Wade smiled and said nothing, but a voice suddenly came from beside him:

"The farthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death; it is that you turn a blind eye to me when I am in front of you."

Marchionne looked over in surprise and saw a kitten with white fur, blue eyes and a slender tail emerging from Wade's back, squatting on his shoulder and licking its paws.

This cat is only slightly larger than an egg. Its slightly curly white hair hangs down on its head, and its eyes are like sapphires, very cute.

Marchionne looked at Wade, then at the kitten, and asked, "Is this it?"

"I'm so rude, it's me talking to you, meow!" the kitten said very dissatisfied.

"As you can see, this cat is Vader's new creation, named Alice Cat. It is a hand-held demon pet and will be the trendy cat in the world in the future."

The kitten jumped off Wade's shoulder, walked around the table, and said, "This cat doesn't need to be bathed or fed. It's always clean and beautiful, and it can also provide caring companionship. Isn't it a great cat?"

"Of course... uh..."

Marchionne's eyes wandered between the person and the cat, and finally he chose to chat with Alice: "Why are you introducing me to me?"

"Vader is practicing Animagus!" Alice patted Vader's arm with her paw and said, "He can't speak right now, so I can speak for him."

Alice said something and meowed, and as she spoke, she tugged at Marchionne's sleeves and pulled at the threads with her paws.

Marchionne asked: "Then what you are saying now, is it what Wade asked you to say, or is it what you want to say?"

"The owner can control the cat to a certain extent~" Alice said: "But the characteristics input at the beginning will affect the expression and behavior of the cat~"

"What else can you do?" Marchionne asked with interest.

"There's so much I can say, meow! I can tell you slowly, meow..."

Wade put his fingers on the kitten's head, and its triumphant posture immediately disappeared, and it instead squatted steadily on the table, with only its tail still wagging gently.

Vader pulled out his wand, and a string of words formed in the air.

[I don’t know why, but I didn’t give it a chatty character when I was making it, but it talked a lot. 】

[This guy is too noisy, I’ll tell you myself. 】

[Pocket golem pet can be understood as an upgraded version of wizard chess. It mainly provides companionship, can chat with the owner, and can check typos in articles. Here I refer to the function of the automatic error correction quill. 】

[My ideal puppet should be able to provide the owner with weather conditions, obtain routes, remind schedules, prompt time, help send and receive messages from friends accounts, play music, etc. 】

[This is currently an unfinished version, mainly for chatting. I hope they can provide a sentimental value to their owners, like family or friends. But because of the subtlety of magic, each golem has a completely different personality. 】

"Although I have said it many times, Wade, I want to say it again!" Marchionne said excitedly: "The works you envision are always so wonderful! It will definitely bring us more money than we imagined! "

Vader: [I want to remind you that the cost of golems is very high and the difficulty of making them is also very high. 】

"As long as we can be loved by buyers, these are not problems." Marchionne said with a smile: "There will always be someone who will pay for our costs... Have you made other golems?"

Wade: [Yes. 】

"Alice is a proud and well-behaved little princess, so what are the personalities of the other demons?" Marchionne asked curiously.

Wade took out a dragon skin bag from his schoolbag. Marchionne saw that the bag was twisting constantly, as if something was moving inside.

Wade opened the bag and took out the golems one by one.

A fiery red fox raised its head proudly: "How can a dirty bag be worthy of my noble status?"

The big fluffy tail spread out behind the back, and the narrow and charming eyes were full of scorn.

A silver-gray hamster silently moved to the table, holding a biscuit and began to chew on it.

But in fact, it has no eating function, and cookie crumbs are scattered all over the table.

Then there is the golden lion.

It stretched its graceful body and said to Marchionne: "Are you sad? Tell me and make me happy!"

Marchionne: "..."

Finally, there is a handsome black panther, holding a bright red rose in its mouth, walking on cat steps and placing it in front of Marchionne.

"Before I met you, my life was like a black and white movie. Until you appeared and added luster to my world. I want to protect you, take care of you, and make you happy. I only do what you want me to do. "

Marchionne was stunned for a while and then asked Wade: "Is it... a love saint?"

Vader's face was filled with a speechless expression, and the text appeared: [If you want to laugh, feel free to laugh, these are all weird. 】

"No, it's not funny at all, Vader." Marchionne's eyes flashed with a familiar light of money: "It is precisely because of their different personalities that demon pets have a greater market!"

Marchionne focused on the last black panther and asked: "What influence were their characters?"

Vader thought for a while before answering: [I don't know... maybe it's a subconscious idea when injecting it into the mind, maybe it's an idea during production, maybe it's also affected by the material and appearance...]

[I am afraid it cannot be confirmed without a lot of experiments and comparisons. 】

Marchionne nodded: "It is indeed a pity that the same type of magic doll cannot be mass-produced, but uncertainty can also become a new selling point... Every magic doll pet is unique, which is a good publicity. point……"

He was thinking about how to use the golem to make more money, and while conjuring up paper and pen, he quickly wrote down his thoughts.

"People who have pets, even if they don't need to feed them, can't just keep one pet."

"If they love their golem pet, they must prepare a nest for it... No, it should be a luxury villa, and they can also sell matching furniture and gardens..."

"In this way, clothing and accessories can also be made... The devils can also make friends with each other, and the master can even hold weddings and start families for them..."

"There should be special decorations for holidays... Pets should also be equipped with small flying carpets or toy broomsticks... We can also make a mini version of the Hogwarts Express... Muggle cars and airplanes are also good..."

"Well...if it were made into a human form, would anyone want to fall in love with a demon? A lover who would never betray..."

Vader watched as Marchionne's parchment became longer and longer, with more and more words...

Someone told him before that the cheapest pet to keep is that pet.

He seemed to be able to see that the day was coming when all the wizards around the world would be emptied by Marchionne.

Vader did not take out the magic puppets combined with the spell, but maybe... when the technology matures, we can prepare a few well-behaved and smart little guys for our parents?

Vader left all the methods of making golem pets to Marchionne, and Lupine naturally contacted Aslan's Magic Workshop for subsequent contract details, production processes and other issues.

Vader spent more time studying.

Currently, his focus is on improving the golem with alchemy, practicing animagus with transfiguration, and learning the Fire Spell.

Although Lupine agreed to teach him the Fire Curse, he had always been very cautious in teaching. Weide has studied a lot of theory and written three papers, but has not yet started practical exercises.

In this regard, Wade is not in a hurry. He has enough time and patience.

Every now and then, Vader would use the Disillusionment Curse to go to the forbidden book area and look through almost all the books that recorded the Fire Curse.

After the Charms class, Vader also asked Professor Flitwick about the spells and control methods of different fire spells.

Although Professor Flitwick did not have the experience of "burning down half a city", his understanding and expansion of spells are completely unmatched by ordinary people.

After asking for advice several times, Vader was able to make flames dance on his fingertips without burning himself at all.

After holding the mandrake leaves in his mouth for a long time, Wade gradually learned how to speak and eat normally.

In his previous life, he had heard of people holding sharp blades in their mouths and still eating and talking as usual.

Although Wade is not yet able to do this, he has learned a few tricks to avoid damaging the fragile leaves during normal activities.

When I go to bed at night, I use a spell to glue my teeth together. As long as you don't chew it, you won't be able to swallow it unconsciously given the size of the leaves.

On the night of the full moon, Wade was fully prepared. Professor Sprout cut off the leaves he selected and watched as Wade put the leaves into his mouth.

The bitter juice of the plant spread in the mouth. Professor Sprout said: "I asked the kitchen to prepare some liquid food for you. During this period, you should be patient and try not to eat food that requires chewing. It is best to drink less water." ”

"Although you can try again and again, you must have the belief that you will succeed the first time and pay attention at all times. This process is very torturous. Most people are unwilling to try a second time after failing the first time. "

"Although I have confidence in your will, I still hope that everything goes well for you and that you don't suffer too much."

Wade smiled so much that he rolled his eyes and said softly: "Thank you, Professor."

"Well, you're welcome." Professor Sprout patted him on the shoulder: "Also, if you can't talk this month, try not to talk."

In a blink of an eye, it’s Friday again.

When Wade woke up in the morning, he felt the mandrake blades first as always.

There is no bitter taste in your mouth, which means the leaves are still intact.

He got up to wash up with peace of mind, and when he came out of the bathroom after cleaning up, there was already a bowl of fragrant minced meat porridge and a cup of vegetable and fruit juice with a strange color on the table.

Vader closed his eyes and finished the drink in three or two sips, then rode on his broom and arrived at the Room of Requirement. Fred and George were already working in the alchemy room.

Ever since Vader borrowed the Marauder's Map from them, the three of them began to study alchemy together.

Michael and others originally wanted to join, but unfortunately he gave up after learning runes for a few days, and crossed out ancient runes from his elective list without hesitation.

"Thank you for the reminder, Wade." Michael said seriously: "I will never learn this thing next year!"

Harry, Neville, Theo and others all nodded in agreement.

Only Hermione rolled her eyes at them and continued to recite the Rune Dictionary.

The Weasley twins were not very good at ancient magic, but they were passionate about alchemy and had unique skills to circumvent difficult problems, using more basic spells and more complex processes to achieve their goals. Sometimes Wade would get some inspiration from them.

A few days ago, Wade had returned the Marauder's Map to the twins, but they said that the map should not belong to them alone, so they put it in the umbrella house.

Fred also said to everyone: "Whoever wants to go on a night tour or adventure, just use it! But remember our principles-"

"-I solemnly swear not to do bad things!" The twins said in unison.

Harry and Michael clapped hard.

Hermione glared at them angrily: "If you are caught by the professor, you will lose points for your own college. I hope you remember this!"

The twins began to secretly call Hermione "Little McGonagall".

They didn't tell anyone else, but somehow, the nickname spread.

Hermione also heard about it. But she didn't feel angry at all, and thought it was a compliment to herself.

Wade and the Weasley twins have temporarily put aside their research on the Marauder's Map, because this map not only contains many profound spells, but is also closely linked to Hogwarts, which is a condition that cannot be achieved in other places.

Wade also suspected that the former four-man team used very precious materials on the map, and the ink was also extraordinary, but if destructive research is not used, it is impossible to deconstruct the detailed composition.

Even Lupin is not very clear, because most of the materials come from James Potter and Sirius Black.

These two people once owned the secrets of two ancient pure-blood families. Lupin has almost no idea what ancient and precious things they used on this map.

He can provide help with spells, such as the Human Footprints Curse.

Wade has no need to learn this for the time being.

Therefore, their recent research focus is to repair the two-way mirror.

The research lasted for more than two hours. Wade looked at the time, said goodbye to the twins, and came to Professor McGonagall's vice-president's office.

Lupin and Harry were already waiting here.

Both of them were usually unkempt, but at this moment, they were dressed up.

Hats, ties, cufflinks, every detail was meticulous, and there was not even a speck of dust on the wizard robes.

Because this day was the day of Sirius' trial. They were about to set off for the Ministry of Magic.

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