Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 151 Lupin takes the blame

A group of people entered the principal's office.

Dumbledore was sitting behind the table writing a letter. When everyone came in one after another, he noticed the unconscious Peter Pedro at a glance.

The white-bearded headmaster strode over. He looked at the dusty Peter carefully, then looked at Lupin and the others.

"If I'm not mistaken...this is Mr. Pettigrew?" Dumbledore asked.

"Yes, sir," said Lupine.

They stared at each other.

Vader felt that at this moment, Dumbledore should have understood what happened.

The principal didn't say it directly. He conjured up enough chairs and said, "Sit down and let me hear your story."

Everyone looked at each other.

The Weasley twins were winking at Vader - they didn't want to reveal the secret of the Marauder's Map, and they were thinking about how to make the story reasonable while concealing this point.

But Lupine spoke first.

"When I was in school, James and I drew a map together that could show the names of everyone in the school..."

The Weasley twins looked at him with wide eyes in surprise.

"You...you are the maker of the map?"

"Yes." Lupine smiled at them: "I am Moon Face, which is the nickname given to me by my friends in school. By the way..."

He looked at Harry and said, "James is Prongs, Sirius is Padfoot. And Peter..."

Lupine's eyes moved to Peter Pedro, and he said disgustedly: "He is Wormtail. Because his Animagus is a rat."

Harry looked at Peter and then at Lupine. He was very interested in the story of his father's school days, but he also knew that now was not the time to ask questions.

He sat next to Lupin like a child leaning against his father, looking quiet and well-behaved.

Dumbledore's eyes glanced at Harry intentionally or unintentionally, but he didn't say anything.

Then Lupine continued to tell - before coming here, he already knew the general story from Vader. At this time, every word he spoke had a convincing power.

Vader didn't want to be the one in the spotlight, so Lupine consciously took on most of the responsibilities.

In his story, Vader saw [Peter Pedro]'s name frequently appearing in Harry and Ron's dormitories from the map, because he knew that there was no such student in Gryffindor House in the same grade. Mention it to Lupine during the account correspondence.

Fred and George looked at each other.

Lupine said this as if he had given the Marauder's Map to Vader. The fact that the two of them stole the Marauder's Map from Filch's office and used it to frequently sneak out of the school was also covered up.

——This is a good man!

Fred said with his eyes.

George nodded vigorously. Although they hadn't said much yet, their favorability towards Lupin was already at the peak of their popularity.

They have never met such a agreeable adult.

Lu Ping naturally would not forget the name of his "old friend" in the past, and he immediately realized that there was something wrong with it.

Unable to enter the school, Lupine asked Vader to capture Peter Pedro, and Vader asked the Weasley twins for help...

"Why didn't you come to me?" Harry asked puzzledly, "Ron and I are in the same dormitory, it should be more convenient!"

"Because we get along day and night, he is very familiar with you." Vader casually found a reason: "If you accidentally expose your intentions, you may be hijacked by him in turn."

Harry blinked: "But Fred and George were exposed in the end!"

George coughed: "Wade probably thinks...even if we catch Ron's mouse to bully him, he will only feel that he is unlucky and won't think that he has been exposed, right?"

Everyone actually thought it was reasonable!

The two brothers were used to being naughty and causing trouble, so they didn't expect to be able to provide convenience at a time like this.

Percy wanted to say something several times, but held back because of the presence of professors, and his ears turned red from holding back.

Professor McGonagall was furious.


She glared at Lupine angrily and said sternly:

"I thought you would be more stable as an adult, but I didn't expect you to be more reckless than James when you were young! Tell me, what do you think about letting a few children catch Peter!"

"If...if Peter was...they could be hurt, maybe even dead!"

Vader and the Weasley twins ducked unconsciously.

"I'm sorry." Lu Ping lowered his head and apologized, resisting the pot without hesitation: "I was carried away and didn't think too much..."

Professor McGonagall's expression softened a little, and she sighed.

"I can understand your feelings, James and Lily...sigh...but no matter what...the children should not be allowed to take risks. Even if nothing happens, I have to say that it is absolutely wrong for you to do this... …”

"Yes." Lupine said sincerely: "I should contact you or Dumbledore... But I'm afraid that if I'm late for a second, he will disappear completely..."

Professor McGonagall looked pitiful. She shook her head and said nothing more.

The "children" who escaped were as quiet as quail.

Lupine continued.

Vader followed his instructions, and after catching Peter Pedro, he took Peter Pedro to Hogsmeade through the secret passage——

Professor McGonagall gasped in anger again. If Lupine hadn't already graduated, she would probably be able to deduct two hundred points from her college.

——Lupin interrogated Peter and confirmed that he was the betrayer. And Sirius was completely framed by Peter.


Harry had a bad feeling in his heart. He stared at Lupin closely, and his heart beat violently.

——Who did Peter betray?

But Lupin didn't mean to tell the details. Then he took Wade and Peter Pettigrew back to school and asked Dumbledore to deal with the follow-up.

"So... the secret keeper back then was..." Professor McGonagall asked in disbelief.

"It was Peter." Lupin showed a painful look: "Sirius exchanged the secret keeper at the last moment... He thought it would be safer this way..."

Professor McGonagall wanted to say something, but when she saw Harry, who was at a loss, she held back.

Children should not be allowed to bear hatred too early.

"Are you sure that Peter is telling the truth?" Dumbledore asked, "You know, he has been lying for more than ten years... How can you prove that he is not making up stories now?"

"I'm sorry, sir." Lupin said ashamedly, "I used truth serum..."

It is illegal to use truth serum casually, but the few people present could understand Lupin's feelings and did not question it.

"I think we need to notify the Ministry of Magic." Dumbledore stood up and said, "Ron Weasley and Wade Grey stay. Professor McGonagall, please take the other children back to the lounge, and then ask Arthur and Molly to come to school."

"Okay." Professor McGonagall said.

Harry asked quickly, "I... Can't we stay?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you can't help much with the interrogation of Peter Pettigrew." Dumbledore said bluntly.


Harry had nothing to say, so he had to look at the two people who were left behind with envy, and followed Professor McGonagall away.

Ron said to him silently, "I'll tell you everything later."

Harry nodded slightly and felt better.

"Professor, Professor!" Percy raised his hand quickly and said, "Scabbers was my pet before, maybe I can provide some information."

"We can too!" The Weasley twins said hurriedly, "We also participated in the capture operation!"

"... I think it's enough to keep one person." Dumbledore said.

Fred and George were still unwilling, but Professor McGonagall said sternly, "Don't be unreasonable, Mr. Weasley! The headmaster has made a decision."

Fred had no choice but to follow him out, and he was still lip-syncing with Wade before he left -

Tell us all the details after it's over!

They really wanted to participate in it, it was more interesting than all their pranks.

It's a pity that the adults cruelly excluded them.

Wade nodded slightly and agreed.

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