Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 155 Pumpkin Carriage Teapot Bird

The leaves of a grown mandrake are longer than an adult's palm. It is impossible to hold them in your mouth, so you can only choose relatively small tender leaves.

But if they are too small, they are easily swallowed.

"It is best to cover one-third of the upper palate, but not touch the teeth."

Professor Sprout introduced the experience of predecessors: "The curvature of the leaf surface is also very important. The tighter it fits the upper palate, the easier it is to succeed."

Under the guidance of Professor Sprout, Wade chose the leaves. Then Professor Sprout picked and chose, and cut off five or six leaves of similar size.

She soaked these leaves in green herbal juice to dissolve the innate magic of the mandrake, then cast a preservation spell and gave all the leaves to Wade.

"Before the full moon, you can use these leaves to practice."

"So many?" Wade asked in surprise.

Calculating the time, there are only six days before the full moon, which means Professor Sprout gave him one leaf every day on average.

Professor Sprout smiled: "It's always the hardest at the beginning. You will succeed if you don't use up all the leaves before the full moon."


"Good afternoon, Vader."

The little demon hunter jumped to open the door of the office and said in a low and hoarse voice: "You are late."

Vade stretched out his palm and gestured a "five".

The demon hunter actually understood what he meant and frowned and said: "Five minutes is also late."

Vade waved his wand, and a string of golden words appeared in the air.

[Something happened during lunch, which delayed time. ]

At this time, Professor Murray came out.

Vade asked in words: [Has Jerry become more lively? ]

"Jerry" is the nickname given to the demon hunter by Professor Murray.

"This is the wonder of life alchemy."

Professor Murray smiled and said: "Unlike the rigid chess pieces of wizard chess, he will gradually grow, absorb more knowledge, and even his personality may change."

Vade sighed: [It's like creating real life. 】

"That's why it's so fascinating." Professor Murray asked, "What's wrong with your throat?"

[I'm practicing Animagus.] Wade answered: [It's not convenient to speak with a leaf of Mandrake in my mouth.]

On the first day alone, he scraped two leaves.

One was accidentally knocked with his teeth while answering a question in class, and he immediately tasted a strong bitter taste in his mouth. The taste lasted for a long time and he brushed his teeth several times before it was removed.

The other one was sacrificed in the process of eating.

Wade originally used the sticking spell to stick the leaf to his palate, and then he felt blocked and had difficulty breathing.

Switching to sticking to the tongue, speaking and swallowing became more difficult, and it was more likely to be damaged.

Wade now truly realized how difficult this was.

Holding a thin leaf in your mouth without damaging it is not as easy as holding a piece of candy.

Candy can be melted and chewed. But the leaf must be carefully cared for like a baby.

Wade had to give up talking temporarily. For this reason, he secretly used the Ignore Charm during class to avoid the professors suddenly calling him to answer questions.

"Animagus?" Professor Murray shook his head disapprovingly: "This kind of magic is dangerous and useless. After transformation, it will be restricted by the animal's body and cannot use other spells. What's the point of practicing it?"

[It's amazing to be able to transform into an animal! And mastering Animagus is very beneficial to learning Transfiguration. ] Wade answered.

Murray said indulgently: "It's up to you. You kid always wants to learn all magic... Do you know the Wagadu School of Magic?"

Wade: [I've heard of it. It's a magic school in Africa and the largest among all magic schools. ]

Professor Murray nodded: "I haven't learned Animagus myself, but I know a few African wizard friends."

"Wagadu is particularly good at wandless spells and Animagus. Many of their students can transform into elephants and cheetahs at around fourteen years old. I can help you borrow a few notebooks for reference."

[Thank you, professor. 】

"Don't thank me too early." Professor Murray said with a stern face: "If you transform into a slug, just don't cry in front of me."

Wade couldn't help laughing.

He knew that even if Professor Murray disagreed, he would support his decision.

If it was Professor McGonagall... Wade imagined it...

"Too dangerous, Mr. Gray!" Professor McGonagall would probably frown and say very sternly: "This is not the magic you should be exposed to at your age!"


"Mr. Gray, what is your Animagus form? The Animagus form and characteristics of wizards must be registered with the Ministry of Magic, otherwise it is illegal!"

How to say it? Professor McGonagall is a very good and upright professor. As a teacher, she is impeccable, but she can hardly tolerate any violations, which makes Wade dare not reveal some secrets to Professor McGonagall.

"Well, let's stop talking about it and continue today's class." Professor Murray asked: "I think you should have finished the homework I left for you last time?"

Wade nodded, put his schoolbag on the ground, and tapped with his wand.

A huge wardrobe appeared.

Entering the inner space, an untowed pumpkin carriage gurgled over, the door opened automatically, and it started to move after the two got on.

The carriage moved along the white road, and you could see mighty armored soldiers patrolling on both sides of the road, and two cats rolling on the grass.

Their movements looked very flexible, but their appearance had a man-made mechanical feel.

Several large brooms swept the floor by themselves, and the dustpans jumped and jumped beside them, spilling all the garbage that had just been put in. The brooms knocked it and turned back to sweep again.

The carriage stopped at the edge of the woods, and there was a white table and two high-backed chairs under the banyan tree.

The round-bellied teapot bent down, and two cups jumped out of the plate one after another. The teapot poured black tea for the two people, and the hot steam "puffed" against the lid, as if singing happily.

Professor Murray picked up the teacup, drank it all, and put the cup back on the table. The teapot was eager to pour tea, but was stopped by the professor.

Wade waved his hand, and a bird landed on his hand. The bird lowered its head and pecked at the edge of the cup, and clear water gushed out from the bottom of the cup until the cup was filled again.

Professor Murray smiled with satisfaction.

"Not bad, it only took two weeks for you to complete this creation."

He was very satisfied, but he was reserved and did not use more flattering words to praise his students.

[It is difficult to combine alchemical creations with magic, and it is even more difficult to solidify the magic pattern circuit so that it can also use the spell of clear water like a spring. ]

Wade touched the bird's head and said: [Fortunately, it finally succeeded. ]

"Then next, you can start trying to solidify the two magic pattern circuits." Professor Murray said: "Today we will talk about the compatibility and conflict between alchemical materials and magic spells..."

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