In the afternoon, we had a potion class with Hufflepuff. Wade and Theo were still partners. They stood in the corner, next to Ryan and a boy from Hufflepuff.

Michael and Padma were both in the front.

Wade saw that Padma was unwilling to pay attention to Michael at first, but he leaned over and said a few words, and then secretly stuffed something into Padma, and the girl turned from anger to joy.


Wade shook his head secretly.

It's not strange that Michael likes Padma, but he also likes other beautiful girls. The two of them reconciled today, and they will quarrel sooner or later in the future.

However, emotional matters are like drinking water, and only the cold and warm know it. Maybe they are the kind of quarreling and quarreling happy enemies?

Wade didn't think about it anymore, and went to the storage cabinet at the back with Theo to get the potion materials for today's class.

Looking at the dark cabinet, he suddenly remembered something, reached his hand inside and fumbled, and actually found two tattered "Advanced Potion Making" at the bottom.

"What is this?" Theo asked.

"It looks like a textbook used by a former student."

Wade said, flipping through it casually.

The blank space of one of the books was densely written in small and ugly fonts, even in the gaps between the texts, and the handwriting was difficult to recognize.

Wade stuffed it into his schoolbag and put the other textbook with few notes back.

While brewing the potion, Theo hesitated several times, as if he had some reservations.

"After dinner, let's go to the eighth floor of the castle." Wade whispered.

Theo's eyes lit up immediately.


When Theo saw the Room of Requirement, he was surprised even though he came from a wizard family. Later, he was stunned when he saw the Vanishing Cabinet.

"Is this the vanishing cabinet in the castle?" Theo asked, "I heard it seems to be broken."

"I fixed it." Wade said, "I had an appointment to do an experiment with Remus today... Oh, Remus Lupin, he is my tutor... But I have to go to Professor Sprout for detention now..."

Theo nodded, "Leave the experiment to me... How should I contact Mr. Lupin?"

Wade took out the friend list for contacting Remus from the booklet and left it to Theo, and reminded him of some precautions.

Seeing that the time was close to nine o'clock, Wade went out immediately. As soon as he arrived at the door of the second greenhouse, Professor Sprout arrived.

"Herbalism is the foundation of potions, and transfiguration, divination, and alchemy often involve the application of herbs."

"But talented wizard apprentices often only focus on the therapeutic or toxic effects of herbs, and ignore other effects..."

While opening the greenhouse, Professor Sprout said:

"But those unnoticeable parts are often the basis of plant life. For example..."

The damp air hits the face, and various green plants interweave to form a vibrant picture.

Professor Sprout smiled and asked him: "Wade, do you know how plants germinate?"


After confinement... or tutoring, Wade left the greenhouse with an unspeakable shock.

In his hand, there is also a seed given by Professor Sprout.

It's just a very common dandelion.

Its mother plant is cultivated with many magical plants, so this seed also carries a weak magic power.

This magic power will not turn it into a real magical plant, nor will it have special effects. It can only make it stronger than other similar plants during the growth period.

It was originally like this.

But at this moment, dandelion seeds sprouted in Wade's palm, growing, and leaves unfolded one by one.

In the absence of water and soil, several yellow flowers bloomed quickly, and then withered in a few seconds, turning into fluffy white balls.

When the wind blew, the dandelion seeds fell with the wind, and the withered stems and leaves seemed to turn into dust. In the end, only one seed was left, slowly falling into Wade's palm.

The same process was repeated again, as if a video screen was fast-forwarded.


Wade muttered this ordinary yet extraordinary word, and he had some insights in his heart.

Not only herbs, but even Animagus... and biological alchemy... he got some inspiration.


There was still some time before curfew, and Wade went to the Room of Requirement first.

As expected, Theo had not left yet, but he did not look happy, but seemed to be worried.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned around and sighed, "Wade, the experiment did not succeed."

"What happened?" Wade was stunned for a moment and walked over to ask.

He looked carefully and found that the magic pattern circuit on the vanishing cabinet was still the same, without any defects.

"I don't know what's going on, it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't."

In front of Theo was a piece of parchment, which recorded the items transferred each time, as well as whether the transfer was successful or failed.

"We have experimented a total of fifty times, succeeded thirty-seven times, failed thirteen times, and failed one or two times almost every five times."

Theo's paper was recorded in great detail. Wade saw that the number of failures did not increase with the increase of the magic power of the object, which could be said to be a completely random probability.

"But the good thing is that even if it fails, the transferred items or creatures are not damaged, just like they were locked in the cabinet for a while."

Theo looked at Wade and asked softly: "Is there anything that has not been repaired? Maybe we can ask Professor Murray."

Ved shook his head: "I'm sure it's fixed. I also made some improvements to it according to the method taught by Mr. Scamander... Of course..."

He said with some frustration: "Maybe there is something I haven't found, or they are not compatible very well... If I can't find the problem at all, I can only ask the professor..."

Maybe all the magic must be restored to its original appearance?

But Newt's method is definitely better. There is no need to look at the protagonist's halo. Ved can also judge this with his own magic knowledge.

He repeatedly observed the vanishing cabinet, but still couldn't see where the problem was.

Consulting Professor Murray is a way, but if possible, Ved didn't want to do it.

Just like students in ordinary schools would not run to ask the teacher-what posture do you think I look more handsome when I climb over the wall to skip class.

Theo saw Ved's thoughtful look. Although he didn't understand what Ved could see from the black cabinet, he kept accompanying him quietly, thinking about tonight's experiment, to see if he could summarize any rules.

Suddenly, he noticed a problem.

"Ved," Theo said, "You said you improved this vanishing cabinet..."

"Yeah." Vader sighed.

"Then..." Theo hesitated, not knowing if his guess was right: "Has the other cabinet also been improved?"

Ved turned his head and looked at him, then knocked his forehead hard.

"I'm so stupid... Theo, you're really a genius!"

He finally knew why he failed!

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