Improving the disappearing cabinet was a familiar task for Vader, and he completed the task in only half the time expected.

Learning the Transformation Curse is a bit complicated, but Wade has actually been studying it on his own for a long time, and he also has a sufficient foundation in the art of transformation. On Saturday evening, he finally mastered the Transformation Curse proficiently.

Currently, his Disguise Charm only changes color, but you can still spot it if you look carefully. But if the magic power is strong enough, the Illusion Curse can also make people completely invisible.

In addition, the repair of the invisibility cloak also requires the use of the Disguise Charm.

The expected work was completed, and Vader still had one day on the weekend.

"Perhaps you could hang out in Hogsmeade? Or have some adventures around it."

Lupine mentioned his favorite activity during his student days: "There are many interesting places nearby. I can be a guide. If there is anything you want to buy, I can also buy it for you."

However, Vader said: "Remus, do you know the Imperius Curse?"

Lu Ping looked a little unnatural: "The Imperius Curse is one of the three Unforgivable Curses... Do you know about the Unforgivable Curses?"

"I know." Vader said calmly: "The Soul Imperius Curse, Cruciatus Curse and Killing Curse are the three unforgivable curses. Once used on a person, they will be sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban."

"Now that you know it, you should understand that it is absolutely impossible for me to teach you this kind of spell!"

Lupine said decisively: "These are evil black magics that no one should learn or be exposed to!"

"It's getting late, you should go back to school."

He turned around to open the disappearing cabinet.

"Don't be so sensitive, Remus."

Vader said, "I'm not asking you to teach me the Imperius Curse. I just want to ask, can Occlumency resist the Imperius Curse?"

Lu Ping knew that he had misunderstood and was a little embarrassed, but he felt that he could not blame himself for being too sensitive——

Wade wanted to learn everything and learned everything quickly. Even though he had surpassed the level of many graduates, he still seemed dissatisfied.

That kind of insatiable greed and thirst for knowledge... sometimes makes Lu Ping feel frightened.

After learning orthodox magic, will Vader turn to more powerful black magic?

Lupine didn't know it, but his sense of responsibility made him worry about it.

He thought for a while and then said: "As long as the willpower is strong enough, you can resist the Imperius Curse. However... Occlumency does help."

In fact, Occlumency can not only resist the Imperius Curse, but also prevent possession, and even resist the effects of Veritaserum.

At the beginning, the Wizengamot believed that Sirius might have Occlumency, and even using Veritaserum for interrogation could not guarantee that he was telling the truth.

Coupled with the situation at the time... and Sirius's evil deeds of killing Peter, and the fact that he was a well-known secret keeper, the Potters were killed by Voldemort in their own home...

Eventually, Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban without trial.

Life imprisonment.

After so many years, Lu Ping has never had the opportunity to ask his former friends...why...

Lu Ping looked dazed for a moment, and then heard the voice of the student in front of him.

"I have been practicing Occlumency for a long time." Wade said, "I would like to ask you to help me test the results."

The magic of clearing the brain is not complicated to practice, but the boundary between it and being in a daze seems not very clear.

Without truly feeling the spiritual penetration of the outside world, it is difficult to confirm whether one's own level of Occlumency can resist such invasion.

Lu Ping was silent for a moment and asked, "Aren't you worried about me seeing your memory?"

"I believe you will not mess with my memory. And if privacy is really involved, I will use other magic to resist." Wade said.

Harry's experience in the plot tells him that offensive spells can also interrupt Occlumency when he is prepared.

Such as the disarming spell.

"……All right."

Lupine had no reason to refuse. He took out his wand and said, "When you are ready, we will start."

"Of course..." Vader also pulled out his wand: "Let's get started."

"Three, two, one... Legilimency!"

Magical invasion... Lupine felt obvious resistance and could only read a blank.

One second, two seconds...

Ten seconds later, a layer of soap bubbles suddenly seemed to be popped, and countless images flashed alternately...

Eating in the auditorium... attending classes... doing homework... eating in the auditorium... walking in the corridors of the castle with friends... doing homework... attending classes...

He took the initiative to interrupt the magic.

"You didn't resist?" Lu Ping asked in surprise.

Based on his understanding of Vader, the effect of his Occlumency shouldn't be able to resist for more than ten seconds.

"If your mind is completely empty, isn't it the same as telling others that there is a problem?"

Wade endured the discomfort and said: "I tried not to recall at all, but then I felt... it might be better to cover the important ones with invalid memories..."

Lupine was speechless for a while.

Vader wasn't sure: "Did I self-defeat myself?"

He remembered that Snape was the master of Occlumency and was still undercover with Voldemort. When Voldemort wanted to look at his memories, could Snape still let him see a blank?

He must let the Dark Lord read what he wanted instead of simply resisting.

Vader has been working in this direction.

"No." After a while, Lu Ping finally spoke: "Ordinary wizards generally cannot practice to this level... But if you can learn to overwrite memories, or even forge memories, of course it would be better."

"But we're going to have a different practice."

He took a red apple from the cabinet and put it on the table and said, "Look at it and remember this picture. Then hide this memory and don't let me find it."

Vader stared at the apple.

Lupine asked: "What fruit do you like?"

Wade said casually: " and cherry are also good..."

"Legilimency!" Lu Ping suddenly took action.

Eating in the auditorium...going to class...doing homework...eating...going to class...flying on a broom...a tapestry with a troll...reading...a red apple...

The red spell suddenly knocked away Lupin's wand, and Vader stumbled and almost fell.

My head was buzzing and it hurt terribly.

Lupine helped him sit down and poured him a cup of hot chocolate.

"It's very good. It's amazing to be able to achieve this level just from the beginning." Lu Ping praised.

Wade drank the chocolate, which seemed to contain strange magic, soothing his throbbing forehead.

"I couldn't resist." Wade sighed and said in frustration.

He knew that he had subconsciously tried to hide the Room of Requirement, and then Apple had been exposed.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, Vader." Lupine said softly: "No one can learn such a difficult magic at once. It requires a long period of practice."

Vader rested for a while, put down his cup, and took out his wand again.

"Come again!"

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