The first-year class schedule at Hogwarts is very relaxed. For example, on Monday, Vader only had two potions classes in the morning.

After breakfast, a group of Ravenclaw freshmen walked to the underground classroom together. As the environment gradually became colder, the students' faces gradually became a little pale.

"I heard that Professor Snape, who teaches Potions class, is the dean of Slytherin House." Michael, who was walking next to Vader, took the initiative to talk to him in order to ease the tense atmosphere: "Did you notice it during the sorting last night? It’s the teacher with black hair and a hooked nose.”

"Of course." Padma said, "I have to say, we'd better not provoke him."

Everyone arrived at the Potions classroom in silence. There were rows of glass jars in the cabinets against the wall, containing various animal specimens. Some timid children seemed to be scared to cry when they looked at them, and they sat down tremblingly. The farthest point from the specimen. Wade directly chose the corner position - he was not afraid of dead specimens, but he was worried that some classmates would make mistakes and harm himself.

After a while, Hufflepuff students arrived in droves, and their reactions were similar to those of the new Ravenclaw students. However, Ravenclaw, who came first, had already taken advantage of the situation, and the Hufflepuff students had to disperse to the edge.

There were also two more Hufflepuff students near Vader's originally empty corner.

"Hello, my name is Theo, Theo Mancini. He is Ryan Carrow." The brown-haired Hufflepuff boy was the first to greet Wade: "Excuse me, who are you -?"

"Vade Gray."

"Vade?" Theo Mancini asked curiously: "Do you know the professor of our class——"

The blond boy named Ryan suddenly said: "Theo, stop talking." He said: "The professor is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, the classroom door was slammed open, and a man in black wizard robes strode in. His face was cold and menacing. Many students subconsciously shrank their necks, and the classroom suddenly became silent.

Snape scanned the students in the classroom, took out the roster and began to call names. Seeing that no one was late for the first period, his expression finally softened a little.

"Potion is a very precise course -" Snape said in a low voice like a whisper: "Strict procedures and precise proportions need to be followed. If anyone changes the potion formula without authorization, or arbitrarily Adding or subtracting material components, or foolishly waving a magic wand in an attempt to cover up a mistake——"

His cold eyes swept over the silent new students, focusing on the Hufflepuff students wearing yellow and black striped ties——

"I will make him realize deeply what terrible consequences the wrong potion will bring."

Theo swallowed nervously, as if Snape's words meant something to him. Vader suddenly felt something was wrong - he chose a corner position to avoid interference, but there seemed to be a landmine buried next to him.

As if there was a radar on his head, Snape immediately caught some kind of cub's apprehension and said without even looking at the roster: "Theo Mancini!"

"Yes!" Theo stood up in a hurry, almost knocking the crucible over: "Yes, Professor."

"How do you deal with slugs when making scabies potion?" asked Snape.

Seven or eight arms were raised in the classroom, most of them were Ravenclaw students.

The good news - Snape didn't go out of his way to make things difficult for the students. The questions he asked were exactly what was in the first chapter of the textbook.

Bad news - Theo didn't preview the textbook ahead of time.

The boy said shakily: "I-I don't know, sir."

"Sit down!" Snape said coldly: "For not previewing the text in advance, one point will be deducted from Hufflepuff. Wade Gray!"

He casually nodded at the Ravenclaw sitting next to him.

Wade stood up immediately: "Cook for five minutes, sir."

"Correct answer." Snape nodded, but instead of giving points to Ravenclaw, he immediately asked another question: "Michael Corner, what is the role of nettles?"

"Yes - it can treat inflammation, hair loss - and stop bleeding," Michael stammered.

"Not bad." Snape nodded and told him to sit down, and then asked: "Hannah Abbott? When should the porcupine quills be added?"

The blonde girl stood up with tears in her eyes, as if Snape would burst into tears if he said another word.

Snape looked away and called the other person's name: "Rian Carrow?"

Ryan had already quickly opened the book and read it when he started to ask the question. This question was specifically emphasized in the book.

"——After turning off the engine, Professor." Ryan said as calmly as possible.

Snape glanced down and glanced at the textbook he had opened: "I hope you can put the knowledge into your mind in advance instead of just rushing in during class to pray for Merlin's blessing!"

Ryan's mouth was still tight as he sat down, and Theo patted his arm comfortingly.

Snape wasn't targeting anyone in this lesson - he was targeting everyone. The stormy question gave everyone a severe blow. When the explanation officially began, Hufflepuff had been deducted thirteen points, and Ravenclaw had also been deducted five points.

In silence, Snape began to instruct everyone to prepare the scabies potion. He divided everyone into groups of two according to their seats, and then waved his wand, and the detailed steps were listed on the blackboard. Everyone hurriedly took up their pens and wrote them down. Wade found that there were some minor adjustments between the content on the blackboard and the steps in the book. If they followed the content in the book completely, they might not be able to prepare the results that would satisfy the professor.

"Sorry." Theo, who was in the same group with Wade according to his seat, whispered: "I didn't preview the text in advance, but I will try not to hold you back."

His amber eyes were very sincere, and Wade's depressed mood because he was originally grouped with a "student scumbag" was relieved.

"Nothing." Wade said, "The preparation of scabies potion is very simple. As long as you follow the steps, there shouldn't be much of a problem."

Theo went to the shelf next to him to get the herbs. Wade weighed them on a scale and pushed the snake's fang to Theo with a knife: "You handle the materials, I'll be responsible for boiling."


Theo responded, put on protective dragon leather gloves, and then put the snake's fang into a mortar and ground it into powder. Wade picked up four slugs with tweezers and put them into the crucible to boil, while carefully controlling the heat with a magic wand.

A few minutes later, Wade took out the discolored slugs and put them aside for later use. He changed the water and heated it again, and reviewed the boiling steps again. Theo next to him had already processed the snake's fang powder and was now chopping the dry nettles.

Wade was a little surprised to find that although this Hufflepuff student looked a little clumsy, he was very careful. The processed powder was fine and uniform, without any rough particles or impurities.

Maybe this partner is not bad.

Vader thought.

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