Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 150: Tacit Understanding and Innocence

The effects of the truth serum gradually wore off, and the reporters got news that made them tremble with excitement.

Seeing Peter Pedro gradually waking up, Lupine did not hesitate to use a stun spell to make Peter fall asleep again.

When he dragged Wormtail out of the room, several reporters seemed to have seen nothing and were still excitedly exchanging articles in their hands.

Because they all come from different countries and there is no competition between each other's newspapers, the atmosphere among the reporters seems very harmonious and friendly.

Before leaving with Peter Pedillo, Wade said: "One more thing, Mr. Marchionne."

"Please tell me," Marchionne said politely.

"I hope they don't publish this report for the time being - until the British government denies their mistakes," Vedder said.

Marchionne thought he had replaced "admit" with "deny", but after thinking about it again, he understood.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a wicked smile, and said, "As you wish, Wade."

"Do you want to come with me?"

Returning to the attic and standing in front of the vanishing cabinet, Vader asked Lupin.

Lu Ping was a little moved and struggled a little.

He should not enter the school without permission.

And he also knew that Vader didn't want everyone to know the secret of the vanishing cabinet——

If this matter is exposed, for the safety of teachers and students, the professors may ask Wade to hand over the disappearance cabinet to the school for safekeeping.

But Lupine really wanted to see with his own eyes the fate of the betrayer being brought to justice.

"Let's go." Wade made the decision for him: "But please tell me that you got to the school through a secret passage."

Vader knew that the secret of the Vanishing Cabinet might not be hidden from Dumbledore—he suspected that the headmaster already knew about it and just didn't tell him.

Dumbledore always gave students too much freedom, such as arranging for Harry in the first grade to face Voldemort, and condoning Malfoy's various actions to murder him in the sixth grade.

When this kind of freedom is beneficial to him, Vader still likes this about him.

But Wade also knew that the convenience provided by this tacit agreement could only be used, but he could not say that once it was publicized, the disappearing cabinet would no longer be his.

After all, only one cabinet was bought by him, and the other cabinet belonged to the school.

In the umbrella house, everyone had already listened to Percy finish telling what he remembered.

Percy, who was only five or six years old at the time, didn't remember many parts, but after his reminder, Hermione remembered that she had read similar content in the book.

She quickly found "Major Magical Events of the Twentieth Century" - a book she had read before going to school in the first grade - and found the name of Peter Pedillo.

"... brutally murdered by the desperate Sirius Black... corpses strewn all over the place... the Ministry of Magic awarded the sacrificed Sir Peter Pettirummelin, First Class Medal..."

Looking at such words and thinking of the vulgar and cowardly face just now, Harry always felt that it was unreal.

"If he is a hero... why did he turn into a mouse and hide?" Harry asked puzzledly: "Hiding in Ron's house... being a child's pet?"

"So, that's the scariest part, Harry," Fred said meaningfully.

"Remember?" George looked at him and asked, "When we heard about that last year..."

"Professor Quirrell is the puppet of the mysterious man...Little Ronnie's pet is the 'hero' who was killed by the bomb..." Fred smiled sarcastically: "We seem to have never known this world."

He looked at his other brothers - Banban's former and current masters looked very ugly and couldn't say a word.

They looked like they wanted to throw up.

The past events of the Loyalty Curse and the Secret Keeper were not recorded in the book, so Harry's mentality was relatively calm, and he was more confused.

"I just remembered that I actually saw a picture of that person." Harry told his friends: "Remus hung the picture on the wall, Peter Pedro, Remus and my dad were at school. are friends all the time.”

"There must have been a lot of stories between them..." Hermione said, "It's not without reason that Peter Pedillo pretended to be dead even though he had a reputation as a hero."

"Yeah...but he didn't hurt me, right? We have always lived in the same dormitory. Apart from eating and sleeping, Banban has never done anything bad."

Harry looked into everyone's eyes, seeking approval: "I think he may not be a bad person, but he is just worried about being retaliated by the Death Eaters, so he has been hiding... Uh, isn't that right?"

Everyone looked at him as if he were some naive idiot.

"If he is just timid..." Fred shook his head and said, "He can definitely ask Dumbledore for help... But he has always looked like a mouse in school, which shows that he is not afraid of others... "

"...That's Dumbledore, right?" Ron said in a low voice.

Fred nodded.

Harry's mouth opened, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, the curtain opened, and Wade appeared with Peter Pedillo, and there was one more person beside him.

"Remus!" Harry greeted him immediately: "Why are you here at school?"

Lupine forced a smile and touched his head.

The awakened memories were tearing at his heart all the time. When he saw Harry's face, he remembered his best friend who was killed because he trusted his friend.

Lupin took a deep breath, suppressed the bitterness in his eyes, and said: "Wade knew that I was also one of the parties involved, so he came to me through the secret passage... Let's take Peter and go to see Dumbledore."

As soon as the adult wizard who looked calm and reliable appeared, he naturally took the right to speak. This time Percy didn't say anything, and everyone left the umbrella house and walked towards the headmaster's tower.

"You guys!"

Meeting Professor McGonagall halfway, she strode over and said angrily: "I heard that you actually made a mud pit outside the Gryffindor common room. The Fat Lady told me..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, and immediately took a breath of cold air, and the whole person was stunned.

"Merlin..." Professor McGonagall said in shock, "What's going on?"

"As you can see, Professor." Lupin said as calmly as possible, "Peter Pettigrew is not dead, everything that happened back then was just a lie... We need to see Dumbledore now."

"Of course... of course..." Professor McGonagall took a while to get her brain working, and she said stiffly, "Come with me..."

As she spoke, she kept looking at Lupin and Peter Pettigrew, and rubbed her eyes, as if she thought she was seeing an illusion.

The students they met on the way looked at them in surprise, and some secretly asked the Weasley brothers what happened, but they didn't answer.

Soon, they arrived at the principal's office.

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