Flying has always been mankind's biggest dream, and Vader is no exception. In his opinion, one of the greatest benefits of learning magic is that you can fly freely in the sky. Of course, you can also fly into the sky by airplane, and it is more comfortable than riding a broom or flying horse. But there’s no doubt about it – the latter is much cooler.

Ravenclaw's flying lessons are with Hufflepuff on Friday afternoons. Before that, Thursday afternoon was Gryffindor and Slytherin flying lessons.

Starting Monday, all the freshmen were talking about flying, and Michael was no different.

"You know? My most thrilling experience was riding a broomstick and racing down a cliff with an eagle!" Michael boasted with a sausage stuck on his fork: "We started from 1,300 meters away. It swooped down from high altitude and finally hovered only fifteen centimeters above the ground! The grass on the ground could touch the tip of my nose!"

"Isn't that great?" Theo at the next table believed it and exclaimed: "Michael, you should play Quidditch. You must be good at Wronsky's fake moves! Many famous players can't do this!"

Michael's face turned slightly red, and he forced himself to say: "Of course! I have to say that after Professor Flitwick sees my wonderful performance in the flying class, he might invite me to join the Quidditch team in advance. Woolen cloth!"

"Definitely! You are simply a genius!" Theo praised loudly.

Michael blushed even more.

At the long table, some senior Ravenclaw girls looked at Michael and chuckled, obviously seeing through his lie.

In order to cover up his embarrassment, Michael turned around and said, "Vide, do you need me to give you some flying instructions in advance? So that you won't feel nervous when you get on the broom. I'm an expert in this area. I rode it before I could walk." Flying around the house on a broomstick.”

"Really? I think we also need some guidance." Hermione pulled Neville over quickly and sat next to her. She also held a pile of books in her arms - "Quidditch Origins", "Wigton" "The Miracle of the Hobos", "He Flys Like a Madman", that sort of thing.

"You borrowed so many books?" Wade asked in surprise.

"Yeah, but it's not very helpful." Hermione put the book on the table and said anxiously: "Almost all of these books are about the barbaric sport of Quidditch, and they don't even talk about how to fly more smoothly."

The girl's words immediately aroused dissatisfaction among Quidditch fans. Michael raised his eyebrows and said, "Barbaric? Hermione, you probably don't understand yet. Quidditch is the most popular and exciting sport. Everyone loves Quidditch!" It has nothing to do with savagery! No, I should say - you don’t understand its wild charm at all!”

"Really?" Hermione asked unceremoniously: "But it makes Snidget a protected animal! On the verge of extinction!"

"There's nothing wrong with Quidditch!" Michael yelled first, then asked strangely: "...What is the Golden Snitch? Does it sound a bit like the Golden Snitch?"

"That is a small bird that flies quickly." Vader happened to have seen this part before. He said: "In the past, a Golden Snidget was released in Quidditch games. When did the team's hunters kill the bird? Die, when will the game end. Therefore, the number of Snitches has become extremely rare from being as common as sparrows, and protected areas have to be established to prevent them from being completely extinct. Later, although the Golden Snitch was invented to replace the role of the Snitch, Quidditch in some countries. The team seems to have retained its old customs, so until now, Golden Snidget is still a protected animal.”

Hermione raised her head and said, "Yes, so Quidditch is a barbaric sport based on the lives of countless Gold Snitches. It's a pity that not many people pay attention to the poor Gold Snitch now, just for the kind of sport that can cause death." cheer!"

The girl completely forgot why she was sitting at this table, hugged her book and left angrily, leaving the remaining boys looking at each other.

After a while, Neville said timidly: "So...flight there any more?" He said with a frown: "I have never flown before, and my grandma won't let me get close to a broomstick - not even a toy broomstick." no."

"Well, of course." Michael said enthusiastically: "It's actually very simple to ride a broom. You just need to hold the stick in front of you with your hands, and then push hard with your feet, and you can fly. The most important thing is to keep your balance and turn. You must be flexible when doing it - the models of various flying broomsticks are very different. It would be good if the public broom provided by the school can have a sweeping seven-star, but the best one at the moment is definitely the Nimbus 2000..."

Michael's "flight instructions" were only two or three sentences long, and he spent the rest of the time talking endlessly about the capabilities of the Nimbus series. Theo was very supportive and believed every word he said. Neville stared at his big round eyes and tried to write down everything he said, but in the end there were only a few lines on the paper - [Hold the handle, push hard on the ground, and maintain balance].

Ryan secretly told Wade, "I'm sure Michael has only ever ridden a toy broomstick before."

"Why do you say that?" Wade asked, "Have you ever ridden a real one?"

"I have never ridden one by myself because my mother wouldn't let me, saying it was too dangerous." Ryan said, "But my dad had a Comet, and he once held me and flew several times in the sky. He said that for beginners, it's too dangerous to ride." It’s good if you can sit firmly on it, and you can’t fly in a hurry, because the flying broomstick is much faster than a toy broomstick, and there is no height limit.”

He looked at Michael's eloquent appearance and shook his head slightly.

"There's nothing to worry about." Wade comforted him, "The professor is still here!"

Although he had no memory of the detailed plot of "Harry Potter", he remembered Neville's highlight performance in the final battle. What big trouble can happen in an ordinary flying lesson?

Speaking of which, in my impression... there does seem to be a plot about flying lessons.

Vader rubbed his chin, trying to dig out useful fragments from his memory.

Hmm... It seems that Neville was bullied by Draco? And then Harry Potter stood up for him?

That should be the case.

On Thursday afternoon, Ravenclaw only had one Charms class with Slytherin. After class, the Slytherins happily ran to the lawn - that's where the flying lessons were. The Ravenclaws didn't have any classes after that, so they just went to watch.

It was rare for Vader to move with the large group - it was a flying lesson after all. The students gathered in the corridor in twos and threes, eavesdropping on the speech of Mrs. Huo Qi, the flying course professor there, hoping to learn something in advance so as not to be embarrassed in the formal class tomorrow.

It didn't take long for them to see Neville - yes, it was Neville - while everyone else was still standing on the ground, the boy shot straight into the sky like a cannonball!


There were horrified screams in the sky, and then a figure fell straight down. Before anyone else had time to react, he slammed into the grass with a "bang"!

There was silence among the crowd.

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