Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 130 Demon Hunters and Collective Cheating

After discovering the reason, Wade couldn't wait to improve the other cabinet.

But considering that he had to go to class tomorrow, he could only go back to the dormitory to sleep.

In the morning, there was a transfiguration class.

Transfiguration is a magic that Vader can master quickly without using his eyes.

Perhaps because he has been practicing Occlumency, Vader's thinking is much clearer than that of his previous life, the images formed in his mind are more specific and clear, and the magic guidance is smooth and stable.

This allowed him to succeed in the transformation technique within one or two times at the beginning stage.

And Lupine is also a very good transfiguration teacher.

Three of his companions had successfully become Animagus, and his own understanding and mastery of the theory of transfiguration was enough to be called a master.

His guidance to Vader was always simple and to the point. Vader's learning of the transformation technique was progressing rapidly.

It was Lupine who judged that his current level was enough to start preparing to become an Animagus.

The first is to keep a fresh mandrake leaf in your mouth for a whole month, neither swallowing it nor taking it out.

This process is undoubtedly difficult, because people have to eat and drink water every day; they also chew and swallow unconsciously while sleeping.

So although it is said to be a month, it is not surprising that this process is repeated several times or even a dozen times. Those who cannot persevere will naturally have no choice but to give up.

But now the mandrakes are all seedlings. Professor Sprout said it would be at least another month before the harvested leaves could be used.

All he can do now is continue to practice and improve his transformation skills.

Because Vader's learning progress far exceeded the course content, Professor McGonagall allowed him to practice alone in class. During her inspections, she would come over to provide guidance several times.

The Transfiguration class ended relatively early, and then Vader went to the Astronomy Tower to continue learning bioalchemy with Professor Murray.

When the tutoring session was about to end, a chess piece finally moved.

The white knight turned around a few times on the chessboard, pulled out his long sword, and waved it a few times, as if fighting an invisible enemy.

Then it stood with a sword in both hands and said in a deep voice: "Evil is evil, there is no such thing as big, medium or small!"

Professor Murray smiled and said: "He seems to be a very individual guy... What kind of thoughts did you give it?"

Hearing this, the white knight suddenly raised his head.

"Based on the first impression you gave me, I don't like your attitude, but I will listen to you clearly."

Wade said: "I had read a short story in a magazine before, and the protagonist in it was a witcher. I thought it was interesting, so I gave it a similar idea."

"Interesting... most people only tell the chess pieces what they should do, and the characters are given inadvertently."

Professor Murray said, and asked the chess piece with great interest: "Are you a knight with eight virtues?"

The white knight was silent for a while and then said seriously: "No, I am not a knight, but a witcher!"

"Witcher?" Professor Murray almost laughed: "Do you want to hunt demons and vampires?"

"Laugh at me, I know how hard it is for people to understand each other."

The white knight said seriously: "You may find it hard to believe, but where the sun shines, there are also shadows that cannot shine."

"What if I let you fight the opposite chess piece?" Professor Murray asked.

The white knight looked at the thoughtless black chess pieces, shook his head and said, "I won't hurt innocent people!"

"But you are a chess piece, and this is your mission."

Professor Murray actually started arguing with it.

The white knight said disapprovingly: "I don't agree with the mission you imposed on me. I know what I want to do...even if my road is destined to be lonely."

Seeing that Professor Murray was having a great time, Wade simply kept the chess piece, said goodbye and left.

In the afternoon there is Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

"To hear Leanne and Harry tell it, their Defense Against the Dark Arts class yesterday was a disaster."

During lunch time, Michael talked about the news he heard from the Umbrella House: "Professor Lockhart brought a cage of Cornish elves and made a mess in the classroom before escaping."

"More than that." Padma came over and said, "Several people were bitten or scratched, and Madam Pomfrey was very angry."

Lisa said in disbelief: "I heard that they actually made a set of papers before class! They all asked about Lockhart's favorite color, Lockhart's achievements, etc."

Anthony Goldstein quietly gathered the second-year Ravenclaws into a small room at the back of the Great Hall and slipped each of them a note.

He said: "To be honest, I think the questions Professor Lockhart asked are worthless, and there is no need to read a book about them."

"These are the questions and answers I found out. You should read them in advance and deal with them after class."

"By the way, don't take out the cheat sheets during the exam. After all, you are a professor, so you might have some means of detecting cheating."

"I know." Terry unfolded the note and looked at it, while saying, "I really don't want to please him in this way."

"It is necessary to leave a good first impression." Anthony advised him: "After all, you are a professor, and sometimes we have to get approval slips from him. And if your grades are too bad, he might put you in solitary confinement."

Terry stopped talking.

A group of students looked at the slips, mumbling to themselves, and memorizing the answers quickly.

Although Ravenclaw students were not photographically memorized, few had poor memories.

Some students memorized most of the information after reading it once, and they didn't pursue full marks anyway, so they put the slips down;

Some students - especially most girls - read it two or three times.

Wade was also memorizing the answers silently.

He was not interested in Lockhart, but he also knew that it would be easy to get the approval slip for the restricted area from that person.

So Anthony was right, it was indeed important to leave a good first impression.

But you can't get full marks either.

If the score is too high, the professor might think that you are his fanatical admirer, and you will be dragged up to perform ridiculous dramas in every class in the future, which will be a problem.

After reciting, the students pointed at the slips one after another to avoid being discovered by the professor that they were cheating collectively.

When they arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, the Slytherin students were already there. As soon as the Ravenclaws sat down, Lockhart came in with a stack of papers in his arms.

"Very good, children, it seems that you can't wait to go to class. And you all bought my complete works, I think you must have read all my glorious deeds in them."

Lockhart said in a high and cheerful voice:

"Perhaps some students will think-"

He imitated the shrill voice of a little girl and said: "Oh, when can I be like the great Professor Lockhart-the winner of the Order of Merlin, the third-class medal, the honorary member of the Anti-Dark Magic League, and the five-time winner of the "Wizard Weekly" Most Charming Smile Award-"

He showed a so-called "most charming smile" and said: "--that great?"

"Don't worry, children. I can only say, don't worry." Lockhart encouraged: "As long as you study hard like me, you can become a great wizard one day."

"Well... Now let's take a look at how you all study..."

He handed out the papers.

Wade took a look.

It was exactly the same as what Anthony had inquired about. He didn't even bother to change a question.

The Ravenclaws looked at each other, smiled knowingly, and began to write furiously.

The Slytherins were quite different.

Some were disdainful, some frowned, some admired, and some seemed to be like them, getting the answer in advance and starting to write without thinking.

The feather pen scratched across the parchment, making a "rustling" sound.

Today, Lockhart was destined to get a result that would surprise him.

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