Ved usually doesn't pay special attention to the names on other people's heads, because it gives him a sense of disconnection, as if he is in a game world.

Therefore, he has become accustomed to treating names as part of his hair and then ignoring them.

But at this time, he still took a look at the top of the girl's head.

[Luna Lovegood].

It was indeed her.

This girl is not the same as the beautiful elf in the movie. Her appearance is not too outstanding, but her unique temperament is very conspicuous.

Luna wrapped in a blanket, sat up in a daze, looked at Ved, and didn't speak.

Ved walked over and asked: "Are you a first-year student? It's so late, why don't you sleep in the dormitory?"

The blonde girl looked at Ved with her bulging eyes, and didn't blink for a long time, giving people a very strange feeling.

After a while, she slowly said: "My book is lost, I came to look for it, but I couldn't find it... The door of the dormitory is locked."

"Didn't you knock on the door? Or did your roommate not let you in?" Ved frowned and asked.

"What does it matter?"

Luna lay down again and pulled the blanket under her eyes. She said very calmly: "Anyway, the door will be open tomorrow morning."

She was so calm that if Wade intervened, it would seem like he was meddling in other people's business.

He asked again: "What's your name, and what book did you lose?"

The little girl looked through the darkness and asked him: "Will you help me find it?"

"If it's not too much trouble."

She didn't know what she was thinking. After a while, she said: "My name is Luna Lovegood, and some people call me a crazy girl. I can't find my "History of Magic."

Wade waved his wand and said clearly: "Luna's "History of Magic" is flying!"

A book suddenly flew out from the gap between the sofas and fell directly into Wade's hands. Wade put it next to the little girl.


Luna exclaimed softly. After a few seconds of silence, she said as if she had just remembered, "Thank you."

"If you need help, you can find me... I'm Wade Gray from the second grade."

After Wade finished speaking, he returned to the dormitory with his schoolbag.

Although Luna slept alone in the lounge at night, Wade was not worried about her safety.

The house elves who cleaned the room usually worked in the lounge at night, and the portraits hanging on the wall and the ghosts walking around in the lounge were not decorations.


The next morning, when Wade got up, Luna was no longer on the sofa.

The heavy rain fell all night and did not stop in the morning. The crackling raindrops hit the windows, and streams of water flowed down the glass.

The water in the playground was one foot deep, and Hagrid's animals were all huddled in the shed.

The students could not play the escape game, and many people lay on the windows, staring at the sky, hoping that the rain would stop soon.

But the rain continued for several days.

"If only I could cast a weather spell." Michael, who was addicted to the game, said frustratedly: "The rain can stop whenever I want."

It was finally the weekend, but they had to be trapped in the castle because of the heavy rain. This was too cruel for the little wizards who were addicted to playing games.

Michael was still making a wish, while Harry and Hermione had gone to the library to look up the magic book of weather spells.

During these few days, Wade's truth serum was finally ready.

The clear liquid was placed in a crystal bottle, just like clear water.

He took out the Marauder's Map and confirmed Peter Pettigrew's location again.

The mouse stayed in Ron's dormitory as usual.

Sometimes he would go out for a walk and wander around the castle. When he didn't find him on the map for the first time, Wade was worried for a while, thinking that Peter would do something big.

Later he found out that the man was just bored in the dormitory and ran outside.

Even if he turned into a mouse, Peter always avoided people, and also avoided students' pet cats and owls, and had to walk secretly.

Recently, Ron went to participate in the escape game, and Peter often followed him. It is said that he once helped Ron scratch his opponent.

At dinner, Ron praised his mouse at the long table, calling it a "meritorious minister".

Wade had thought about whether he could exchange the mouse with Ron for a new wand or Galleons. But after weighing the pros and cons, he gave up the idea.

Ron's wand was not broken, and although the unicorn hair was exposed, it was still usable. It was true that he was short of money, but he was not necessarily willing to sell the mouse.

He was a man with many shortcomings, but he was also stubborn and affectionate. Perhaps he regarded the mouse as his family and would not let it go easily.

This would alert Peter Pettigrew and make him alert. If that guy escaped from the school and hid in ordinary people's cities or mountains, Wade really didn't know how to find him.

The operation to capture Peter Pettigrew must be foolproof.

Maybe because of the rain, the students stayed in the dormitory and the lounge all day, and Peter Pettigrew hadn't sneaked out for several days.

Wade put away the map and truth serum, took out the friend book, sent messages to several people in a row, communicated what would happen next, and then came out of the Room of Requirement.

The corridor was empty, and he went down to the fifth floor before he saw the Weasley twins, with whom he had made an appointment in advance.

Seeing him coming, the twins immediately covered their ears with their hands and shouted loudly: "Look, Wade!"

They covered their ears for a while, then suddenly let go of their palms, and a large cloud of white smoke floated towards the ceiling.

George also ingeniously used his fingers to shrink and expand, and irregular circular smoke rings came out one after another like bubbles in the water.

Even in heavy rain recently, the Gryffindor Quidditch team did not stop training.

In order to avoid catching a cold, they would drink a small sip of stimulant after training, but the price was that their ears would smoke for a period of time.

Harry was very embarrassed because Colin Creevey took a few photos of him that looked like a steam locomotive. But the twins enjoyed it and even developed a new smoke ring performance.

"Look, we can do this!"

Fred covered his ears for a while again, then released a large cloud of white smoke, and blew a breath from the middle to make it a hollow smoke ring.

George waved his wand, conjured up a bubble, put the smoke ring in it, and finally put it on his head, and asked: "Does it look like the Pope's coronation?"

"Yes, it looks exactly like it, hahahaha..."

Fred burst into laughter.

Wade was also infected by their relaxed and happy atmosphere and couldn't help laughing.

After joking for a while, Wade asked: "Fred, George, have you used the Marauder's Map to see Ron's dormitory?"

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