Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 145 Catching the Wormtail 2

"Huh?" Fred was stunned for a moment: "Why are we looking at Ron's dormitory? Mom didn't let us tuck him in at night!"

"Then do you know Peter Pedillo?" Wade asked again.

George thought for a moment and asked, "Who is that?"

"Follow me," Vader said.

The group of people moved to an empty classroom, and Wade spread out the Marauder's Map and said, "You can take a look for yourselves."

The twin brothers looked at each other, and George tapped the parchment with his wand and said, "I solemnly swear to do no evil!"

The contents of the map were displayed layer by layer, and the Weasleys focused their attention directly on the Gryffindor lounge, carefully identifying the small letters on it.

This is a part they never paid attention to in the past.

It didn't take long for the two to find their younger siblings - Ron and Ginny were both in the common room, along with a few familiar names.

Then we arrived at the dormitory.

Neville Longbottom was in the dormitory, and then Peter Pedro...

Fred frowned and said, "Who is this guy? Why is he in Ron's dormitory?"

"Not just in Ron's dormitory." Wade added: "The two black spots were very close to each other at night. I think he should be in Ron's bed."

The twins' pupils trembled sharply. They looked at each other and were speechless for a while.

"Peter Pedro...does that sound like a male name?" George said pale.

"Haha... Little Ronnie found a boyfriend?" Fred said dryly.

The two brothers looked at each other, almost unable to tell the usual jokes.

Of course, they didn't really think that their younger brother had found a boyfriend that no one knew, and they slept together every night, and no one had ever discovered it.

But if this absurd possibility is ruled out... the truth would be even more terrifying!

"Let's go take a look!"

Fred made a snap decision.

He looked at the map again, took a deep breath, and walked towards Gryffindor Tower.

"Wait a minute." Wade stopped them and handed over a medicine bottle: "Water of Life and Death... I don't know what kind of strength that guy has. It's better to be cautious."

George took the medicine bottle, held it firmly, and nodded silently.

No matter which college's lounge there is, students from other colleges are not welcome to enter. Vader was waiting near the entrance of the lounge, watching the progress of the matter using the Marauder's Map.

Instead of an eagle knocker on the door to the Gryffindor common room that required an answer, there was a portrait of the Fat Lady.

She was drunk, and after hearing Fred say the password, she opened the door and let the two of them in.

There are many people in the lounge.

Lee Jordan greeted the Weasley twins enthusiastically, but saw that they just waved at him, as if they were worried.

"What happened to them?" Lee Jordan asked his friends.

"Maybe they have a cold?" Another student said casually: "Look, their ears are still smoking!"

Ron was playing wizard chess with his roommate Dean. The battle was in full swing and he didn't even notice anyone coming in.

Climbing the stairs, with no one in private, Fred whispered: "George, I always feel that the name Peter Pedillo sounds familiar. Do you remember where you heard it?"

George frowned and thought for a while, then shook his head: "No impression."

"That might have been a long time ago... I definitely heard someone talk about it." Fred said with a heavy face.

"Just wait until you catch the person and ask them," George said.

The two found Ron's dormitory, and the door happened to be unlocked, so they pushed it open.

Neville was sitting on the carpet taking care of his wand. When he heard the sound of the door, he looked up and was stunned.

"Uh...did I go to the wrong dormitory?" He looked around blankly.

That's right...this is your own bed, your own dormitory...

"Want to play battle royale in the afternoon, Neville?" Fred said casually, looking around: "Call Ron... Are the others in your dormitory here?"

"Maybe they are in the lounge, right? Harry seems to have gone to the library..." Neville scratched his hair and asked belatedly, "Has the rain stopped?"

"It will stop in the afternoon." George responded.

When Neville saw that the two brothers didn't even look at him, but instead surrounded Ron's bed from left to right, he couldn't help but remind him: "Ron is not in the dormitory."

"Oooh, let's bring his hero mouse. Ron needs it, right?"

Fred said perfunctorily while lifting Ron's piled quilt.

A dirty sock fell to the floor.

The gray, sparsely furred mouse was curled up in a small nest made of old towels at the head of the bed, sleeping.

But when George reached out to catch it, it suddenly rushed out and stood at the head of the bed, staring at the two of them with its small black eyes.

Fred quickly glanced around the bed. Apart from the mouse, there was no other living thing, not even an extra insect.

His heart sank suddenly.

"Come on, Scabbers! We'll take you to the playground and help Ron avenge his shame."

Fred said in a slightly deliberate voice.

George's thumb behind his back quietly opened the stopper of the life-and-death water.

The mouse Banban squatted stupidly on the bedside, as if he didn't understand what they were saying. Fred suddenly pointed his wand at it -

"All petrified!"


The spell hit the wall, and the mouse Scabbers jumped out first. George quickly hit the life and death water, but was a step too slow.

The crystal bottle shattered, and Neville, who was about to say something, smelled a strange smell.

"Get it!" George yelled.

The mouse scurried out of the door like lightning.

Neville shook his head, feeling a little dizzy. When he came to his senses, there was no one in the room.

The Weasley brothers ran down the stairs quickly, throwing out spells as they ran.

But the little mouse was much more agile than them, and even avoided every spell and escaped directly to the lounge.

Everyone looked at the Weasley twins in shock.


A spell struck the vase on the wall cabinet, shattering it to pieces.

"Fred, George! You have violated school rules!" Percy shouted angrily: "You are not allowed to use magic spells in the lounge, I will deduct points from you!"

"Stop talking nonsense and catch that rat!" Fred yelled.

"Rat?" Ron found out that the person being chased by his two brothers was actually his pet Scabbers, and asked in surprise: "What's wrong with Scabbers? Even if it bites your things, it's just a mouse!"

He stretched out his hand to block his brothers, when someone opened the door to the common room, and Banban escaped through the doorway with a whoosh.

"Wait! Stop!"

Several Weasleys who caused the lounge to panic rushed out of the door one after another, and then they all fell into a mud pit.

Wade poured water into the unconscious rat and put it into a glass jar with a strong spell. Then he looked at the embarrassed people and sighed deeply.

Harry, who had just opened the door to the lounge with a password, asked in confusion: "What happened?"

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