"What?" Michael looked confused.

The school system of Hogwarts is seven years, but if you don't pass any of the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations (also known as OWL), you have to leave school after graduating from the fifth year. Michael didn't understand why Wade asked such a question that everyone knew.

"Seven years." Wade said with some sadness: "There are only 52 weeks in a year. Excluding summer vacation and Christmas vacation, we can only stay in school for a total of about 38 weeks a year, and seven years is only 266 weeks!"

"Uh..." Michael thought for a while, "That's right - so what?"

"So... Even if I can finish a book in a week, there are only 266 books in seven years! But how many books are there in the Hogwarts library? Thousands! It's like a vault full of treasures, open for you to take at will, but you come in and take a small bag of gold galleons out. Don't you think it's a pity?"

Michael felt that what he said made sense, and he suddenly had a sense of urgency in his heart that "time is running out".

"And think about it," Wade continued, "only in these seven years... no, in 266 weeks, we can ask questions to the greatest wizards of the time at any time in the safest place in the world. The one who teaches us Transfiguration is Professor McGonagall, one of the only seven Animagus since the 20th century, the one who teaches us spells is Professor Flitwick, the champion of the dueling competition, and the one who teaches us potions is Professor Snape, the master of potions... Although the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts is a little bit worse, where else can you find such a good learning environment after leaving Hogwarts? After graduation, when you encounter problems with advanced magic or potions, who can guide you so selflessly and teach you how to do it? When you want to learn powerful spells in the future but can't find a way, won't it be too late to miss the library of Hogwarts?"

Not only Michael, but the students around him who had become quiet at some point couldn't help but nodded.

"So Michael--" Wade asked in a deep voice: "Do you still think that it is enough for us to study only eight books in one-seventh of the time?"

Michael, who had been completely convinced by Wade's theory, shook his head vigorously. He wanted to say something but didn't say it. But when he thought of the two weeks he had "wasted", he couldn't help feeling a little anxious.

He stopped chatting with the girls and took out the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" that he had thrown into the corner and started studying.

For a while, the Ravenclaw Common Room became quiet, with only the sound of pages turning and quills writing. The two fifth-year students who hurried back at curfew thought that Professor Snape had invaded the Ravenclaw Common Room. They didn't even dare to breathe loudly and tiptoed back to the dormitory.


Dinner time, in the hall.

"Something is wrong, Fred."

"Yes, it's really wrong, George."

The red-haired twins looked at each other, and they reached out their hands at the same time, randomly grabbed a student from Ravenclaw College, and pressed him to his own desk before he could scream.

"What do you two want to do, Weasley?" The Ravenclaw boy who was held down by them said unhappily, "I don't have time to participate in your pranks."

"Huh? What?" Ron, who was chewing a chicken leg, looked up in confusion.

"It's none of your business, little Ronnie!" Fred pushed his brother's head back, and the twins put their arms around the necks of the Ravenclaw boys on the left and right, and asked: "Davis, what's going on with you Ravenclaws recently?"

"Holding books while eating--"

"Holding books while walking--"

"There are not many Ravenclaws in the courtyard during lunch break--"

"Even Quidditch training is not as active as before--"

"I didn't even go on a date on weekends!"

"You didn't like reading so much before?"

"Seriously, did Snape secretly drug you?"

"--For example, a love potion called 'love of learning' or something."

Associating Professor Snape's face with a love potion that exudes a pink smell, Roger Davis couldn't help but tremble, "Don't talk nonsense, Professor Snape will not give a love potion... No, I mean there is no such love potion... No, we just suddenly realized-life is short, and the time we can use to study is even shorter."

"Huh?" The two Weasleys looked at him inexplicably.

Roger Davis took a deep breath and looked at the twins solemnly: "Fred, George, do you know how long we can stay in Hogwarts?"

Fred silently reached out to feel the temperature of his forehead.

"My brain is not burned!" Davis slapped his hand down and said seriously, such as "266 weeks", "tens of thousands of books", "not studying hard is like going into a treasure mountain but returning empty-handed" and other theories.

After that, Davis went to the Ravenclaw long table to have dinner with a book in his arms. The Weasley brothers looked at each other, and even Harry and Ron, who were originally concentrating on eating, stopped unconsciously.

The atmosphere of hard study began to spread quietly in Hogwarts.

Of course, most people are only enthusiastic for a short time. For example, Ron, he only worked hard to compile the paper on the history of magic and then started to play with his moving wizard chess; for example, the twins, they still spent most of their time on pranks and studying magic tricks. But there are also some people who are secretly motivated to start working hard.

Michael is a person who works hard intermittently. He is smart but not hardworking. Sometimes he will be influenced by Wade and work hard for a while, but soon he will be attracted by something more interesting, such as using magic to manipulate small paper figures to fight, or discussing music or clothes with beautiful girls.

In the practice room, most of the time it is Wade, Hermione, Theo and Ryan.

Sometimes Professor Sprout of the Herbology class will come to take a look, probably worried that they are doing some dangerous practice here. After seeing the layout of the practice room and the learning results of several people, he praised them highly, added five points to each college, and said that students can ask her questions when she has no classes, and she is happy to answer students' questions.

Professor Sprout is really a very gentle and amiable witch. She almost never treats students differently because of the difference between colleges, and only prefers those students who are particularly talented in Herbology. Not long after, Professor Sprout recommended a Gryffindor student to their study group-Neville Longbottom.

The round-faced boy was honest and simple. He was very clumsy in learning and learned spells slower than anyone else, but he worked very hard and didn't cause trouble. He quickly integrated into their small group.

On a weekend night, a notice posted on the bulletin board in the lounge caused all the first-year students to get restless - starting next week, they would have flying lessons!

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