News came from the friend's tent. Theo opened the door of the disappearing cabinet and saw Wade, whose hair was stuck to his forehead with sweat and looked extremely tired.

"What's going on?" Theo reached out to help him, "You look like you have fought a fire dragon."

"To be honest, I would rather face the fire dragon." Vader said.

Legilimency seemed to be just magic related to consciousness or the brain, but when resisting it, Vader felt that every muscle in his body was exerting force.

By the time the practice was over, there was no pain all over his body.

Theo asked in shock: "You can deal with the fire dragon now?"

"No, I mean...if I were facing a fire dragon, I would definitely run away quickly."

Wade was speechless and said: "But this crime... I brought it upon myself."

The two packed up their things and prepared to leave. Wade accidentally saw the parchment that Theo used to record.

After the complete improvement of the disappearing cabinet was completed, they naturally also conducted experiments, and they succeeded every time.

Although this time, the experimental results no longer require comparison and analysis, Theo still recorded them in detail and carefully, and it seems that he is not ready to throw them away for the time being.

Just like how he behaved in Potions class.

Even though Theo is terrible at potions, his care and seriousness are unparalleled.

After more than a year, Wade has gotten to know several of his partners very well.

Michael is astute and understanding. He may appear to be frivolous, but in fact he is shrewd and far-sighted.

Many times, Wade felt that Michael was actually very smart, but he rarely showed it.

Ryan doesn't talk much, but he always pays careful attention to everyone, quietly solving problems without boasting.

For example, when the target in the umbrella house is broken, or the little crab breaks down, Ryan always quietly fixes it.

Michael's words echoed in Vader's mind.


When going out, Wade said: "Starting tomorrow, we will learn the coma spell."

"Okay." Theo smiled and said, "It's finally time to learn a new spell. Everyone has already learned the Iron Armor Curse and the Disarming Curse, and we have been looking forward to learning new powerful spells for a long time."

"Learning doesn't mean being proficient in using them, but mastering these three spells can almost be regarded as a practical wizard."

Vader hesitated for a moment and said: "If you can successfully learn the coma spell before next Friday, then you and I, plus Michael and Ryan, we will hold a... um, club activity every few Saturdays."

Theo asked in surprise: "Just the four of us?"

"Yes, just the four of us."

Wade said with certainty, and then he added: "The content of the event is not a good thing... If you don't want to participate, that's fine."

"……I see."

Theo's expression became more serious, and he heard the hesitation in Wade's heart.

——He wanted them to be able to travel together, but he also wanted to exclude them.

Theo smiled easily: "No matter what they two say, I will definitely go... Will there be any danger?"

"The danger is not now." Wade said: "In the future... it will be related to that guy who must not even mention his name."

Theo was startled: "The mysterious man...he sneaked into the school again?"

"Not really." Wade said, "If everything goes well, maybe we won't need to do anything."

"You make me so curious...can't you tell me more about it?"

"Some secrets cannot be told, whether now... or in the future..."

Back in the dormitory, Wade saw a whole coconut on the table and immediately laughed.

Coconut water is sweet and thirst-quenching and rich in nutrients. Zoe and the others probably felt that he needed quick nutrition now.

He drank water, washed himself, and went to bed. Exhaustion made him fall into a deep sleep quickly.

Over the next few days, SSC began to learn the Stunning Spell. Theo and the others seemed to work extra hard, and Harry always stayed until the end before leaving.

However, the reason why he was like this was because being in the Umbrella House ensured that he would never run into Lockhart and Colin Creevey.

The new professor Gilderoy Lockhart always unilaterally thought that Harry was as eager for attention as he was, and every word he said made Harry so embarrassed that he wanted to crawl into the cracks of the ground.

And Colin Creevey "encountered" Harry several times every day, and always wanted to take pictures of him. This kind of flattery that is close to stalking makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, he always spends most of his time in the umbrella house to get some peace and quiet.

Michael asked Wade privately: "Why don't you call Harry? You know, he... um... burned the mysterious man to ashes easily."

"No, even if he is the Boy Who Lived, frequent contact with that guy is not a good thing."

Vader vaguely answered the question and said, "If you don't dare to call me by that name, how about a code name?"

"——Code name?"

"What about Tom?" Wade asked.

"Tom? The owner of the Leaky Cauldron?"

Michael had an idea and said, "Actually, you are referring to the Muggle cartoon "Tom and Jerry", right? I have watched some secretly..."

He extended his thoughts a bit.

"That person is like Tom. Although he is very strong, he will be played by the little mouse every time; and we are Jerry... uh... Jerry?"

Michael hesitated a little.

Ravenclaw calls himself "Eagle", but he doesn't think of himself as a little mouse.

But thinking that Voldemort was just a blue cat who always failed, Michael felt that Jerry Mouse's metaphor was not bad.

He projected the terrifying appearance of the Dark Lord into Tom Cat, and thought of the plot, and laughed.

Wade also laughed.

He excluded Harry from the beginning.

After all, this time, they were not facing Voldemort himself, but just a Horcrux.

This kind of thing should be solved quietly.

If Harry was also involved, the resurrected Voldemort in the future might get this information from Harry's mind, adding fatal risks to everyone out of thin air.

He just wanted his friends to know what they were doing and provide some help when necessary, instead of taking them to die.

A week passed quickly, and on Monday and Wednesday, Wade was detained twice by Professor Sprout.

Detention is actually a punishment for violating school rules, not a reward.

So in the next two detentions, Professor Sprout used one hour to teach knowledge and the other hour to let him do some chores.

Fertilizing, transplanting, pest control, pollination...

After a period of confinement, Wade benefited a lot, but also felt tired and sore.

On the way back to the castle, he heard Malfoy's voice: "I'm not a servant! If my father knew you dared to let me do this, he would get you out of school!"

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