Lupin looked somewhat disapproving, but after a moment of silence, he finally respected Harry's choice.

The Dursleys breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, but their expressions were distorted when they thought of being "forgiven" by Harry.


Harry looked at Lupin, not knowing how to address him, and looked at Wade for help.

"This gentleman is Remus Lupin, my tutor and a close friend of your father."

Wade introduced, "You can trust him."

"Mr. Lupin." Harry pointed to the location under the stairs and asked, "Can you help me open this lock?"

"Of course."

Lupin was eager to do something for him at this time, and immediately used the unlocking spell to open the lock. By the way, he glanced at the small and dark storage room without paying too much attention.

Harry handed the owl cage to Wade, squatted in front of the storage room, and turned out various personal belongings from it - wands, robes, magic books, cauldrons, broomsticks, and the friend book at the bottom.

As soon as the summer vacation started, Vernon locked all his things in this small storage room. Harry tried his best to at least keep the Book of Friends from him...

"It's just one or two pieces of parchment!"

He couldn't reach the Book of Friends in Uncle Vernon's hand even if he jumped up, so he could only shout angrily.

But because of his care, Vernon took the Book of Friends first and hid it in the deepest place.

"Don't even think about it!" Vernon shouted at him in a terrifying voice: "Don't even think about polluting our house with your evil things!"


Harry shook his head, as if to get rid of those bad memories and this dark storage room from his mind.

He stuffed all his things into the box randomly, stood up and showed a relieved smile, saying: "Wade, Mr. Lupin, let's go."

He didn't look at the pale and stiff Dursleys, nor did he care about Dudley shivering in the bathroom. Every step he took out of the house, happiness swelled in his heart.

Wade accompanied him to leave, and asked by the way: "Did you hear what I just said?"

"Yeah." Harry responded, his tone was very soft.

"You should know that not only today, but before you turn 18, the Children's Act will protect your legal rights." Wade said.

The Dursleys turned pale, and they looked like they wanted to cover his mouth.

Of course, Wade said it deliberately for them to hear.

Harry thought he could leave the Dursleys forever, but Wade knew that he would have to come back here every year to live for a period of time before graduation.

He reminded Harry: "Don't think that you can't fight against adults if you lose your wand. In the world of ordinary people, the law is a weapon that can protect you."

"I know, thank you... Wade."

Harry said gratefully.

No one has ever told him that he can protect himself in this way.

He certainly understood that Wade was giving him a powerful weapon... Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia were so afraid that their family would be "different", and no one knew it better than him.

If the police came to the doorstep, it would be no different for the two men to die.

Lupin followed them silently, and before leaving, he turned and looked at the Dursleys.

"I know you and Lily didn't have a good relationship back then." He said coldly: "But if... if you and your wife had an accident eleven years ago..."

"James and Lily would never treat your son like this!"


The few of them walked quietly for a while.

Because of Lupin's last words, Harry's eyes suddenly became wet. He tried to blink and secretly wiped them quickly with his sleeve.

Wade and Lupin pretended not to see it.

When the wetness in his eyes was finally suppressed, Harry heard Hedwig screaming loudly in the cage.

Wade raised the cage, frowned at the snow-white owl, and asked, "Is it hungry?"

"Ah, it's bored!" Harry hurriedly pulled the latch on the cage: "It has been locked in the cage and hasn't stretched its wings for a long time."

As soon as the cage was opened, Hedwig couldn't wait to fly out and disappeared from the sky in an instant.

Harry watched it disappear, and his stomach suddenly made a gurgling sound. He quickly covered his hungry stomach and looked at the other two awkwardly.

"Uh... where are we going..."

Wade and Lupin stopped and looked at each other.

"Let's go to the farm first." Wade said, "Everyone is waiting for Harry there!"

Lupin nodded, "I also need time to prepare, at least there is a house... uh..."

He said awkwardly, "Harry, I don't think I've asked you yet, are you willing to live with me?"

"Although you are still a stranger to me, James and I are really good friends... If you are willing, I will take care of you like a father..."

"Live with you?" Harry said, "You mean... leave the Dursleys?"

"Of course." Lupin bent down and said seriously, "I have been homeless for the past ten years, and I still live in a tavern now... But if you want, I can buy a house, the conditions may not be too good..."

"Of course I am willing!" Harry interrupted him and said excitedly, "Are you short of money? I have a deposit in Gringotts..."

Harry would be happy to leave the Dursleys.

Although he didn't know Lupin yet, he trusted him, and the impression Lupin left on him was a million times better than Uncle Vernon.

"You don't have to pay, Harry, that's the legacy your parents left you."

Lupin touched his head with a smile and said, "Thanks to Torvid, I now have some savings... and houses in the countryside are not expensive."

He looked at the two of them and said, "I'll take you to Graling Farm first... When I'm ready, Harry, I'll pick you up."

"Great... Farm?"

Harry realized it belatedly.

"You missed a lot." Wade said, "Let's talk on the way."

He raised his wand, and soon, a purple bus jumped out, and the trash cans on the side of the road jumped away flexibly, scaring Harry.

"Welcome to the Knight Bus, an emergency bus for witches or wizards in distress--"

The young man with a pair of protruding ears leaned forward. Before he finished his opening remarks, Wade had already thrown down a few gold Galleons and pushed Harry onto the bus.

"Graling Farm, thank you. And--chocolate too."

"Okay, okay... you're like a regular customer now, right?"

Stan Shunpike put the Galleons into his pocket and offered hot chocolate with a smile.

Harry couldn't wait to take a big sip. When the bitter and sweet fragrance melted on his tongue, he felt that his hungry stomach was finally relieved.

A new life seemed to be gradually unfolding in front of him.

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