Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 149 Journalists and Traitors

After entering October, it gets dark earlier and earlier. There were no candles lit in the study, and even if there was light coming in from the window, it looked very dim.

Wade sat on the chair and kicked his feet on the ground, causing the entire chair to tilt at a dangerous angle.

He rocked the chair slightly while listening to the conversation in the study.

"I'm scared... The Dark Lord is so powerful, and Death Eaters are killing people everywhere, what's the point of going against them... James has also provoked the Dark Lord several times, asking him to focus his hatred on us..."

Peter Pedillo said in a somewhat dazed voice:

"Obviously Dumbledore is the person he fears the most, but...but they have been chasing us...he has magic power that we can't even imagine, and he hunts us down personally..."

"The McKinnons are dead...the Prewett brothers are dead...the Bones family is dead..."

"Fighting him... apart from death, what's the benefit..."

"I think... even if he betrays me, Dumbledore will not kill anyone. James... James will also forgive me. He knows that I have always been very timid... The worst is to be imprisoned in Azkaban, which is better than being locked up in Azkaban." It would be better to die..."

"So you betrayed, right? Betrayed the Order of the Phoenix and James Potter?" Someone asked excitedly: "Then what? What happened between you and Sirius?"

After a pause, Peter continued:

"The Dark Lord is hunting down James and Lily... He is hunting down James and Lily himself. I'm scared..."

"Dumbledore suggested that they hide under the Fidelity Charm and he would be the secret keeper. But... James refused. He wanted Sirius to be the secret keeper..."

"And then...then at the last minute, Sirius made a stupid suggestion..."

Peter chuckled, even though he was unconscious, he seemed to be recalling the huge surprise and secret ridicule at that time.

"He suggested that I be the Secret Keeper... He would attract the Dark Lord's attention, and I... I'm just a timid rat who can hide easily... No one will care about me... No one can find me……"

"But he doesn't know... I had surrendered to the Dark Lord a year ago... They had suspected that the person who delivered the message to the Death Eaters was Remus, and they didn't suspect me..."

The shaking chair suddenly stopped.

Vader looked at Lupine who came out of the living room, watching him bury his face in his hands. After a while, he raised his head. There was still deep pain in his eyes.

"Time has proven everything." Vader said softly, "They were absolutely wrong for not believing in you."

Lupine shook his head: "I don't blame James and Sirius for this. At that time...almost all werewolves were Voldemort's soldiers, and they doubted me...not without reason..."

"But even so, James and Lily never turned me away..."

"And...and for more than ten years, I have never believed in Sirius..."

He sat slumped next to Wade, no longer hiding his pain and regret.

"Are you going to listen no more?" Wade asked, looking at the bookshelf in front of him.

Lu Ping shook his head: "If you continue to stay in the living room, I'm afraid I won't be able to help but kill him."

In the living room, Peter Pedro told how he was found by Sirius after the Potters died...

How he shouted that Sirius had betrayed James and Lily, killed a dozen people with an explosive spell, and then reluctantly cut off one of his own fingers, pretending that he was also killed by Sirius...

He said it proudly.

Then there was hiding in the Weasley family... hiding for eleven years...

Life as a mouse was difficult, but he had no choice.

He cannot return to the light side, and as soon as he shows up, the lie will be exposed.

He also couldn't return to the Death Eaters' side because they considered him a traitor. Because his news killed the Dark Lord, the Death Eaters wanted to make him pay...

His only hope is to wait for the return of the Dark Lord... because only the Dark Lord knows that he has not betrayed...

Lupine listened quietly, making a chattering sound between his teeth.

The people in the living room were not satisfied. They scrambled to ask questions, wanting to dig out more secrets. Peter Pedillo answered all questions without hiding anything.

Everyone could tell that he must have been fed Veritaserum.

But so what?

They don't care about this at all, they just want big news that shocks the world.

When the conversation began to become sterile and gradually moved towards privacy, Marchionne also came out of the living room, and Lupine went in to monitor, lest Peter Pedillo break away from control.

"Thank you, Mr. Marchionne." Wade stood up and said, "If it weren't for your help, I don't know where I would have found so many suitable reporters."

Questioning Peter Pedillo in the living room were reporters from half a dozen countries, including Britain, each of whom was the equivalent of Rita Skeeter.

As long as the news is eye-catching enough, and as long as the newspaper has sales, they don't care about morality at all, let alone the government - let alone the governments of other countries.

"They should be grateful to you for getting such high-quality news."

Marchionne said with a smile. He sat down, poured himself a cup of tea, drank it in one gulp, and then said:

"The sales volume of Soft Light Badges has completely exceeded the Book of Friends. Witches are going crazy to buy it. Some people can buy more than a dozen at a time, even though we have emphasized that it is only valid for one month."

Wade's eyes rested on Marchionne's collar, where a soft light badge was also pinned.

"Yes, I use it too." Marchionne smiled and fiddled with the badge on his collar.

"A good image can make most things go more smoothly. So our second largest customer group is middle-aged and above men."

“In fact, almost everyone I do business with is my customer, and the soft light badge is the first topic we talk about when we interact with each other, even more than the weather.”

He had gained huge benefits from the Friends' Book of Friends and Badges, so even if he didn't know why, he would do his best to fulfill Vader's request without any discount.

"Vade, have you done any new research recently?"

Marchionne leaned closer to Wade and asked in a low voice: "It doesn't matter if it's a gadget you don't like, I can sell it at the right price... no matter what it is!"

Wade thought for a while and said: "There is indeed a new work recently, but the technology is not yet mature and the cost will be relatively high."

Marchionne's eyes lit up and he asked: "Is there a finished product? It doesn't matter if the technology is immature. We can make money once we improve it!"

His enthusiasm for money seemed to be really burning, and Wade couldn't help but move back.

"Next week," Wade said, "We'll meet here next week."

"Okay." Marchionne said excitedly: "Then it's settled!"

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