In the past, the little wizards avoided Hagrid's vegetable patch, but now it has become the students' favorite place and is collectively called the playground by them.

Hagrid's greatest pleasure every day has also become being the referee of escape games. He sits on a high stool and can see scenes that make him extremely happy in almost every game.

Professors from the school will often come here to sit and watch, on the one hand, to watch the excitement, and on the other hand, to prevent students from being seriously harmed.

When Vader is away, professors can also use magnification spells and confusion spells on his behalf to let the enlarged insects "hunt" the students.

However, there are always some students who cannot accept insects, and a new game mode was quickly born——

The students were randomly divided into two groups, black and white, by drawing lots, and then started a confrontation. In this way, whether there are two or three people, or thirty or forty people, they can all have fun.

Dumbledore also personally added a little magic to the game field. After the students are divided into groups, their robes will automatically turn into white and black.

He also wanted to lead the team in person, but the students unanimously refused "tactfully".

Although the professors have repeatedly ordered that both sides in the game field are not allowed to use jinxes, there are always students who secretly break the rules and then deduct points and imprison a dragon.

The content of the punishment is also different from the usual things like copying books and handling potion materials. Students who break the rules in the playground are faced with tasks that they are least willing to do.

For example, cleaning the toilet.

For example, you are not allowed to use a magic wand to prepare manure.

and the most serious – a ban from the gaming grounds, ranging from three days to a semester.

Some students are not afraid to do the dirty and tiring work, but they are unwilling to be excluded from the most popular activities in school.

After punishing several students who violated the rules so severely, everyone finally understood what propriety means.

Even so, several students were sent to the school doctor's office almost every day, mostly because they smashed their heads or fell off pumpkins and broke their arms.

For wizards, as long as it is not caused by black magic, ordinary fractures can be cured in minutes and are no more troublesome than a cold.

However, more students were sent to the school hospital in one day than in the previous week. Madam Pomfrey was still too busy, applying to the principal three times a day to close the playground.

Dumbledore always blocked it with a smile.

Vader, who initiated this game, did not dare to appear in front of Madam Pomfrey for a long time.

After a while, he went to the game field again and found that earth-shaking changes had taken place here.

First of all, only about half of those huge pumpkins remained in the vegetable field, and they were hollowed out, allowing two or three people to sit inside, like small houses.

The other half of the pumpkins were picked and stacked behind Hagrid's hut.

"This is for Halloween." Hagrid explained to Wade: "If it is damaged too badly by the children, it will not be able to be carved into a suitable shape."

As he spoke, he used a huge knife to dig out the damaged parts from the pumpkin, and also took out the flesh inside. The hollowed-out pumpkin looked like a huge lantern.

In order to fill the void left after the pumpkin was dug up, Professor McGonagall moved the statues and armor from the castle to the playground.

They walked around from time to time, and sometimes they would suddenly stretch out their legs and stumble the students passing by.

As a result, Michael threw a dog into the mud and spat out the dirt in his mouth. Afterwards, he thought for a long time and asked:

"Vade, do you think they want to cause trouble with us on their own, or did Professor McGonagall ask them to do it?"

"How is that possible?" Hermione immediately retorted for her dean: "Professor McGonagall wouldn't do that."

"That's not necessarily true." Vader said, "Think about it, what is Professor McGonagall's Animagus?"

Harry: "Cat?"

Ryan thought for a while and said seriously: "I have a cat at home, and it always likes to push the jars on the table."

Several people looked at each other, thinking of Professor McGonagall's serious face, immediately shut up, and determined to bury these suspicions in their hearts.

During the Transfiguration class the next day, Professor McGonagall suddenly stared at the giggling Harry and asked with a straight face: "Mr. Potter, do you have any questions about the content of my class?"

Harry stood up in a panic: ", no...Professor!"

Professor McGonagall stared at him deeply, like a big cat staring at its prey.

"I... I actually want to ask..." Harry turned his head rapidly and stammered: "Animagus... how do you practice this kind of magic?"

"It's too early for you to think about this, Mr. Potter," Professor McGonagall said unhappily.

Hermione bravely raised her hand.

"But we all want to know, Professor...well, this magic must be difficult, right? I heard that only seven people in the 20th century could do it, and you are one of them..."

The students all looked at Professor McGonagall with curiosity and admiration.

The witch coughed: "Well, since you all want to know, let me just say it briefly..."

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He sat down at the professor's signal and glanced at Hermione gratefully.

"Animagus is a magic that allows a wizard to turn into an animal. But he cannot turn into any animal at will, nor can he turn into a magical creature."

Professor McGonagall said: "The animals transformed are generally related to the wizard's personality and weight. If practiced improperly, it may not be possible to transform back into a normal human being, so this is a very dangerous transformation magic..."

——It turns out that it really has something to do with personality!

Several students said in their hearts in unison, feeling that they had gotten to know their dean again.

After Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout also added something to the playground.

For example, the pea pod that shoots beans, the whomping willow that is half as tall as a man, the devil's ivy in its infancy, the hallucinogenic mushrooms that look safe and harmless and even beautiful, etc...

Their harm is limited to a very limited range, but they always cause students some pain.

In addition, under the instruction of the principal, the house elves moved in many old tables, stools, shelves, broken stone sculptures, etc., and arranged the playground like a maze.

For this reason, the area of ​​the site has more than doubled.

Not long after, a notice was posted on the bulletin board in the foyer——

"Dueling club?" Michael said with great interest: "Is it taught by Professor Flitwick? He was a dueling champion when he was young!"

If I could learn both skills from Professor Flitwick, would it be possible to defeat Vader?

"I hope so," Wade said, "but I haven't heard the professor mention it."

He went to Professor Flitwick's office yesterday to ask questions. If the professor had this intention, he would at least give him a hint or two... right?

In the original plot, this club was organized by Lockhart.

I wonder if Professor Flitwick will get some inspiration from the game field this time and decide to pass on his dueling experience to his students?

However, it turned out that it didn't.

After dinner, Gilderoy Lockhart appeared in the auditorium, still smiling brightly.

Professor Snape stood nearby, his whole body seemed to be shrouded in shadow.

The long table in the auditorium disappeared and was replaced by a half-person-high stage.

Lockhart opened his arms on the stage and said loudly: "Welcome, children! I am very happy to see that almost all the students in the school are here. I am very touched by your enthusiasm for learning..."

Michael muttered in disappointment: "If you're moved, could you give Professor Flitwick back to us?"

After a month, except for a few girls who have a girl-obsessed filter, almost everyone can see clearly what kind of person this professor is.

He's more of a drama teacher than a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Lockhart was keen to have his students act out excerpts from his books in every class and spend at least thirty minutes talking about their own bravery and greatness.

But when asked about his professional knowledge, he began to hesitate and hesitate.

Michael was also caught performing werewolves and snow monsters, which he regarded as a lifelong shame.

"I suddenly remembered that Lockhart seems to have never asked you to perform one of his plays?" Michael asked Vader: "How did you do that?"

"Ignore the Curse." Vader whispered: "If you want to learn it, I will teach you next time."

"Don't wait until next time, let's go to the Umbrella House now. We won't learn anything useful from Lockhart."

"Wait a moment." Vader raised his chin and gestured to Snape: "Professor Snape is here too... He will not appear here for no reason."

As he spoke, Lockhart on the stage also pointed at the black-robed wizard.

"Professor Snape is our assistant. He generously agreed to help me give a small demonstration before class... Of course, don't worry, I will return your Potions Professor intact to you. !”

He said with a triumphant smile, and Snape stared at his back.

The students became excited all of a sudden.


Michael, who originally wanted to leave, immediately twisted his body back and looked at Lockhart with gloating.

"I'm starting to admire this professor now... He's really courageous, isn't he?"

Neville covered his mouth in horror: "How dare he?"

"He probably thinks...Professor Snape is just a weak technician, right?"

Vader guessed what Lockhart was thinking.

Snape always wore loose robes and walked like a black bat with outstretched wings, but he was actually very thin.

Ignoring that scary expression, he does give off a thin look.

But magical ability does not depend on muscles.

The two professors demonstrated the duel process on the stage: they faced each other, bowed (Snape just nodded slightly), and raised their wands.

Lockhart was still chattering: "Watch my etiquette clearly, children... You are too rude in the escape game. A real wizard duel is very elegant and fast."

"We will count to three, and in just one moment your Potions Master will lose his wand..."

"one two three……"

With a bang, Lockhart flew off the stage, hit the wall, and slid to the ground, his wand flying out.

The Slytherin students cheered, and Vader and Michael clapped as well.

"Let's go, there's nothing left to see."

When Lockhart staggered up, Vader glanced at Harry not far away and said to Michael.

Nowadays, there is no incident of "Slytherin descendants attacking students" in the school. Even if Harry accidentally exposes Parseltongue, he will not be regarded as a public enemy of the whole school.

Of course, after training for so long, when Harry faced a snake, he would never think of using Parseltongue to fight off the enemy.

The two squeezed their way out of the crowd, and met Theo and Ryan on the way, and they followed.

"Don't listen to that nonsense Lockhart said."

Vader told his companions: "In real battles, no one will bow to you stupidly. If you can make a sneak attack, then make a sneak attack. If you can't make a sneak attack, dodge first to protect yourself."

"Only when there is an extreme disparity between strength and weakness can we have time to pay attention to elegance and grace."

Theo unexpectedly thought of the scene when Vader defeated the werewolf and the dark wizard.

Before the two men fell, Vader had no intention of exposing himself.

The same goes for escape games.

Vader was never going to be like them from the beginning, standing face to face stupidly and then throwing spells at each other.

And...he wins every time.

Theo mused.

The Umbrella House event still ended at the curfew time.

Michael and others went back to the lounge, while Wade came to the Room of Requirement.

He first came to the room where things were hidden, and found that it was indeed much empty. The tables and cabinets in the game field probably came from here.

Then it was changed to the room where the potion was brewed. In several crucibles, potions were bubbling with small bubbles.

In potions class, the potions they learn can basically be completed within one class, and some even only take ten minutes.

But advanced potions often take a long time.

For example, the Veritaserum takes about one month; the Polyjuice Potion also takes one month; and the Fuling Potion takes six months.

Fortunately, except for the necessary stages, the crucible does not need to be taken care of all the time. The magic will make the flame burn continuously and stably.

He checked all his potions and looked at the time. It was already very late. Vader used the flying spell to summon his broom, passed through the corridor window, and landed directly on the rooftop of Ravenclaw Tower.

The eagle-shaped knocker asked softly: "What is too much for two people and just enough for one?"


Vader answered.

The door to the common room opened. After he entered, he found that there was another person in the common room.

A girl was curled up on the sofa in front of the fireplace in her pajamas, sleeping soundly.

She was originally covered with a blanket, but now most of it had slipped off, exposing her calves and bare feet.

Vader waved his wand and the blanket flew up and covered the girl.

The process was gentle and silent, but the girl was awakened.

The golden-brown head squirmed under the quilt, and then she looked up in confusion.

The girl's complexion is pale, her eyebrows are very light, and her rare silver eyes are bulging, as if she is surprised.

Vader's plan to return to the lounge stopped.

Two in one.

There is only one chapter today.

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