Lupine was silent for a moment.

He always felt that what Moody wanted to say was not "innocence", but "stupidity".

But... believing in Sirius is a matter of course for him!

He has been wrong for eleven years, will he continue to be wrong?

Although the foursome had always been together, they were still close to each other.

Lupine hated Sirius more than anyone else for betraying James; but the moment he knew that Peter Pedillo was still alive, he believed that he had made a mistake.

He should trust the judgment made by his own heart more than listen to the so-called "facts" that others say.

But these feelings are probably not something Moody can understand.

So Lupine just forced a smile and whispered, "I believe him."

Harry mustered up the courage, faced Moody's terrifying face, and said, "Me, me too."

The blue magic eye stared at him suddenly, and at the same time Moody's real black eye also looked at Harry.

Harry was a little nervous and his palms were sweaty, but he still insisted: "I believe that the godfather my father chose for not a traitor!"

Moody laughed, but rarely sarcastically.


He grunted.

Suddenly, the whole house went quiet.

The door on the side of the interrogation room opened, and several wizards walked in - Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge, a witch with gray hair and a monocle, and a wizard with a fierce expression and hair like a lion.

They sat on the high stool in the middle.

Then, a dozen more people wearing purple robes walked in and sat on both sides in turn. They all looked serious and had majesty written on their faces.

All sounds in the interrogation room quickly disappeared.

There was a crisp knocking sound, and the gray-haired witch said expressionlessly: "Bring Sirius Black up."

Lupine leaned forward suddenly, and the palms holding the back of the chair in front of him turned green and white, while Harry subconsciously stood up.

Moody put down the flagon and leaned on his crutches with both hands.

Wade raised his eyes and looked at a small door in the corner.

The door opened.

Harry almost screamed, and there was a brief buzz in the crowd.

Two monsters wearing cloaks and almost three meters tall floated in slowly, holding the arms of the middle man with their hands that seemed to be soaked in water, and walked towards the armchair in the middle of the room.

The faces under the cloaks of the two monsters seemed to be breathing. They took a deep breath, and a cold feeling came over them.

From such a distance, Harry's hands and feet felt cold. Many wizards also showed expressions of disgust and fear.

"That...what is that?" Harry asked.

"Dementors," Vader answered.

His level of Occlumency is already very good now, and Dementors don't have much influence on him.

——It turned out to be the Dementor.

Harry thought to himself.

He had heard before that many of the prisoners imprisoned in Azkaban had gone crazy, and he thought it was unbelievable. But now that I saw the dementors with my own eyes, I suddenly understood.

He looked at the man held hostage by the dementors.

He lowered his head as if he had fainted, his dirty and tangled long hair hanging down in a mess, his skin was as white as wax, and his body was as thin as a skeleton.

A set of tattered old clothes was wrapped around him like a rag. The skinny ankles were covered with ankle cuffs, and the chains dragged on the ground, making a clanking sound.

Vader suddenly heard a gurgling sound. He looked up and saw Lupine staring closely at Sirius, who was like a skeleton. His face was tense and expressionless, and his palms were trembling slightly.

Vader lowered his eyes.

The Dementor placed Sirius on the chair in the middle. The chains on the armrests suddenly glowed with golden light, wrapping around Sirius tightly like a snake and tying him there.

Then, they slowly left the room, their bodies as light as a puff of black smoke.

There was an obvious sound of venting in the interrogation room. The reporters stretched their necks, stared closely at Sirius on the chair, and took a series of photos.

Except for Dumbledore, the wizards in the front row remained calm, and everyone else had obvious displeasure on their faces.

The crisp knocking sound sounded again, and the reporters had to put down their cameras and pick up their quills instead, with expressions of excitement still on their faces.

"Record!" the gray-haired witch said in a cold voice: "The trial on November 14th will re-examine Sirius Black's surrender to the mysterious man, leaking the residence of James Potter and Lily Potter, and killing him after the facts were revealed. A case that killed thirteen people!”

"Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Rufus Scrimgeour, Head of the Auror Office. Trial Record Member: Albireo Irma.”

"Advocate for the Defence: Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore."

Dumbledore, who was sitting on the chair next to him, stood up and said: "Due to the poor condition of the defendant Sirius Black, I will make a statement on his behalf." ’’

There was a vague commotion among the audience in the interrogation room, and most of the Wizengamot members wearing purple robes smiled at Dumbledore.

The displeasure on Fudge's face became more obvious. He looked around, as if expecting someone to come out and object. But neither Amelia Bones nor Rufus Scrimgeour spoke.

Fudge had no choice but to say: "Well...Okay, Dumbledore...This is also allowed..."

Dumbledore ignored Fudge's reluctance, stood up and strode to Sirius Black, and put a hand on his shoulder.

The warmth of a living person's palm seemed to pull Sirius out of some repressed emotions. He slowly raised his head and looked at Dumbledore.

The eyes were hidden in the sunken eye sockets, deep and dark, without any emotion.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think most of you here should still remember that we interrogated Peter Pettigrew here yesterday."

Dumbledore said: "Since the case was a long time ago and the process was complicated, we specially allowed the use of truth serum during the interrogation..."

Hearing the familiar name, Sirius Black was stunned, and then, it seemed that a dark light flashed in those eyes.

He stared at Dumbledore intently.

Some people in the audience showed worried expressions, and some people asked the old headmaster with white beard to stand further away - they seemed to think that Sirius would pounce on Dumbledore and bite him.

But Dumbledore did not leave, he continued to speak.

"Under the influence of the potion, Peter Pettigrew confessed to his crimes. He admitted that he was the real secret keeper of the Potter family, and it was he who revealed their residence to Voldemort..."

Sirius Black suddenly let out a hoarse roar -

"Peter Pettigrew? Is he still alive?"

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