The dark grey, slimy body was crawling forward in the dark and damp farmland. The spinach and cabbage that we usually see are as huge as castles.

It was crawling slowly in it.

The sun was about to come out, and it didn't want to be exposed to the sun.

Suddenly, the leaves covering its head were pushed aside, and a huge child leaned over to look at it and shouted: "Look, a snail!"

"No, it's not, it's a slug." Another taller giant said, holding its soft body with a pair of pliers and lifting it up.

"Slugs with tentacles can be used to make scabies potion." The giant said: "But we have to dry it first."

The giant put him in the sun, and the scorching sun burned his back. He felt that he was about to be sunburned to death. He twisted and struggled desperately, and gasped in pain...

Wade woke up suddenly, tore off the quilt wrapped around him, and with a wave of his hand, the candle beside the bed was lit.

He touched his forehead, which was covered with cold sweat.

With a bitter taste in his mouth, he spat out the leaves. Sure enough, the third mandrake leaf also had a missing corner.

Although Wade knew that the "slug" was a joke by Professor Murray, he actually dreamed that he turned into a slug when he was sleeping at night. This was too bad.

It couldn't be that kind of...precognitive dream, right?

Wade immediately opened the curtains and got up, looked at his dormitory, and waved his wand-

A dozen pieces of parchment flew up, grew larger, and stuck to the wall. On the blank paper, pictures of eagles flying in various postures gradually emerged.


The candlestick turned into an eagle squatting on a branch.


An eagle-shaped relief appeared on the wardrobe.


A surrounding cloud pattern appeared on the legs of the desk, and on the table, there were more than a dozen eagles with wings spread and flapping.

All he could see were pictures of eagles.

Wade snorted in his heart.

Go away, slug!

He is a Ravenclaw, if he wants to change, he will turn into an eagle!

After hypnotizing himself for more than ten minutes, Wade lay back on the bed.

The weekend was the time when Wade and Marchionne had an appointment.

The weather was unusually good that day, and most people couldn't wait to rush to the playground, and some people shouted: "Wade, let your insect army attack!"

"Yes, yes! We have prepared several sets of tactics, just waiting to defeat them!"

"I tell you, I'm used to the ugly appearance of spiders and cockroaches, and I won't be afraid anymore!"

Wade looked at it and saw that there was still a while before the agreed time, so he made an "OK" gesture.

This time it was Professor Flitwick who grabbed the referee's high stool.

When he saw Wade, he was also very happy and said: "Oh, I haven't seen the insect army since I became a referee! Everyone says this is the most interesting part of the "Battle Royale"!"

Wade was surprised, who spread these rumors? When they were scared to pee their pants, did they really think all this was interesting?

He felt strange, but he did not hesitate. Just as he was about to find a few insects from the leaves, Fred handed him a glass jar.

"I've prepared it for you!" Fred said with a sly smile, "Give those little guys who haven't seen it some shock from the monsters!"

Wade took a look and was speechless.

In addition to the common ants and spiders, there were also flying moths, ugly magic flower mantises, fat white silkworm moth larvae, slender centipedes, and... gray-black slugs.


Wade looked at Fred silently.

The red-haired Weasley winked at him and said, "How is it? Pretty good, right? I spent a lot of effort to find it."

Professor Flitwick looked over and nodded, saying, "It's really good! It's a waste to have so few students."

He stood up and waved his wand, expanding the fence of the playground several times, and many students who were watching outside became participants.

Including the Weasley twins.

"Huh? Huh!" Fred was dumbfounded.

"Wait, I want to get out." Several Gryffindor students who had joined them in the mischief ran away screaming.


The glass jar was broken, and the insects swelled, swelled, and swelled...

The three-meter-tall magic flower mantis knocked its forelimbs and made a strange cry.

The slug squirmed and pressed a stunned student under its body, smearing him with mucus.


The screams of terror resounded throughout the school.

Ved felt better.


When the second game started, there were fewer students participating than ever before.

The insects that had returned to their original form had already hidden. Several Hufflepuff students repeatedly asked Vader and confirmed that the insect army would not attack again, and then they ran in carefully together.

Many students who were hit so hard that they could not recover were lying on the playground to recover, and some were crying softly. Vader walked through the crowd without any guilt and returned to the castle.

He was going to Hogsmeade, but the others probably didn't have the energy to sneak out of the school for the time being.

On the eighth floor, Harry was the only one in the Room of Requirement.

Wade was a little surprised.

Harry knew what he was wondering about, and said, "I wanted to ask about the progress of the Lupin case, so I didn't go to the playground... Fortunately, I didn't go."

He said with lingering fear.

Wade smiled.

The two passed through the vanishing cabinet and arrived at Lupin's home in a blink of an eye. Marchionne had already arrived and was sitting on the sofa in the living room, drinking tea and chatting with Lupin.

"Remus! Mr. Marchionne!" Harry greeted enthusiastically: "Has the case made any progress?"

"The public trial will be held next Friday." Lupin smiled and said: "Mr. Marchionne has sent the information... the chances of winning are very high."

"Great!" Harry cheered, and then hesitated and said: "I... um... that... I can..."

"I will ask Dumbledore if he can give you a day off that day so that you can also attend."

Lupin knew why he was hesitating, and said gently: "I think Dumbledore can understand what that day means to you. It is much more important than a class."

Harry was very happy.

Marchionne smiled cunningly.

"The boy who survived the catastrophe", "the savior of the magic world", the boy who lost his parents because of that betrayal was sitting in the audience.

His inclinations, his likes and dislikes, and his clear green eyes will undoubtedly have an invisible influence on the person who makes the judgment.

This is an open conspiracy.

I just don't know what the legendary "Godfather", Sirius, who is said to have gone crazy, would feel when he saw that scene.

Let Harry and Lupin discuss the details of the meeting, and Marchionne nodded to Wade, and the two came to the study.

Marchionne asked curiously:

"Wade, what is the alchemical work you said you would prepare for me last time? It should be completed now, right?"

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