Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 113 Call the police? I can help

The Dursleys were having dinner. On the table were butter shortbread, fried cod, sausages and vegetable soup. Dudley also had a portion of fragrant mashed potatoes.

"I don't want to eat this!" Dudley lost his temper: "I want cheese bread! I also want barbecue."

"Make it tomorrow morning, Dada." Petunia looked at her chubby son lovingly and said, "You have to eat fat before school starts."

She always felt that her son would not have enough food at school.

"I want barbecue now! Otherwise I won't eat!"

Dudley said stubbornly, and a layer of tears quickly accumulated in his eyes, as if he had suffered a great injustice.

Petunia Dursley was immediately flustered and said quickly: "Okay, okay, wait a moment. Mom will make you barbecue."

She got up to go to the kitchen, and at this moment, the whole family heard the doorbell.

"Who is coming to visit today?" Petunia asked curiously.

"No guests... maybe they're here to deliver mail."

Fennon wanted to call Harry to open the door, but suddenly remembered that he had locked the boy up, so he had to push the chair away and open the door himself.

Two strangers, one big and one small, stood outside the door. They were well-dressed, had extraordinary demeanor, and were not holding mail.


Fennon's unhappiness about being interrupted at dinner quickly subsided after he saw who was coming.

He began to try to recall... Is the man in front of him a business partner?

Fennon asked politely, "What do you want, sir?"

Penny heard the voice and walked out of the kitchen. When she saw the man at the door, she felt that he looked familiar.

"Hello, Mr. Dursley." Lupin said indifferently, "I do have some important things, but I'm not here to see you."

Fennon didn't know what was wrong with him. He involuntarily made way and watched this man, whose name he didn't even know, walk towards his home.

"Wait - who are you looking for?"

Fennon hurriedly caught up and asked.

Petunia at the door suddenly gasped, her arms trembling, and she pointed at Lupin and said, "You...you...you are...you are the best man..."

"Remus Lupin." Lupin looked at the thin woman and said, "I haven't seen you for twelve years, Mrs. Dursley."

Fennon looked at them suspiciously, but he trusted his wife more after all, and asked doubtfully, "Do you know him, Petunia?"

"In fact, you should know me, Mr. Dursley."

Lupin walked into the house and glanced at it, and then looked at the owner of the house:

"--We all attended James and Lily's wedding, didn't we?"

Fennon was surprised and said, "You are...you are with that...wizard?"

His voice was squeezed out of a gas tank.

Dudley, who was eating fried cod, screamed suddenly. He dropped the plate, covered his butt in a panic, turned around like a headless fly, and then went into the bathroom, locked the door and refused to come out.

——The last wizard he saw was Hagrid. When they parted, he had a pig's tail as a souvenir, but he had to go to a private hospital to cut it off.

"Oh - my poor Dada -"

Penny hurriedly chased after him, trying to comfort her frightened son, but she heard a "bang" and the door almost hit her face.

Vernon was also startled. He stepped back and grabbed a table knife, pointed it at Lupin with both hands, and shouted: "What do you want to do? Get out! Penny, call the police!"

Lupin was too lazy to deal with them and turned to walk upstairs.

Penny rushed over to call, but the receiver had been lifted up.

"Call the police, right? I can help."

Wade said slowly: "999? Or 116111? I think it's all right."

As he spoke, he pressed the phone number. But before he dialed it, he was pressed by a pair of cold hands.

He raised his eyes and saw Penny said palely: "Can't call the police... Can't call the police, Vernon..."

"What?" Vernon asked loudly. He wanted to go upstairs to stop Lupin, but he was worried about leaving his wife and son behind, so he was too busy to think.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise upstairs, as if the door of the small bedroom was blown open.

Then came Lupin's angry voice: "They give you this to eat?"

Vernon's face was full of anger, but Penny's face showed a bit of embarrassment.

But they had to listen to Wade.

"116111, it's the hotline of the Association for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children."

Wade kindly explained: "This is the only charity organization in the country with legal power."

Vernon looked at him in astonishment, his little eyes moving rapidly.

In the small bedroom, Harry jumped out of bed and looked at the stranger who suddenly broke into the door in horror.

"You... who are you?"

He panicked and grabbed the pillow to block it.

"Come with me, Harry." Lupin took a deep breath and said with tears in his eyes: "I'm a friend of your parents... I'm here to take you away."

Harry hesitated for only a second, then jumped out of bed and grabbed his hand.

For him, there was no worse place than the Dursleys. He suspected that he would starve to death many times.

"Wait, Hedwig!"

Harry ran over and picked up his owl cage.

Lupin looked at the bowl next to him with disgust. There was only a little clear vegetable soup at the bottom of the bowl, and there were only a few wrinkled vegetables in the owl's food bowl.

The living room on the first floor.

"Of course you can call 999 to report the incident, but I want to remind you that as a guardian, it is illegal to deliberately fail to provide adequate food, clothing, medical care or accommodation to a ward under the age of 14 with the financial ability."

Wade said calmly: "If I am not mistaken, Harry was locked in the room upstairs by you? The windows are nailed shut."

"Imprisoning children, abusing children, and neglecting children are all crimes. Physical abuse, emotional abuse, and domestic violence are all child abuse. If reported, you will be fined and imprisoned."

"Your behavior has violated "Child Abuse Prevention Act", "Child Guardianship Act", and "Children's Act" promulgated three years ago. "

"If you don't believe it, you can check it out. Or call the police and let the police judge right and wrong."

"I just don't know, if you and your wife are arrested by the police and go to jail, what will the neighbors think of you? Your dada...what will happen to his situation at school?"

"How...how do you know this?" Petunia asked in disbelief: "You are the same weird...the same person as them, right?"

These laws, let alone wizards, even ordinary people can't understand much.

"My parents don't know magic either, and I grew up in the same environment as you."

Wade raised his voice slightly: "What do you think, Harry? If you choose to call the police, I'm sure this couple will be punished."

The Dursleys turned around in panic, and saw that Harry had followed Lupin downstairs without knowing when.

The two were immediately terrified.

Police... jail... Dudley will be bullied by his classmates... maybe he will be persuaded to drop out...

Their future was suddenly shrouded in a terrible shadow, and this shadow was brought by the little devil they had never taken seriously.

Harry's heart was filled with hatred.

For a moment, he really wanted to call the police, send the couple to jail, and let everyone in the world know his grievances.

But he opened his mouth, and he couldn't make up his mind to speak several times. Finally, he scratched his hair and said, "I... let's go..."

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