The Weasley twins sneaked into the Forbidden Forest to get up close and personal with the fire dragon.

According to them, they wanted to get the scales dropped by the fire dragon, or dragon dung.

But when Hagrid caught them, he became furious and punished them by having to clean the pigsty for half a month.

"Clean up the pig manure, clean the pig pens, and give the piglets a bath..."

Fred laughed and said, "This is what we have been doing for the past half month."

"Percy is furious and hates us for losing the Weasley family."

As George talked, he washed the ground with a water pipe and gave the little pig next to him a bath.

Fred asked: "Vade, you came to us, what's the matter?"

"Remember last semester, you told me about the secret passage out of Hogwarts?" Wade asked.

"Of course!" said Fred. "Don't tell me you just recently took advantage of it."

"Well, I left the school a few days ago, and the secret passage was longer than I thought."

"Hogsmeade is interesting, isn't it?" Fred held the shovel with both hands, placed his chin on the wooden handle, and blinked: "You weren't caught by Frum, were you?"


"Honeydukes' boss." George explained.

"Oh, that's not the case." Wade said, "There's just one thing that's always been strange to me..."

He looked at the two of them and said: "You said you saw me coming out of the corridor where the mirror was, and then we met in front of the portrait of Paracelsus..."

"Ah? Is that so?" Fred couldn't remember clearly. He scratched his head and said, "Probably so."

"But I also confirmed when I came out of the mirror corridor that there were no other students around."

Vader said: "Later someone told me that you should have just come out of the Gryffindor common room at that time."

The person who told him was naturally Zoe.

Not much in this castle is hidden from the house elves and the ubiquitous portraits.

"Well..." George tilted his head and asked, "So?"

"You should have a magic item in your hand that can reveal everyone's traces, right? It's said to be a piece of parchment?"

Vader said sincerely: "Can I borrow it to study the alchemy above? I guarantee it won't be damaged! The rent is one galleons a day, okay?"

"One galleon? This price is not cheap!" Fred said, then shook his head: "But no."

Vader was stunned for a moment and raised the price: "So...two Galleons?"

"It's not about money." Fred said solemnly: "The Marauder's Map is a precious gift left to those who come after you..."

George nodded and sighed: "We owe them a lot of favors... How can we use it in exchange for money again?"

"The Marauder's Map can be studied by you for free." Fred nodded solemnly and said, "But there are conditions..."

"Don't let others see it, especially the professor and Filch..."

"Also...we must also learn from the spirit of our predecessors and help the new generation of people who break laws..."

The twins laughed.

Fred then pulled out a square piece of parchment that looked old and blank.

"We stole this from Filch's office. He locked it in a drawer and wrote [Confiscated supplies, extremely dangerous]."

"He taught us more than any other teacher in the school," George said.

"Remember the spell." Fred took out his wand, touched the parchment lightly and said, "I solemnly swear that I have done no good!"

Thin ink lines spread out quickly like a spider web, and a few lines of green text began to emerge——

【Auxiliary supplier for magic prank makers】

[Gentlemen Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs]

【Proudly presented】

【Marauder's Map】

In the blink of an eye, a map of the entire Hogwarts was formed on the parchment, even down to every corridor and every room.

Black dots as small as sesame seeds moved across the map, with very small letters forming names next to them.

The letters are much smaller than they look in the movie.

Places with a lot of people, such as auditoriums, lounges, and classrooms, look more like a large group of ants gathered together, making it impossible to see clearly.

But the Weasley twins didn't care about the students gathered together. They probably only paid attention to where the professor and Filch were patrolling during the night outing.

"When you're done using it, just tap it and say, 'Prank done,' and it becomes a blank parchment again," George said.

Wade looked at the twins. The smiles on their faces were a little silly, as if they didn't know how precious they were taking out.

Vader folded the parchment and smiled: "Then can I invite you to study together? I remember that you two are also learning alchemy?"

Speaking of this, the Weasley twins cheered up: "Of course that's good! But the magic on the Marauder's Map is very complicated!"

"We've been working on some prank candies lately, but they're a little bit too damaging..."

Before George could finish speaking, Hagrid's voice came: "Hi, I hope you have finished cleaning the pigsty while we are chatting!"

The twins stuck out their tongues and quickly started flushing the pig pen.

"Hey, Vader. Don't imitate them and treat your own life as a game."

Hagrid came over with a large bucket of feed, pushed the piglet next to the food bowl with a flick of his finger, and then poured out the feed.

Wade asked him: "Is the fire dragon okay in the Forbidden Forest?"

"It doesn't matter, the creatures in the Forbidden Forest can't hurt Norbert."

Hagrid said lovingly: "Well, luckily Dumbledore allowed her to stay... For Norbert, the most dangerous thing in the world is people... Her original habitat is also full of people..."

As he spoke, he picked up some of the grown-up piglets, took a closer look, and then put them into the pig pen next to them.

"Then...she won't harm the animals in the Forbidden Forest?" Wade asked.

"Dumbledore reached an agreement with the centaurs tribe." Hagrid said: "Norberta also lives far away. She promised not to hunt around the school and not harm the intelligent species. She is really a good child, right? wrong?"

Vader looked at some of the burns on Hagrid's arms and couldn't help but nod.

Hagrid invited him: "Would you like to come to my hut for a cup of tea? I made new rock cakes."

"No need." Wade declined: "I still have homework to do."

After bidding farewell to Hagrid and the Weasley twins, Vader returned to the Room of Requirement. The first thing he did was unfold the Marauder's Map and look toward the Gryffindor common room.

As expected, there should be an extra name there——

Peter "Wormtail" Pedillo.

One of the hijackers, a friend of James Potter and Lupin, and the real betrayer of the year.

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