
Harry screamed in his heart and hurriedly used the Iron Armor Curse to block Ryan's spell, but then he himself was tripped by the Michael Leg Locking Curse.

"He's down!"

Michael shouted, running over panting, pointing his wand at Harry, his arms trembling slightly.

In fact, the time just now was very short, and he didn't run very far, but he felt inexplicably hot all over his body, his breathing was short, and his heart was beating fast.

Harry's wand fell out of his hand when he fell. He had no power to resist, and Michael was sure of victory.

But Harry, who fell to the ground, did not look depressed. Instead, he looked next to him in surprise.


Why doesn't Ryan speak?

In an instant, this thought flashed through Michael's mind, and he shouted: "Dizzy——"

His back was suddenly hit by a spell, and Michael fell down like a sculpture.

He saw Ryan's body like a wooden stake next to him.


Hagrid blew his whistle, and the loud sound came from far away like deep thunder...

"The white team was completely wiped out, and the black team won!"

Michael blinked hard and saw a person suddenly "growing" next to the pumpkin.

Vader seemed to be squeezed out of the air. He smiled at Michael and then released everyone's spell.

"That's great, Vader!" Harry jumped up and said happily, "I thought it was definitely over just now!"

Michael shrieked in disbelief: "The Disillusionment Curse?"

"I just learned it," Wade said.

"No...I'm not asking when you learned it..."

Michael murmured, his eyes seeming to be distracted.

Ryan stared at Vader silently, with condemnation in his eyes - what is the difference between this and a dimensionality reduction strike?

Although Ryan didn't know what "dimensionality reduction strike" was, his mood was the same.

Theo pulled Neville up, and the two of them patted the dirt on their bodies, accepting the defeat well.

Then they went to pick up several other people.

"The Illusion Curse?" Padma said in shock after undoing the spell: "Is it the same spell as wearing an invisibility cloak?"

Vader explained: "The Disillusionment Curse is not a foreign object...and you can't expect there to be no invisible enemies, right?"

"But we haven't even mastered the coma spell yet..."

Padma said aggrievedly.

She always felt like she was being bullied.

George sighed, and Fred winked at him proudly.

"But we have more people, and we hid one minute earlier, giving us a first-mover advantage." Michael said frustratedly, sitting on the ground.

After grouping, he realized the reason for such grouping.

The black group and the white group should have been fair, but the two sides had different numbers and different preparation times. It was easier for them to make sneak attacks and set traps if they set off early.

Obviously, in Vader's opinion, the three people in the black group are stronger than the seven people on their side combined.

Fred and George should be about the same, but Vader and Harry are better than all six of them.

Forget it for Vader, Michael is not unprepared.

But Harry joined the SSC later than them all. Although he learned spells a little faster, his usual academic work was only average in Michael's opinion.

Unexpectedly, there was a real confrontation, but Harry knocked down both of them in succession even though he was surrounded.

Looking at the time, only half of the prescribed thirty minutes had passed.

The seven members of the white group gathered together to discuss tactics.

"We shouldn't have thought about hiding in the first place." Hermione said angrily: "Padma and I were separated from you, and we were easily found and defeated by them."

Padma nodded beside her.

"We have more to fight against less, so we should take advantage of our numbers."

"We should also know the surrounding terrain." Michael suggested: "It is best for everyone to run it and understand the environment."

Seeing the people in the white group running in all directions, Harry asked in confusion: "What are they doing?"

"You want to find a convenient place for an ambush?" Fred guessed, and then asked Wade: "They seem to have a new plan. We should also know the terrain, right?"

"it's useless."

Vader pointed at the tall Hagrid, who was holding a huge pumpkin and placing it aside.

Wade said: "Did you see it? After each round, Hagrid will adjust the position of the pumpkin. He will also put his chickens and pigs into the pumpkin patch to cause interference."

"How will we fight next? Will it be the same as this time?" Harry asked enthusiastically.

"I don't think that's possible." Fred said: "The seven of them may act together, and we will be easily besieged if we separate."

The two discussed rough tactics in low voices, constantly adjusting their plans.

Wade didn't interfere too much. He was also silently absorbing and learning from everyone's experience and feeling everyone's growth.

The second round of the confrontation began soon.

This time the white group actually lost faster.

They joined forces and succeeded in bringing down Harry and Fred, but only "sacrificed" George.

But immediately afterwards, Vader used his transformation technique on the vines all over the ground. Dozens of snakes attacked everyone. The little wizards were frightened and screamed. All formations were messed up, and then they were all killed. Take the immobilizing spell.

Round three.

"Vade, your magic level is too cheating! It's impossible to fight like this!"

Michael began to cheat and hinted that Padma was pretending to cry in an attempt to morally kidnap her.

Vader rolled his eyes to the sky and asked, "What about Harry and Fred also joining your group?"

"Okay!" Michael said cheerfully, and Padma stopped crying immediately.

Fred was a little sorry, but Harry thought it was good.

He also wanted to try what it would be like to be an enemy with Vader.

The nine people gathered their heads together and discussed for a full twenty minutes.

The Weasley twins also imitated the team captain Wood and drew complex tactical diagrams using various triangles and lines.

Vader and Hagrid were sitting on the pumpkin, drinking tea while waiting for them to get ready.

"Nine versus one, are you sure?" Hagrid asked him worriedly.

Wade poked a small ant crawling on the pumpkin with his finger and said with a evil smile: "They think I am the one with the fewest people, but what if it's the opposite?"

At the beginning of the game, some of the nine people were out, some were lurking, some were setting traps, and some were disguised as pumpkins for a sneak attack.

Vader yawned lazily, not even getting off the pumpkin.

The amplification mantra has achieved great success.

Everyone was being chased by a group of ants and spiders and howling and screaming. Not to mention getting close to Vader, if they didn't get scared and cry, they would win.

Hagrid was so amused that he laughed and rolled off the high stool.

"Forbidden! Forbidden!"

After the round ended, even Hermione shouted frantically: "Vade, you are not allowed to use the magnifying spell again!"

Wade was helpless: "Why don't you just use it?"

Hermione stared at him expressionlessly.

Don't they want to use it?

The ants they enlarged were attacking themselves in the blink of an eye!

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