The vegetable garden was in an uproar. The screams and laughter of a group of people had already attracted the attention of countless people.

Many students came to watch, lying on the fence and looking inside through the gap.

In the fourth round, Wade, who was forbidden to use the Magnification Spell, really used his skills.

The Disillusion Spell and the Silencing Spell cooperated with the sneak attack.

The Super Sense Spell enhanced his own perception.

The flocks of birds broke the trap.

The Copy Spell copied the pumpkin and vines, causing everyone who thought they were familiar with the terrain to fall.

The flat slide made Fred, who was preparing for a sneak attack, slip directly and then hit the pumpkin head-on.

The Levitation Spell knocked Neville down.

The Firming Spell made Theo, who was hiding in the vines, unable to break free and could only surrender.

The Flipping Spell made Harry fly two and a half circles in the air. When he fell, he couldn't tell up, down, left, or right, and was directly taken down by the Petrification Spell.

Wade was naturally very familiar with the Tripping Spell, Stunning Spell, Disarming Spell, etc. He also always wore the Super Armor Charm, which would bounce back even if hit by a spell.

When the last person was knocked down and Vader was still unharmed, they realized the gap.

Vader alone knew more spells than all of them combined.

And most people had to stand firmly and aim at the target to cast a spell. Once they ran, the success rate was less than half, and whether they could hit the target was entirely a matter of luck.

It was also in this confrontation that Vader realized more deeply how much help Professor Flitwick's notes and teachings had helped him.

In the usual sparring, the level of the little wizard seemed to be about the same. At most, Vader's spells were more powerful and the light beams were thicker.

But in battle, only one out of ten of other people's spells might be effective, while at least seven out of ten of Vader's spells could produce an effect.

With the help of the terrain, it seemed easy for him to fight nine people alone.

But Vader was not satisfied.

Because he himself had been hit several times, and even once he was besieged by several people, the Armor Charm was almost broken.

Everyone was very tired and sat on the ground to reflect on themselves.

At this time, a voice came from outside the fence: "Hey, Fred, what are you doing? Can I join you?"

Fred turned around.

The person who spoke was Lee Jordan, their roommate and good friend.

Looking again, everyone was shocked. Outside the fence, a large number of students gathered without knowing when, some of them squeezed their faces out of shape, and looked at them with eager eyes.

"Yes, yes! Take us to play together!"

"It looks like it's fun!"

"Fred, George, for the sake of copying homework together, don't shut me out!"

The students participated in all the Quidditch games without missing a single one, and they had no resistance to this kind of confrontational game.

Although Fred was willing to play with Lee Jordan, he did not agree immediately, but looked at Wade.

Wade didn't mind more people joining the game. The more people there were, the more he could test his own magic level.

He estimated the size of the venue and asked, "Let them line up... Hagrid, can you maintain order? No more than fifty people at a time."


Hagrid agreed readily.

He liked this game very much. If it was not inconvenient to participate, he would have wanted to join in.

Wade asked others, "You can't forbid me to use the Magnification Spell this time, right?"

Everyone's face turned pale, but then they thought that this pain would be shared by more people, and they immediately looked forward to it again.

"What game are you playing?"

Lee Jordan asked excitedly when he came in.

Everyone looked at each other and said in unison: "Battle Royale!"

Wade was alone, chasing and killing a group of them.



The scream pierced the sky.

Filch looked through the school rules and didn't find the right item, so he went to Dumbledore angrily.

"Headmaster, this is a serious violation. They should all be arrested and put in detention!"

Filch said angrily.

"Don't get excited, Mr. Filch." Dumbledore said happily, "Look at the children, how energetic they are! I wonder if they will let me join them..."

"Albus!" Professor McGonagall frowned, "Students will get hurt!"

Dumbledore stuffed himself with a piece of honey candy and said vaguely:

"Madam Pomfrey has prepared potions and bandages. Of course, children are actually more sensible than we think... Want a piece of candy, Minerva?"

"...Okay, thank you."

Professor McGonagall saw that it was not a pile of cockroaches, so she reluctantly took it.

"But I still hope you can prohibit such harmful..."


Dumbledore interrupted her and said, "Have you ever seen a lion when it was young?"

Professor McGonagall paused and said, "Of course."

Dumbledore said, "Then you should know that young animals always learn the skills they need to survive in games. Such as hunting, hiding, or socializing."

"Our children are the same."

"If they can't learn to use their wands in games, life will teach them in another way."

"I only regret one thing now..."

"Why didn't I think of this game earlier?"

Professor McGonagall stopped talking. She turned around and left quickly, preparing to confirm with Madam Pomfrey whether the medicine in the school doctor's office was sufficient.

The white-bearded principal narrowed his eyes slightly.

He used a spell to see clearly what was going on in the vegetable field even from a long distance away.

He saw Harry skillfully fight off several large cockroaches and save a little first grade girl who was frightened and crying.

He saw Hufflepuff's Theo jump on the back of a mantis and knock it down with Ravenclaw's Michael.

He saw Zabini from Slytherin and Ron from Gryffindor fighting against the siege of spiders.

He saw Pansy screaming and clutching Hermione's hand. Hermione yelled, fighting off a dung beetle and dragging Pansy towards the pumpkin.

He also saw Ravenclaw showing courage, Hufflepuff showing wisdom, Slytherin showing friendship, and Gryffindor showing resilience.

When fighting the scary insects together, the students' usual conflicts seemed to disappear. They help each other and even take the initiative to "sacrifice" to protect others.

"How wonderful..."

Dumbledore wiped the tears from his eyes moved.

Snape stood by the window with a dark face, writing down the Slytherin students who were not behaving well one by one.

Even if it is a game, he will not allow his students to lose ugly.

Professor Flitwick next to him spent most of the time looking at Vader.

"Hmm, this spell was used well... Oops, the timing was a bit off. Fortunately, the other party didn't react... Be careful, that guy was hiding under the beetle's belly and wanted to make a sneak attack... Great! He blocked it !”

Professor Flitwick was jumping up and down with joy, clapping and cheering, which made Snape next to him feel very annoying.

The one who failed in the sneak attack was Crabbe of Slytherin.

He had the courage to hide under the beetle's belly, but the spell was as weak as a few drops of water.

Lockhart felt inspired.

"If I can win in this kind of game, I will definitely gain much attention and all the students will worship me..."

After looking at it for a while, he changed his mind.

"No, no, no... it's still too dangerous... and it will damage my image..."

"It's better to open a dueling club. It will definitely be popular and safe..."

Lockhart muttered, quickly returned to his office, and decided to write a perfect plan.

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