Magic is a kind of power that can make all wishes come true, and transfiguration is the most typical embodiment.

Many students seemed to think that the transformation was unsuccessful because their spells were not recited clearly and accurately enough, or their wand movements were not decisive enough, so they tried in various ways. But when Professor McGonagall turned the table into a pig just now, there was no special movement or spell at all. Just a tap of the wand and the table deformed.

Vader raised his wand and pointed it at the match.

In mind - clear images;

unbreakable faith;

and unwavering confidence.

If the concept of "needle" is vague in your mind, or you are thinking - "This is really difficult", "Can magic do it?", "I can't do it", "I will definitely fail at the beginning..." …”With such thoughts, it will be difficult for the spell to succeed.

The wand is like a guide for the magic power in the wizard's body, making the magic power more compliant and peaceful; while incantations, gestures or magic rituals are more like means to strengthen beliefs and the wizard's self-hypnosis.

A skilled wizard can make the world change according to his will without any extraneous extraneous things.

"Very good, Miss Granger!" Professor McGonagall suddenly praised: "It's an obvious change, one more point for Gryffindor."

The surrounding students couldn't help but stretch their heads to take a look, and saw that the match in front of Hermione not only became very pointed at one end, but also was a little closer to silvery white in color, making it look a bit like a needle.

The brown-haired girl tried hard not to show her excitement, her eyes sparkling.

Professor McGonagall said: "Miss Granger, maybe you would like to demonstrate the process of transformation with everyone again? In view of..."

Before Professor McGonagall finished speaking, she heard a burst of exclamation from the students on the other side.

Wade's match suddenly became slender and sharp, with thin holes at the end, and the surface shone with a metallic luster.

Professor McGonagall walked over quickly, used her wand to levitate the needle and inspected it carefully, with a happy and satisfied smile on her face: "Perfect transformation, plus three points for Ravenclaw!"

She restored the needle to its original shape and asked the little wizards to gather around to watch Vader's demonstration. In the midst of everyone's gaze, Vader muttered a spell in a low voice and tapped his wand lightly——

The match quickly stretched and changed color, and in an instant, a slender silver needle appeared on the table.

Everyone exclaimed "Wow" in unison.

Wade raised his eyes, glanced at Hermione who had a somewhat unwilling look on her face, and then met a pair of green eyes.

The boy with messy black hair smiled friendly, with surprise and admiration in his eyes, while the red-haired boy with freckles next to him had a silly expression.

"They say Ravenclaw is the smartest." After class, Vader heard the red-haired Ron say to Harry, "I understand a little better now."


After Transfiguration class, there is Charms class, with only ten minutes to change classrooms. After Professor McGonagall finished assigning the homework, a group of people all headed towards the Charms classroom with a huff of cheers - the Charms class was still divided between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor.

"Vade." Hermione ignored the difference between the colleges and sat directly next to Vader and asked, "Do you have any other plans after class?"

Wade said: "Get ready to go to the practice room."

"Okay." Hermione breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I also plan to go over there and continue to practice transfiguration. How did you succeed in it? Do you have any tips?"

"As for the trick, you have to believe that you can definitely do it. This is the most important thing——"

Before Vader could finish his words, Professor Flitwick walked in.

Filius Flitwick, Professor of Charms, is the headmaster of Ravenclaw House. He is only one meter tall and about the size of a three or four-year-old child, but he has long white hair and a fluffy white beard. . In order to teach the students who were taller than him when they sat down, Professor Flitwick had a thick pile of books placed on his desk, forming the shape of steps, and he climbed to the top of the steps.

Some of the students couldn't help but chuckle.

"Okay, okay, children." Professor Flitwick held the short wand in his small hand, "Maybe some of you are thinking, why do we need this little teacher to teach us?"

Many students laughed at the professor's self-deprecating words. It seemed that the professor didn't mind someone joking with him.

"——In other words, what can he teach me?"

Professor Flitwick said, waving his wand, and a flock of birds flew out from the tip of his wand and flew around the heads of the students. He clicked with the wand again, and the two books grew slender arms and legs like bamboo branches, floating in the air and dancing.

The students applauded one after another, convinced. Although it only lasted two minutes, they had already fallen in love with this short professor - he was not as timid as Quirrell, nor as boring as Professor Binns, nor like Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape. It's so severe that it's scary. Ravenclaws can't help but think proudly - our Head of House must be the best professor in Hogwarts!

"Thank you! Thank you for your applause." Professor Flitwick said softly: "I think Charms is the most interesting course. A wizard who can't do Charms cannot be called a wizard. Of course. , before going to class, I first want to name my lovely students and get to know them——"

Professor Flitwick called the names from the roster, and things started going smoothly until——

"Harry Potter!"

Before waiting for an answer, the professor screamed and fell from the pile of books with a thud.

The students were stunned and looked at each other, many of them looked at the black-haired boy. Harry Potter raised his right hand awkwardly and said hesitantly to the empty pile of books: "I'm here - Professor."

There was another small scream from behind the pile of books. After a long time, Professor Flitwick with a messy beard crawled out from inside, muttering: "Oh, of course - of course you are in my classroom too - of course, I should have known it long ago -"

The elderly professor touched his beard, gave himself a [clean up], looked at Harry Potter excitedly, and said: "Nice to see you, kid."

Harry nodded and smiled shyly.

Wade didn't know if Professor Flitwick saw someone's shadow in Harry Potter. He was silent for a moment before continuing to call the roll.

The first spell class, of course, also started with theory. We only learned the simplest spell, [Lumos]. This kind of spell can be learned by practicing it twice at home before school starts. Therefore, by the end of the get out of class, everyone has successfully mastered it. Professor Flitwick generously gave both colleges similar marks. He didn't leave much homework, only three inches, which was basically a review of the key points covered in class. If Wade was a little lazy and handed in his notes in class, it would probably be about the same.

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