Vader thought that with the right guidance, most of the spells would be easy for them to master, but this was not the case. The level of magic ultimately depends on one's talent.

Simple spells, such as cleaning spells and repairing spells, can't be seen to make any difference when several people cast them. But after the difficulty of the spell increased, Theo seemed to have a bit of difficulty. After learning the levitation spell more than a dozen times, it was still specious; Ryan and Michael were better, but they also worked sometimes; Hermione still succeeded once, but she It is difficult to levitate heavy objects.

But for students just starting out at magic school, successfully mastering even a simple spell is exciting. When several people walked to the auditorium at dinner time, Michael was still showing off to Theo: "Did you see my last repair spell? It was perfect! The chandelier on the ceiling was restored to its original state immediately! I dare say, it was just hung on it It’s not that bright at all!”

Ryan was still waving his wand murmuringly, practicing spells silently, but accidentally, sparks erupted from the tip of the wand, almost setting Hermione's hair on fire.

"Oh, please! Don't point your wand at people," Hermione said immediately, then asked enthusiastically: "What are you practicing?"

Her face seemed to say - Come and ask me!

"Levitation spell." Ryan said. He had a good temper and could understand the little girl's eagerness to help despite her seemingly domineering attitude, so his attitude was very calm from beginning to end.

Hermione said in surprise: "But you succeeded just now!"

Ryan shook his head: "I always feel like my spell is missing something."

When the auditorium arrived, the sumptuous dinner exuded the tempting aroma, and several people seemed to realize that they were already hungry.

Theo muttered, "Merlin! I think I could eat a cow right now!"


The sense of accomplishment in learning a spell is great, but the hard work is too hard. After dinner, Michael finally couldn't wait to leave the study group and made an appointment with Terry, who shared a dormitory with him, to play rolling stones in the courtyard. Hermione and the others went back to the lounge to do their homework, while Wade took advantage of the library not closing and took the time to borrow two books he had read at noon.

They had cleaned the practice room in the afternoon, repaired the tables and chairs and placed them against the wall. The empty cabinet next to them was used as a bookshelf. Vader turned on the light and put away his ink and quill. The sounds of cheers and laughter from the little wizards could be heard outside the window, while Wade opened the book and was immersed in reading.

"Magical Theory" - [Tampering with the deepest secrets at will - the source of life, the essence of self - must be prepared to bear the most extreme and dangerous consequences. 】

"Analysis of the Operating Principles of Basic Spells" - [Magic is the embodiment of the wizard's will. 】

Whether it is to show off among their friends or to gain powerful power, young wizards are often more attracted to cool and magical spells and are willing to spend a lot of time practicing advanced spells. Difficult, difficult to pronounce, and boring theories are dismissed. Even though "Magic Theory" is a first-grade textbook, the little wizards would rather learn two curses like "Hot on Fire" than read such boring books.

But Wade is different, perhaps because when he was in school in his previous life, his teacher repeatedly emphasized that understanding the essence, understanding the principles, and mastering the rules can help him escape from the ever-changing question types, get rid of the rote learning method, and do not need to answer a lot of questions. You can also get high scores and successfully solve new types of questions. This is what is called efficient learning.

That is to say - to know what it is, but also to know why it is so.

This kind of study habit made Wade a "god of study" in the eyes of his teachers and classmates in his previous life - he went to bed early and got up early every day, and he still had time to play ball and play games. His grades were also among the best among many students who had headaches and thorns.

Vader also maintained the same habit in this life. He believed that whether it was science or magic, or whether he had a golden finger or not, a solid foundation would definitely be of great and significant help to his learning.


Defense Against the Dark Arts was worse than expected.

Vader had originally heard that Professor Quirrell was an extremely intelligent Ravenclaw who taught Muggle Studies at Hogwarts a year ago. He is young, handsome, knowledgeable and very popular among the students. Vader thought that even though he had Voldemort hanging on the back of his head, his knowledge had not disappeared, and there should always be something useful in his classes.

But the fact is that Quirrell lectured according to the script, and his words were confusing and his voice was unclear. It was hard to hear clearly when he was far away, but when he was close... the smell of garlic in his body caused pain to the Slytherins nearby. mask.

Putting himself in his shoes, Vader could understand his state - anyone with an extremely evil soul parasitizing on his head would have no intention of preparing lessons. But understanding does not mean acceptance. During the second Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Vader sat at the far end and read a book for self-study.


"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous spell we have in the Hogwarts curriculum. Anyone who behaves mischievously in my class will be kicked out and will never be allowed in again!"

Professor McGonagall said sternly during Transfiguration class. With a wave of her wand, she transformed the desk into a pig and back again, and the students' eyes lit up.

"Transfiguration is the most elegant magic, but to learn transfiguration, you first need to understand Gamp's Law of Transfiguration... Write it down, students! Don't be stupid."

"--Before using the Transfiguration spell, you must first clearly picture in your mind what you want the object to look like--no distracting thoughts, chaotic thinking will definitely lead to failure, and there are countless examples of this in history..."

"It is very important to wave the wand firmly and decisively...When you first start learning, you must recite the spell clearly, but skilled wizards can complete the transformation without saying the spell..."

"Incomplete transformation is both irresponsible and dangerous, especially in biological transformation. This involves the three theories of the law of transformation...If the transformation fails, it may cause extremely serious consequences. For example, a few years ago there was a French wizard...So when the transformation fails, it should be stopped immediately and restored to its original state. The spell is [Restore Original Form]. Practice it with me now--"

Wade wrote at least thirteen inches of notes on parchment and practiced [Restore Original Form] several times before Professor McGonagall asked them to really start practicing Transfiguration. She gave each person a match and asked them to turn it into a needle. Some students recited the spell loudly and poked the match, but there was no change.

Wade did not act immediately. A sentence he read in a book yesterday flashed through his mind - magic is the embodiment of the wizard's will.

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