The water in the crucible soon emitted white gas. Wade added the snake fang powder and then the nettles. He stirred twice clockwise and three times counterclockwise. The crushed nettles melted quickly like ice cubes.

At this time, there were sudden screams in the classroom, and a green smoke hissed out. Some students were yelling in pain as their skin was corroded by the failed potion. Theo was startled, "What's going on?"

"Don't be distracted!" Wade didn't even look over there. He kept silent for a few seconds and added the slug to the list.

"Theo, open the cauldron."

Theo immediately executed it (he was still wearing dragon leather gloves), while Wade waited a moment, added two porcupine quills, and stirred five times clockwise.

The potion immediately underwent changes visible to the naked eye. The disgusting brown-green liquid quickly turned into a green, jelly-like color - this was exactly the color written in the book after the potion was successfully brewed.

Theo looked at the potion in surprise, then at the book, and exclaimed: "It worked! Wade, you did it in one go!"

At the other end of the classroom, Snape, who had just dealt with a potion accident and scolded a few students, heard the sound and strode over. He lowered his head, examined it carefully, and finally looked at Theo nervously. With a look in his eyes he reluctantly said: "Not bad, it has reached the standard. One point added - for each person."


"——It is said that Professor Snape rarely adds points to houses other than Slytherin. I mean, it would be great to be able to add back the deducted points." On the way after class, Theo excitedly told his friend Ryan Said: "And after we finish the potion, we can use the remaining time to prepare the cough potion for the next class. Next time Professor Snape asks a question, I will never be unable to answer a sentence!"

Ryan was also happy for him and added: "The potions in our group have always been a bit poor - they exude a strange smell. I wonder if the brewing time is too short..."

"Hi, Vader!" A voice came from behind. Michael quickly caught up with Vader and said, "I want to ask, how did you get that light green color? I also followed Professor Snape's steps exactly. I made it, but I don’t know why, but the color is a bit dark.”

"If there are no mistakes in the steps, it should be the difference in material processing." Wade looked at his partner Theo: "Theo processed the materials perfectly. Our final product has almost no impurities."

Michael looked at the Hufflepuff in surprise.

Theo didn't seem to be used to being praised. He blushed slightly and quickly changed the subject: "By the way, do you have classes in the afternoon? How about we go to the library to do homework together?"

Before get out of class ended, Snape asked them to write a paper on scabies potion, at least six inches (about 15 centimeters).

"Don't be so anxious, right?" Michael was not happy: "It's not due tomorrow, there are still several days until Friday!"

He automatically counted himself in, even though Theo initially only asked Vader and Ryan.

"I'm going to the library." Wade said, "It's only six inches. I'll finish it quickly. I won't have to think about it all the time."

Ryan also nodded: "Library."

Michael was probably a bit of a procrastinator. He hesitated and looked longingly at the classmates who were discussing exploring the castle or taking a walk by the black lake. Two girls giggled and invited Michael to go to the Quidditch pitch with them, but Michael didn't know why. He hesitated for a while, and finally trotted to join the three Vaders.

"Aren't you going to play?" Wade asked him.

Michael sighed: "If everyone goes to play, of course I want to go. But if someone goes to do homework in advance, I feel guilty when I play."


The library of Hogwarts is on the west side of the castle. The space inside is much larger than it looks from the outside. Vader is sure that some kind of magic to expand the space is used here. The library is divided into several floors, with several stairs moving among them. The criss-crossing bookshelves are lined up silently, containing thousands of books. Between the bookshelves are rows of tan desks.

On the first day of school, there were very few students in the library. When the four little wizards looked at the countless books in wonder at the entrance, the librarian Mrs. Pince noticed them immediately.

She walked over quickly, looked down at the four of them, and asked, "New student?"

Theo, who was standing at the front, nodded.

"No scratching, tearing, folding, staining, damaging, throwing books, no making noise, no eating in the library, understand?" Mrs. Pince said sternly.

Theo nodded quickly, as if he had a vision of Professor Snape.

"You are not allowed to go to the restricted book area. You can read the books in the ordinary area, but you are not allowed to scribble on them! If you want to take them out of the library, you must get my permission. Remember?"

Everyone nodded together again.

Mrs. Pince asked again: "What book are you looking for?"

"Uh... scabies potion... books related to potions." Michael said.

Mrs. Pince waved the wand in a circle, and a dozen books flew from several bookshelves.

"These should be enough, go and study." Mrs. Pingsi said with a faint smile on her face.

Several people hugged their books and found a seat by the window to sit down. Michael flipped through the pages, probably considering that there were four of them, two of each kind of book, and the thinnest one was an inch thick - this had to be seen when?

He flipped through a few books at random, but felt that he didn't understand a single word. He wondered if he could first copy a hundred or two hundred words from the text, and then find a book to excerpt a few sentences to make up the length. Then he heard the sound of a feather pen "swishing" across parchment next to him.

"Ved?" Michael asked in surprise: "Did you know how to write so quickly?"

"Huh?" Ved didn't even raise his head: "It's not very difficult."

There were a few books in front of him, and he wrote four or five lines in a short time, and the words were not particularly large.

Not only Michael and Theo were dumbfounded, but even Ryan, who had never talked much, couldn't help but look at what Ved had written.

Ved looked at the expressions of the crowd and realized that he had overlooked for a moment - the children in front of him were all eleven years old, not his classmates in college who could easily write a thousand or eight hundred word essay. If these children were from wizard families, they would not even have received systematic school education. Even if they had attended elementary school in a Muggle school, they might not have written many essays.

He didn't mind sharing his essay experience with a few people.

"Writing a paper is actually very simple." Wade pulled out a blank piece of parchment and whispered as he wrote on it, "Just build a simple framework and fill it with appropriate content. First, briefly introduce the scabies potion; second, the history of this potion, such as who invented it and who improved it; third, write about the configuration process and precautions; fourth, analyze why the potion does not meet the standards, what accidents will occur if the configuration is improper, how to deal with the accidents, etc.; fifth, you can analyze in detail the effects of several materials and their reactions to each other. For this, please refer to "One Thousand Magical Herbs" and "Common See Introduction to Magical Potion Materials. Sixth, write about the symptoms corresponding to the scabies potion, the causes of the disease, symptoms, potion usage, past cases, etc. You can also compare with similar potions, such as comparing their materials, brewing time, cost price, efficacy, etc. Finally, you can simply summarize and write down your own ideas. There are too many things to write about. You can choose two or three at random and you should be able to complete a qualified paper. "

The three of them were silent for a long time, and suddenly they took out parchment at the same time and began to copy quickly-not to do homework, but to copy down everything Wade wrote.

"You are such a genius! Wade!" Michael praised as he copied: "This is simply a thesis secret book!"

Theo nodded: "That's right! I feel that no matter what kind of paper I will write in the future-let alone six inches, I can write six feet!"

Ryan stopped writing, he thought about it, and said seriously: "Six feet is not good! Six feet is still too much, I can't write it. "

Wade and the other two couldn't help laughing.

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