed to want to make friends with Harry Potter at first, but his arrogant attitude made Harry Potter look down on him - how could the arrogant young master suffer such grievances? So he persisted in opposing the savior.

"Don't take it lightly, and don't get close to Malfoy." Michael reminded: "Their family is the one that cares most about bloodline among the twenty-eight holy families."

"Twenty-eight holy families?" This involves Wade's knowledge blind spot.

"It is twenty-eight pure-blood families, there are no Muggles in their ancestors, and no one in the family has married with Muggles." Michael said indifferently: "But my father said it was all nonsense, because many of the families listed in the list have Muggle ancestors, or they claim to have Muggle ancestors."


It must be said that the history of magic is indeed a boring class. Because the ghost professor Binns who taught them has been teaching them in a hypnotic voice, reading from the book, neither asking questions nor caring about what the students are doing, speaking with a wheezing sound and unclear tone. In less than five minutes, half of the students in the classroom lay down, and the remaining half were basically either dozing off or secretly drawing squares on the parchment for taking notes to play chess games.

Wade blocked out Professor Binns' hypnotic voice, drew a timeline on paper, and listed important dates, historical figures, and major events in the history of magic - these are also the things that are tested in the magic history exams in the wizarding world. On Wade's desk was a book called "Hogwarts: A History of the School" borrowed from the library. Comparing the two, one can't help but wonder what kind of magnificent adventures and struggles the four founders of Hogwarts had in history, and what role Hogwarts played in the next thousand years.

History itself is actually very interesting, but Professor Binns made this class unattractive.

When the get out of class was over, Professor Binns' voice stopped abruptly and slowly floated away through the wall. Wade woke up Michael, and the two went to the library together to complete the homework of the history of magic - a one-foot-long paper on the reign of terror of the demon Emeric.

"No one in the whole Hogwarts is more diligent than you." Michael muttered while doing his homework: "I bet other students must wait until the last day to do their homework!"

Before he finished speaking, a shaky figure passed by the two of them - Hermione was carrying a thick stack of books. When she saw Wade, she stopped and put the books on the table. Michael felt that the whole desk shook.

"Hi, Wade." Hermione greeted him, sat down directly, and asked: "How is Ravenclaw?"

"Except that there are too many stairs to climb, there is nothing wrong." Wade introduced: "Hermione, this is Michael Corner. Michael, this is Hermione Granger, we met on the train."

"Hello." Hermione was very brave and enthusiastic like a little lion. She stretched out her hand directly: "Are you also a Ravenclaw?"

Michael looked at the height of the stack of books, swallowed his saliva, shook hands and hesitated: "But... maybe?"

In front of these two people, he deeply felt that he might not be worthy of calling himself a Ravenclaw.

"-Maybe?" Hermione frowned.

Feeling the blood pressure of some kind of biological chain, Michael's stature inexplicably shrank a little. He whispered, "Can I ask... why did you take so many books? Are you going to read them all?"

"Of course! These are the books I plan to finish reading this week." Hermione said as a matter of course.

Michael's face turned pale, and he looked at Wade with his eyes - what's going on? A week? More curious than you?

Wade raised his eyebrows slightly at him.

Michael stopped complaining about Wade dragging him to do homework and lowered his head to concentrate on completing the rest of his paper. Wade, who had already completed the paper, continued to make his own timeline.

"Oh, your method is quite useful." Hermione leaned over to take a look and suggested, "But I think it would be more inspiring to combine it with Muggle history."

"Well, I plan to add to that later." Wade pushed the part he had completed to her and said, "You've read more books than me. Can you help me check if there is anything that needs to be revised in the previous part?"

"Let me see." Hermione did not refuse. After reading it carefully, she said, "Here, the specific time when the wand was born is unknown. Melaena Sims's main contribution is to study the magical properties of 18 kinds of wand wood, and propose the wand adaptation theory and Sims formula..."

She pulled out a book from her pile of books and flipped it open: "In 382 BC, the Ollivander family began to make wands. To this day, the best wand makers are still the Ollivander family. I think this is also a test point..."

The quill pen quickly recorded on the parchment, and Madam Pince cast a vigilant eye over here from time to time, as if ready to drive a few people out at any time if they made a loud noise.

Michael, who was working on his thesis, felt that he was becoming increasingly insignificant. He listened for a while, then silently pulled out a piece of paper and prepared to copy the timeline of the history of magic that Wade had revised. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he nudged Wade with his elbow and whispered, "Look!"

Theo was standing outside the library door, looking around. He probably just came back from the Herbology class, and he was still covered in greenhouse soil, so Madam Pince didn't allow them to come in. Meeting Wade and Michael's gaze, Theo happily waved his hand, motioning them to go out.

Wade said goodbye to Hermione, and packed up with Michael to go out. Seeing Ryan and Theo at the door, looking dirty, he asked, "Is there anything urgent?"

The two Hufflepuffs looked at each other, and Ryan indicated with his chin, "Go ahead, you asked Professor Sprout."

Theo smiled and said, "Wade, didn't you say you wanted to find a quiet place to practice spells this morning? Professor Sprout of the Herbology class is the head of our Hufflepuff house. After class, I stayed to help the professor, and after class, I went to ask him courageously-"

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