Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 161 Sirius's Verdict

Dumbledore's voice paused slightly, as if he didn't expect that Sirius still didn't know why he was brought to the trial, or that he was surprised that Sirius could still think and speak clearly.

After a few seconds of pause, he pressed his palm slightly harder on Sirius' shoulder.

"Yes, he is alive."

Dumbledore said: "He transformed into a mouse, disguised himself as a child's pet, and lived in hiding for eleven years. He was recently arrested at Hogwarts."

Sirius was in a daze, looking at the floor, not knowing what he was thinking.

Dumbledore continued to elaborate on the crimes to which Peter Pettigrew had confessed.

It was he who betrayed.

He was also the one who killed the Potters.

When he was about to be caught by Sirius, he was the one who killed twelve Muggles with a spell.

Some wizards who had not participated in the previous trial were talking a lot. Everyone was so shocked that even the order of the court could not keep them quiet.

Moody frowned.

"This despicable scum should be given a kiss by the dementors!"

said the retired Auror with intense disgust.

"The Ministry of Magic sentenced him to life imprisonment!" Lupine seemed unwilling to accept it, but he added: "Maybe it would be better to let that guy live and endure a long period of torture!"

"Peter Pedillo was tried yesterday?" Wade asked.

"A secret trial, there are not so many listeners." Lupine suppressed his emotions and said: "Originally, Peter's trial was after Sirius, but Dumbledore asked him to advance it."

Moody nodded: "Only when Peter Pedro's guilt is confirmed, Sirius Black can be said to be innocent."

He stared deeply at Sirius, as if trying to discern some hidden emotion from that skull-like face.

He added: "If you ask me, Fudge now lacks some courage. If it were Millicent Bagno, she would never let Pedillo have a chance to enjoy the rest of his life."

"Peter Pedro is an Animagus." Vader asked, "Will he turn into a mouse and escape from Azkaban?"

Moody shook his head: "Although I don't like those monsters either, I have to say that they are the best guards in the world. No one can escape from under their noses - even though those guys may not even have eyes."

"Now that we know he is an Animagus, the Ministry of Magic also has measures against Animagus." Lupine also said.

While they were discussing in low voices, Dumbledore had already presented a small amount of evidence - mainly the testimony of Peter Pedillo.

Then there was Sirius' wand that was confiscated back then. The Ministry of Magic retrieved it from the evidence room filled with dust, then cast a flashback spell and examined it one by one for more than ten minutes.

The spell that killed a dozen Muggles that year never appeared in the wand.

The members of the Wizengamot in charge of the trial nodded to each other and exchanged looks. They already knew the facts in advance, and Dumbledore's words were mainly meant for reporters and uninformed audiences.

After examining the wand, the facts seemed conclusive.

Fudge put forward his own theory again——

If they misjudge Sirius Black's identity, he will become an important force in the resurrection of the mysterious man, bringing danger to the entire wizarding world.

Fudge didn't really care who was innocent, Sirius Black or Peter Pedroe.

For him, the most important thing is stability.

He hoped that the magical world would be as calm as a windless lake, allowing him to stay in his position safely, occasionally earn some political achievements safely, and fill up his private treasury.

He resists any change.

Peter Pedillo has been hiding for more than ten years. What has he done? No. There is no difference between him alive and dead.

But Sirius Black was a ticking bomb. Fudge didn't know what he would do after he was released. This uncertainty made him feel uneasy and therefore dangerous.

Moreover, if Sirius had not betrayed him, he would also belong to Dumbledore. This was a grudge that Fudge could not express.

Fudge's concerns seemed reasonable, and some people nodded secretly.

Amelia Bones looked at Sirius who was hanging his head and said nothing from above, and asked: "Sirius Black, do you have anything else to say?"

Sirius remained motionless for a long moment.

Fudge said: "I think he may not be able to understand your question, Amelia..."

"I'm guilty." Sirius suddenly said in a dry voice, and he slowly raised his head.

"They were killed by me... I convinced James and Lily to change the secret keeper to Peter... not me..."

"I made a huge mistake... I caused them to die. It's all my fault... I'm guilty..."

"No, that's not it!"

Harry couldn't help but shout.

Everyone in the interrogation room looked at him. Fudge's eyes widened in shock and he said angrily: "No noise!"

Some people looked at Harry's appearance, guessed his identity, and suddenly showed expressions of interest.

Harry knew that everyone was looking at him and that he might be kicked out soon, but he still shouted with all his strength:

"You are not guilty! Even if my parents are here, they will not think that you are guilty! It was Voldemort who killed them, not you! Pedilu's betrayal is not your fault!"

Harry called Voldemort by his first name in public, which made people talk a lot. Many people even ignored the order of the court and stood up to see Harry's appearance.

"Did you hear...he said that person's name..."

"Of course, he is...Harry Potter..."

Wade heard the noisy discussion.

Sirius Black raised his head suddenly, trying hard to see Harry clearly. The sunken eyes suddenly became moist and shone brightly, instantly dispelling those rotten and withered things.

"...James?" He said softly, his lips trembling.

Amelia Bones had to hit several times with a small hammer before she could barely get the interrogation room to become quiet again.

"Please be quiet, Mr. Potter," she said, "or I'll have to let you go."

Harry immediately sat down, his face as red as if he had a fever, and he stared down at his toes, unable to believe how he could be so impulsive just now.

Lupine patted him on the shoulder.

Across the rows of heads, he looked at Sirius with tears in his eyes.

"Then...please raise your hands if you agree that the crime has been established." Ms. Bones said in a loud voice.

Harry's head shot up, his breathing quickened, and he looked nervously.

Some people were still turning to look at him, as if they didn't hear what was said in front of them.

One, two, three...

A few scattered arms were raised.

"If you agree that the crime is not established, please raise your hands." Bones said again.

Rows of arms went up, and some nodded and smiled at Harry as they raised their hands.

More than half!

"The crime is not established!"

Amelia Bones gaveled and announced: "Sirius Black, acquitted!"

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