In the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class of the new semester, Lockhart probably learned a lesson from yesterday's failure and didn't get any creatures that he couldn't deal with.

He asked everyone to spend half an hour to write the test paper, and spent the rest of the time commenting on it. From time to time, he also asked students to open his works and read the wonderful passages in them.

That is, the parts that can show his strong, brave, mighty and unyielding qualities.

It was so easy to waste a whole class.

Even so, when the get out of class was over, there were still a few students surrounding Lockhart and asking him for autographs.

"If this happens again in the next class, I might find a way to take a sick leave."

Michael complained to Wade and asked again: "By the way, I thought you wouldn't answer that test paper seriously!"

"I have some books I want to borrow, in the restricted area." Wade said.

"What's so difficult about that? I've never seen anyone more vain than this guy."

Michael said, pulling out a few pieces of parchment, using the copying spell to copy the photo of Lockhart on the cover of the textbook, and then called Padma.

"Padma, Wade wants a few copies of Lockhart's autographs, can you help get them?" Michael asked.

Padma threw her braids behind her back and said confidently: "Leave it to me!"

Today she also wore a phoenix-shaped badge on her collar, and the tiny flaws on her skin were invisible, beautiful and dazzling.

Padma approached like other girls, and soon came back with a few "autographed photos".

"Come to me anytime when you need me." She handed a few pieces of parchment to Wade casually, saying, "I just need to smile foolishly, he can sign a hundred without even looking at them carefully!"

Michael gave a thumbs up: "Thanks to you, it might not be so easy for us."

Wade used his wand to point, and all the copied photos disappeared, leaving only Lockhart's flamboyant signature.

He couldn't help but smile.

He was in a good mood, but not because he got a blank signature slip.

When he went out, Michael bumped him with his shoulder and whispered, "It's easier than you think, right?"

"Wade, don't always have to solve everything by yourself, you can also rely on us."

"Sometimes, things that are difficult for one person may be very simple for someone else, right?"


Wade woke up from his bizarre dream, opened the window, and fresh and humid air rushed in, taking away the turbid air in the room.

It seemed to have rained last night, and the windowsill was wet.

He thought of the faces of the people in his dream that he couldn't see clearly...

Remembered that his father in his previous life once lost everything in order to guarantee for his "best friend".

Remembered that his "good friend" in college stole his research results and published them first, but later deleted the data in his computer, slandered him for plagiarism, and posted it online to encourage netizens to follow the crowd and blast him.

Some things Wade thought he had forgotten long ago, but in fact they have always been engraved in his heart.

But Michael and Theo's words also echoed in his heart.


It is always easy for children to give trust, but the older they get, the more difficult it is.

But doubting everything is just as wrong as trusting everything...If there is no trust, loyalty and friendship will eventually go away.

He took a deep breath and exhaled the filth that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time.

After class in the afternoon, Wade and Michael came to the hunchbacked one-eyed witch on the fourth floor. The two leaned against the window. After several students in the corridor left, Wade said, "I'm leaving."

Michael nodded: "If someone comes to you, I'll help you deal with it."

He pretended to look at the scenery and pay attention to whether there were people around. Wade tapped the stone witch with his wand and whispered, "Separate left and right."

The hunchback of the statue opened immediately, revealing a narrow corridor.

Wade waved to Michael and walked in quickly.

Michael watched the secret passage close, put his hands in his pockets, and walked downstairs slowly, just passing by Filch.

The administrator stared at him gloomily, and Michael nodded at him. He saw a few Slytherin students from the corner of his eye, his eyes lit up, and he immediately walked over there.

Wade slid down the inclined stone slide for a long distance, and then walked forward along the damp and cold secret passage. The ground was rugged and bumpy, and it didn't seem to be artificially excavated.

It was dark and quiet, with only the tip of his wand emitting a bright light.

The secret passage was very long, and after walking for more than an hour, Wade finally saw a long staircase. The staircase extended far above, and it looked like there were hundreds of steps.

Fortunately, he only had to climb this once.

Wade muttered to himself, and climbed up the stairs resignedly. After an unknown amount of time, he saw a trap door appear above his head.

Wade pushed open the trap door, and a hand reached down from above, grabbed Wade's arm, and pulled him out.

Lupin cast a cleansing spell to remove the dirt on his body, and asked with a smile: "Isn't this road difficult to walk?"

Wade calmed his breath and said after a while: "It's much longer than I thought."

He felt like his legs were almost not his own.

Fortunately, he is very young now... or perhaps it is because of the wizard's physique. Wade felt much better after a while.

"This secret passage is indeed long and difficult to walk."

Lupin said, "There is actually a secret passage under the Whomping Willow that leads to the Shrieking Shack. Just press the scar on the tree and it will stop attacking."

"If the Vanishing Cabinet is repaired, I won't need the secret passage." Wade said.

"Why do we have to repair the Vanishing Cabinet?" Lupin said, "You know, compared to the secret passage, the Vanishing Cabinet is always a little dangerous."

"But the secret passage can only take me to the vicinity of Hogwarts. If I want to go somewhere farther, I won't have enough time."

Wade explained, "And even if I'm in class, I don't want to spend too much time on the road."

Lupin didn't ask him where he wanted to go. He was a man with a sense of propriety.

"Pay attention." Lupin said, "I'll make you invisible."

He tapped Wade's head with his wand. Wade closed his eyes and felt it. A cold feeling flowed from the top of his head into his body.

Wade looked at his palm. No matter how he moved, the color of his body would become exactly the same as that of the nearby.

It was like being invisible.

Perhaps only people with very sharp vision can detect such subtle intersections.

"Let's go." Wade said: "After repairing the vanishing cabinet, I hope to learn this spell before returning to school on Sunday."

"It's not easy. This involves the advanced application of the Transfiguration Spell. But if it's you... maybe you can do it."

Lupin closed the trap door, walked behind Wade, and said gently.

The two went up the stairs and came to the back of the counter of Honeydukes. Lupin waved his wand, and a bottle on the shelf suddenly fell over.

The owner was a bald middle-aged man. When he went to pick up the bottle, Lupin and Wade took the opportunity to walk out.

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