Before receiving Vader's summons, Harry and Hermione were studying weather spells in the library. It was a very difficult spell, and Harry started to feel dizzy after looking at it for a few minutes.

But Hermione was still studying hard, so Harry had to force himself to read those difficult sentences.

He found that every time he read two sentences, the words quickly disappeared from his mind, and he had to go back and read them again...

More than half an hour later, Hermione had taken several pages of notes, but Harry was still stuck on the first page.

Vader's news was like a lifeline to him. Harry jumped up impatiently, gathered his things and rushed over.

Hermione took a step slowly and returned the book before she hurried over.

When they arrived at the door of the Gryffindor lounge, they saw Vader leaning against the wall, staring at a folded piece of parchment, not knowing what he was looking at.

"Vade, you said you have something important to ask me?" Harry asked.

"Well, wait..."

Vader raised his head and motioned for him to keep quiet. He stared at the parchment for a while. Suddenly, the wand pointed forward, and a huge, sticky mud puddle appeared in the corridor.

"You brat! What are you doing? Get them away!"

The Fat Lady screamed.

"Vade, what are you doing?" Hermione covered her face and screamed, "You will get points deducted by Professor McGonagall."

"Don't worry, I'll cancel it later." Vader said, "Harry, tell me the password to open the door."

Harry was confused, he hesitated, and finally decided to trust his friend.

Even if someone stepped in the mud, a cleansing spell would solve the problem.

Was Vader trying to play a prank on someone? I have to say that he is too serious when it comes to pranks...

Harry turned away all the messy thoughts in his mind and stood next to the mud puddle and said to the Fat Lady: "Salamander."

"Let him get those damn things away! Get them away!" The Fat Lady was still screaming loudly.

"I gave the command, Fat Lady! You have to open the door." Harry said with emphasis.

The portrait was opened, and the fat lady tried to hide at the edge of the portrait, as if she was afraid that the mud would get on her body.

The next second, an invisible shadow jumped out of the door and fell directly into the mud pit. It struggled inside and made a "squeaking" scream.

"Scabbers?" Harry said in surprise.

He was about to fish out Ron's mouse when he heard the person next to him chanting several spells in succession——

"All turned to stone! Fainted to the ground! Imprisoned immediately!"

The mouse, which was hit by spells one after another, fell into a coma, with several ropes still wrapped around its body. As soon as Vader used the levitating spell to get it out, several people rushed out of the lounge one after another——

Fred and George, Percy, Ron.

Hermione's eyes widened, wondering how these people got out of the doorway in such a short time.

Ron, the last one to run out, was tripped by Percy, then bumped into Fred, and finally rolled into the mud, shouting angrily: "Damn it! What the hell is going on?"

"Where did this mud puddle come from?" Percy shouted angrily: "I'm going to put you in solitary confinement!"

"He escaped! Wade...oh, you caught him?" Fred made a surprised sound.

"Really?" George tried his best to raise his head from under his brother's butt and shouted: "Be careful, this guy is as smart as Peeves!"

Ginny stayed at the end, luckily not falling into the mud puddle. She was lying in the doorway, giggling when she saw the unfortunate appearance of her brothers.

"What happened?" Harry asked confused.

When Ginny saw him, the girl screamed, swooped back, and disappeared.

Vader had already taken care of the rats. He stuffed the can into his bag, looked at the Weasleys who were tangled in a ball on the ground, making it impossible for anyone to get up, and were covered in mud, and sighed deeply.

Well...this is Gryffindor...

Vader eliminated the mud puddles and used cleaning spells to get the mud off several Weasleys. They finally got rid of each other and climbed up from the ground.

Percy pulled his robe back, fuming with rage. He stared at several people angrily and said coldly: "You'd better give me a reasonable explanation!"

"Don't talk about it yet! Where's Scabbers? Where did you do it?" Ron asked.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, confused.

Fred and George exchanged glances with Wade: "Are you sure it's that guy?"


Wade nodded, and then said to the others: "This is not the place to talk. Let's go to the umbrella house to explain."

"Okay." Harry and Hermione were the first to respond.

In fact, there were already students watching around.

Percy stood still with a cold face, being pushed forward by the twins.

"After hearing the whole story, if you feel that we are really at fault, just complain to your mother." Fred said proudly: "But I promise, you... and little Ronnie, you will thank us. "

That mouse was Percy's pet at first. Later, after Ron went to school, he gave it to Ron.

In fact, Percy once wanted to give the mouse to his youngest sister, Ginny, but the girl couldn't accept a rat that was dying of old age as a pet, so he gave it to Ron.

Thinking of this, Fred and George couldn't help but feel scared.

The Ministry of Magic strictly controls Animagus and requires all animals that Animagus transforms into to be registered with the Ministry of Magic.

They regard concealing the identity of Animagus and living with other wizards in animal form as a serious violation of the law because many similar vicious incidents have occurred in the past.

The people pushed and shoved to the umbrella house, and Ron was still angrily saying on the way: "No matter what you say, give Scabbers back to me first!"

"No, Ronnie." Fred refused decisively: "It will run away."

"If you don't chase it, it won't run around!" Ron shouted: "You scared it!"

"It scared us, you know?" George said impatiently: "Listen to the reason before you explain to us, okay? Don't yell like a child."

Ron was so angry that his face turned pale.

Suddenly, a sharp cat cry came from the side, and the Weasley twins screamed reflexively: "Filch!"

Folch rushed out and stared at them breathlessly. He first glanced at the students grimly, found no contraband, and then said: "Fighting?"

"No!" Fred put his arm around Percy's neck and rubbed Ron's head with his other hand: "This is just a friendly exchange between brothers!"

The two Weasleys who were still angry turned their heads away and said nothing.

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