Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 137 Michael's Revenge

The punishment of the Weasley twins this time was obviously not as easy as they showed.

On Tuesday afternoon, when Wade and his friends left after the Herbology class, they saw the twins cleaning the pigsty.

The two wore scarves as masks on their faces and used shovels and brooms to clean the feces in the pigsty. There were two large buckets next to them.

When Wade passed by, he saw the twins' elder brother Percy standing outside the pigsty. The two sides seemed to have a quarrel, and Percy's face was very ugly.

Seeing these second-year wizards watching from a distance, Percy's pale face suddenly turned red.

He said something angrily to his brothers, and then walked away with heavy steps.

The twins shrugged and continued to work without much concern.

The Slytherins snickered and whispered, "Look... It's the stinky Weasley, who smells like pig manure..."

Wade thought it was Malfoy talking again, but when he looked up, he saw Malfoy walking towards the castle alone.

His two followers, Crabbe and Goyle, walked with the other Slytherin students, as if they didn't see Malfoy leave.

"Ved, I'll go to the umbrella house later."

Michael said, throwing his schoolbag over his shoulder, and naturally mixed into the group of Slytherin students, and soon made several girls giggle.

Crabbe and Goyle stood at the edge of the circle, looking like they wanted to join in.

Wade looked to the side again, and Padma walked aside with a normal look, as if she didn't see Michael and the Slytherin girl chatting and laughing intimately.

——What are these two people doing?

Wade was puzzled and asked directly.

"Don't tell anyone." Padma pulled him aside and whispered, "Michael is taking revenge on Malfoy!"

"Revenge... Malfoy?"

Wade was surprised.

The last time Malfoy humiliated Michael, he was punished with detention and had to work under Filch, the most hated student in the school. He thought that thing was over.

But for Michael, apparently not yet.

"You know, Michael has a good relationship with Slytherin."

Padma whispered: "He said that he would disintegrate Malfoy's gang and make him unable to show off like before."

"...How to disintegrate?" Wade asked back: "Michael is not afraid that his intentions will be seen by others? Slytherin is also vindictive."

"He is not afraid!" Padma said: "He is not making rumors to make them misunderstand Malfoy and suspect each other, just pointing out the facts."

Facing Wade's suspicious eyes, Padma added two more sentences:

"Uh... He also used the art of language a little bit to explore some of their inner emotions, such as jealousy, inferiority, vanity, anger, etc..."

"You know, some things... If you change the wording a little bit, it will make people feel uncomfortable and then cause conflicts..."

"Didn't you notice that Crabbe and Goyle didn't follow Malfoy these days?"

"They used to be happy to be followers, but recently... They suddenly found that Malfoy always looked down on them and decided to be a dignified person..."

What a magical development!

Wade was amazed.

He couldn't help gossiping: "I remember that their fathers seemed to be the followers of Mr. Malfoy?"


Padma's eyes drifted.

"But Crabbe and Goyle now think that the Malfoy family is out of fashion. Apart from having some money, they are nothing special. This summer, they were raided by Ron Weasley's father to search for dark magic items."

"So Draco Malfoy has no right to always order them around... We are all students, and they are taller and stronger than Malfoy..."

"As long as they don't follow Malfoy like a bodyguard, girls will see their bravery and strength, and are willing to talk to them, or even smile..."

Wade looked towards the courtyard.

Under Michael's guidance, some girls did smile at the two big guys, but it was unclear whether it was a mocking or polite smile.

Crabbe and Goyle were so excited that their faces flushed. They said something awkwardly, which made everyone laugh again.

Wade muttered to himself, "I really want to know...how Michael brainwashed them...did he say a lot of bad things about Malfoy?"

Padma covered her mouth and smiled, with a cunning light in her eyes.

"No...he has never slandered Malfoy in public...he has always said good things about Malfoy!"


Padma and her roommates returned to the castle, and Wade didn't care about Michael's revenge game anymore.

If he had provoked Wade, Wade would have hit him back on the spot, and the matter would have been over.

But he insulted Michael, and Michael didn't say anything at the time, but the revenge afterwards was subtle and continuous.

It was not the first or second time that Malfoy insulted and bullied others casually. He probably never thought that Michael, an ordinary student who was not pure blood and had no family background, was actually a piece of iron that could not be touched.

He was isolated by the Slytherin students, but I'm afraid he still doesn't know why he was isolated.

Wade turned and walked towards the pigpen.

The Weasley twins had finally cleaned up the pigs' feces. Fred was spraying detergent on the pig pen while George was scrubbing with a large brush.

As soon as Wade approached, he smelled a strong smell. He quickly cast a bubble spell on himself to isolate the polluted air.

"Hey, Wade!"

Fred pointed to his head: "Give us one too! Otherwise, I doubt I can eat dinner today!"

George made a retching gesture behind him.

Soon, a large spherical bubble appeared on the heads of the three people, as if their heads were stuffed into a soap bubble.

"Thank Merlin! I finally breathed!" George breathed a sigh of relief.

Fred corrected him: "I should say thank you Wade."

"Of course!" George saluted exaggeratedly and bowed: "Thank you, Wade. You saved two poor pig farmers!"

Wade asked: "It seems that you were punished quite heavily this time?"

"Yes." Fred said proudly: "Because we sneaked into the Forbidden Forest on Friday night..."

"You know, there is a big guy in the Forbidden Forest, and we have always wanted to meet it..." George said.

"Are you talking about the dragon?" Wade asked.

Students all know that there was a dragon in the school last school year, and it was kept on the Quidditch field for a few weeks.

When it could hunt on its own, Hogwarts found a place in the Forbidden Forest to house it, and cast a spell so that the dragon could not break into the school and harm students.

At the opening banquet, Dumbledore also reminded that students were not allowed to enter the Forbidden Forest.

In the legends of the students, it was a scary place with vampires, werewolves and dragons.

The Weasley twins were obviously not the kind of students who would obey.

Chapter 2 will be later

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