After walking out of the greenhouse and looking at the distance from here to the castle, Vader decisively raised his wand:

"Here comes the broom!"

A broomstick passed through the window of Ravenclaw Tower, drew an arc in the air, and stopped steadily beside Vader.

He got on the broom and flew back to the dormitory skillfully.

Wade had thought before that if he wanted to buy a broom, he would definitely buy a new one that had not been used by others.

Just like buying a car, he doesn’t want a second-hand car.

But since the three house elves happily gave him this broomstick, Vader no longer thought so.

So what if it sweeps 140?

He wasn't going to Quidditch. As a temporary means of transportation, an old broom can perform the same function as a new one.

What is placed on this broom is an extremely sincere heart. This is more precious than a competition broom purchased for thousands of galleons.

Moreover, after Vader got it, he modified the magic attached to the broom many times. Although this broom is not as fast as the Nimbus series, its stability and comfort are not bad at all.

Wade returned to the dormitory and took a quick shower. The bell was already ringing in the castle. He put on clean clothes and came to the auditorium, where many students were already having lunch.

Wade randomly picked an empty seat and sat down. He had just forked a piece of steak and toast for himself, and Michael sat next to him as usual.

Wade glanced at him in surprise.

Michael raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

He reached for a piece of treacle pie and chose between several types of roasted meat.

Wade lowered his eyes and smiled: "After being said that today, I thought you would distance yourself from me."

Michael clicked his tongue.

"Why should I push away my friends because of what my enemies say?" He shook his finger: "If I were so easily provoked, I would have separated from you in the herbal medicine class."


Wade nodded, and the faint worries in his heart were blown away.

Michael looked over at the Slytherin table.

Malfoy was still in a bad mood. He didn't eat much and seemed to have a conflict with the people next to him. He pushed his plate away and strode out of the auditorium.

Crabbe and Goyle seemed to want to catch up, but looking at the food on the long table, they finally stayed.

Michael narrowed his eyes.

Bad ideas bubbled out of Michael's mind like bubbles.

Suddenly, a beautiful girl passed by him, her reddish blond curly hair seemed to be glowing, and Michael's eyes were unconsciously attracted to her.

Someone nearby let out a loud "hum", walked past Michael, and bumped him so hard that he almost fell into the plate.

Michael was about to get angry, but the person who bumped into him turned out to be Padma.

The girl glared at him condescendingly, with eyes like knives. Michael immediately looked back and smiled flatteringly.

"Have you eaten, Padma?"

Padma snorted again, turned around and walked away with the girls in the same dormitory.

Michael rubbed his nose awkwardly.

After Padma walked away, he unconsciously looked at the girl just now, and was surprised to find that it was Marietta who was in third grade.

A girl whose appearance was not outstanding in the past.

But after just one summer vacation, she turned out to be picturesque, extraordinarily dazzling and charming.

"It's so sudden for girls to change..." Michael said with emotion.

"What?" Wade was confused.


Michael was about to speak when he suddenly realized that it wasn't just Marietta. Many girls in the auditorium...and even some boys...looked to have changed dramatically since last semester.

To put it simply, everything looks better.

He touched his tanned face at the beach and was a little shocked.

"It's so weird." Michael said to Wade: "Why is it that everyone else is getting prettier, but I'm the only one getting darker?"

Vader looked around and suddenly understood, and asked, "No one in your family subscribes to Wizarding Weekly, right?"

"Yes." Michael said, "Isn't it usually witches who subscribe?"

"Wizard Weekly" is a magazine that publishes celebrity gossip, divination quizzes, recipe knitting and advice columns, and is very popular with witches.

Michael's mother is an ordinary person. In addition to the Daily Prophet, their family only subscribes to women's magazines published by Muggles.

"A few days ago, "Wizard Weekly" published an article. If you read it, you will know why."

Wade pulled a magazine out of his bag and handed it to Michael.

One of the shapes of the pencil case is designed to be like a schoolbag. Because it doesn't weigh much, he usually stuffs a lot of messy things into it and is too lazy to take it out.

Michael took the magazine and looked at him strangely: "Vade, will you still subscribe to Wizarding Weekly?"

Wade's expression remained normal: "This is the sample magazine someone sent me."

Michael opened the magazine and saw several comparison pictures at first glance, all in color.

Witches in their twenties, fifties and sixties, middle-aged bald wizards, and young men with freckles.

The same person wears the same clothes and stands in the same position to take pictures. In one photo, his face is gray and his skin is rough; in the other photo, his face is radiant and his skin is delicate and soft.

Looking again, this is an article introducing the new product of Aslan’s Magic Workshop, the Soft Light Badge.

Every line of the article is telling others that a small badge can make ordinary people instantly have the beauty comparable to that of a veela.

And it implies that people who do not wear this badge in the future will most likely lose love, lose confidence, and lose a harmonious family.


Aslan Magic Workshop?

Michael immediately grabbed Wade's arm: "Wade, this is not your invention, right?"

Wade nodded and asked: "Why are you excited? This is a female-oriented product."

"Who said that!"

Michael opened the magazine with a "wow" and pointed to the two wizards on display.

"Did you see it? The pursuit of beauty is gender-neutral! Many boys in the school must have worn badges!"

He said it! Today Malfoy actually looks more refined than usual.

But that guy usually looks good, and he didn't notice a very obvious difference. But some people have changed so much that it's like they have changed their faces.

"Well... boys also wear it, so what?"

Wade leaned to the side and asked.

"You must have one ready-made, right?" Michael said anxiously, "Sell me one! I want it this afternoon!"

"Forget selling, I can give it to you directly. Please note that it is valid for only one month."

Wade took out a bunch of badges from his bag and handed them to Michael.

When the new product was launched, Marchionne still sent not only magazines but also a bunch of samples as before. Wade stuffed them into his bag without planning to use them.

Michael put them away with a smile on his face and said, "How can I be so embarrassed?"

"It's just a sample anyway, and I didn't spend any money." Wade asked, "You are not bad looking, why do you want this kind of thing?"

"Well..." Michael blinked, "It's a secret."

It's still 2,000 words, and this chapter is half sold and half given away.

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