Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 159 The Third Interrogation Room

Hansen was not the only one at the security checkpoint. There were several wizards nearby. They heard Hansen's words and ran over to shake hands with Harry.

"I've been in school for so long that I almost forgot that Harry's fans are all over the British wizarding world."

Wade sighed and said to Lupin, "Will we be late?"

Lupin had the same worry. He squeezed into the crowd and finally rescued Harry with great effort.

"Please make way, gentlemen! We have something else to do. Please make way..."

Harry straightened his crooked glasses and asked, "Mr. Hansen, can you do a security check for us?"

"Of course, of course."

Hansen used a thin golden rod to scan everyone's chest and back from top to bottom, just like a metal scanner used at an airport.

Then he asked Harry to put his wand on a brass machine that looked like a scale, and after a while the machine spit out a narrow piece of paper.

"Eleven inches, holly wood, phoenix feathers, and a one-year use time, right?" Hansen asked.

"Yes." Harry looked at the people watching nearby and felt like a monkey in a zoo.

The wizards smiled amiably at him.

Hansen also smiled and said, "It's well maintained. Mr. Ollivander would be very happy if he saw it."

He returned the wand to Harry and poked the note on a small brass nail.

When it was Lupin and Wade's turn, Hansen's attitude became businesslike.

"Cypress, unicorn hair, ten and a quarter inches, used for 21 years?"

"Yes." Lupin said.

"Poplar, unicorn hair, twelve inches, used for one year..." Hansen glanced at Wade and asked, "Are you a Hufflepuff? I'm also from Hufflepuff."

"No." Wade said, "I'm Ravenclaw."


Hansen's friendly smile disappeared immediately, and when he turned around and saw Harry, he returned to his enthusiastic attitude.

"Mr. Potter, where are you going? I can help lead the way."

"No need, Hansen. They are with me!"

Arthur Weasley suddenly squeezed out of the crowd, put his arm around Harry's shoulders, and led the three people to an open golden door.

"You are a little late, Lupin." Mr. Weasley said.

"Sorry, Arthur, the people in the Ministry of Magic are a little too enthusiastic." Lupin stretched out his hand to smooth the clothes that were just messed up by the squeeze, and protected Wade as he walked forward.

A group of colorful paper airplanes flew past the crowd like flocks of birds.

They passed through the golden door and came to the elevator hall, where there were at least twenty elevators, and some people waiting for the elevators stood in the small hall.

"Hi, Arthur." Someone greeted Mr. Weasley: "Is your work going well recently?"

Mr. Weasley nodded: "Except for a Muggle who almost had his nose bitten off by his own cup, everything else is good."

Several people came to the front of an elevator, and Mr. Weasley pressed the down button.

"Dumbledore has arrived." Mr. Weasley whispered to Lupin: "There are many foreign reporters... Fudge originally wanted to hold the trial in the Tenth Courtroom, but because of those people, he had to change it to the Third Courtroom..."

Lupin seemed to know both places. Because he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good..."

"Everyone let me remind you... calm down, okay? No matter what happens in the court, people who lose their minds will always lose..." Mr. Weasley said.

"I understand." Lupin clenched his hands twice, and his tone was still calm: "Those who disrupt the order of the court will be kicked out, and I certainly won't let this happen."

"That's good." Mr. Weasley was a little relieved.

Wade and Harry looked at Lupin together.

Since they met, Lupin has always been calm and rational. Professor McGonagall sometimes gets angry when she is angry with students, but Lupin has always been incredibly emotionally stable.

But in the eyes of others, why does Lupin look like a guy who flips the table when he disagrees with someone?

Harry thought it was because of their deep feelings.

And Wade's idea was... He once thought that among the four people in the group, Lupin was the one who was driven by his friends to do bad things, but it seemed that this was not the case in the eyes of others...

The elevator arrived soon.

They followed the elevator to the underground floor. Several people walked down the stairs. There were many torches inlaid on the rough stone walls, and the air was still cold and damp.

"We are here, the third courtroom."

Mr. Weasley said, pushing open a black door with force.

It can be seen that many torches and floating magic candles were temporarily added to the courtroom, illuminating the entire hall.

On both sides were rows of gradually rising seats, which were almost full at this time. Almost everyone was talking, and the sound in the courtroom was very noisy.

In the front row, there were more than a dozen reporters, with heavy cameras hanging on their chests, and some were writing furiously.

Among them, a woman wearing jeweled glasses and golden curly hair looked very conspicuous. She was wearing a fluorescent pink skirt, which looked out of place in the dark courtroom.

The other reporters subconsciously kept their distance from her, and it was hard to tell whether they were out of fear or disgust.

The entrance of Wade and his companions attracted almost no attention from anyone. Mr. Weasley led them along the narrow staircase on the side to the top floor, and then found a few empty seats to sit down.

After a while, someone else sat down next to them. When he sat down, the wooden chair creaked.

Wade looked up and saw that the person next to him looked terrible. He had long, messy gray hair, scars on his face, and a big crooked mouth.

His eyes on the side close to Wade were very strange, turning around all the time, like a flexible pointer, and suddenly turned to Wade.

Wade was startled by this sudden move.

The wizard laughed and asked in a hoarse voice: "Do you mind if I sit next to you, kid?"

Even if he spoke in the most polite tone, it looked like a threat.

Harry was shocked and his eyes widened, his whole body stiffened, probably thinking that this was some dangerous dark wizard.

He was in the Umbrella House, and he also heard Theo tell the story of how he and his brother were almost kidnapped and later rescued by strangers.

Wade looked at the wizard and said, "Of course not, please sit down."

"Very brave." The wizard muttered, and his blue eyes rolled again, looking at Harry next to him, staring at the scar on his forehead for a while, and fell silent.

"Good morning, Moody." Lupin took the initiative to greet him and said, "I didn't expect you to come too."

"It's impossible to be deaf and dumb after retirement, right?"

Moody took out a curved wine bottle and took a big sip, saying, "What's more, Sirius was once my comrade-in-arms."

"I want to take a good look to see if he is really innocent, or if he has used some trick to deceive you simple guys!"

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