At a critical moment, a particularly old house elf suddenly appeared next to Harry, grabbed his arm, and disappeared with him in an instant.

At the same time, three or four spells hit the attacking Thestral, freezing it in the air.

One of the spells came from Vader.

He took the wand, jumped off the Thestral's back, and ran over to check.

Immediately afterwards, Professor Sprout and Professor Snape appeared nearby.

"What's going on?" Professor Snape said with a dark face, staring dangerously at the frightened girls.

"An invisible attacked Harry Potter!"

one of the little girls said in alarm, looking like she was about to cry.

"A house elf took Harry away!"

Vader glanced at the girl's red hair...another Weasley.

Hagrid also hurried over, looked at the Thestral that was fixed in the sky, and said worriedly and doubtfully: "But Geraldine is a docile and good boy... It has never attacked anyone..."

"What did that stupid Gryffindor do before?" Snape asked in a cold tone: "He angered the Thestrals!"

"Harry didn't do anything!"

Ginny Weasley mustered up the courage to look at the Potions Master and said loudly:

"He just helped us drive away a Grindylow, and then he was suddenly attacked!"

"I don't think it's Harry's fault, Professor."

Wade suddenly said: "Look at this Thestral, there is a wound on its back."

Professor Snape came over and saw a slender wound bleeding from the Thestral's back, near its hind legs.

He approached the Thestral, his aquiline nose twitching slightly.

"The smell of chat grass."

"Chat grass?" Ginny asked subconsciously.

"Take a good look at your textbooks!" Snape glanced at her and said, "Chat grass can be used to brew delirium, which can cause fear, palpitations, and even hallucinations and manic tendencies in the user."

"So... someone gave the Thestral a magic potion?" Vader looked serious: "Did he want to use the Thestral to hurt Harry, or did he want to cause chaos in Hogwarts?"

Professor Sprout opened the Thestral's mouth and looked at it, and said: "This is not a finished potion... There are grass roots between the gaps between his teeth. It seems that someone directly fed it a large amount of Chat grass. "

"I remember that this kind of grass is mainly produced in countries in East Africa and Arabia. Its transportation and sale are prohibited in most countries..."

Wade recalled the contents of the book: "But...well...both the UK and New Zealand allow sales within a certain range, but it shouldn't be easy for ordinary people to get their hands on it."

"As long as there is a way, it is much easier to get it than you think. More importantly... who can attack the Thestrals in Hogwarts..."

Snape pondered.

Hagrid said angrily: "If I know who did it, I will definitely make him look good!"

Ginny watched the discussion among several people and couldn't get a word in for a long time.

Her little friend pulled Ginny's arm and wanted to leave here, but Ginny seemed to have roots under her feet and refused to move a step.

After the conversation between several people was interrupted for a while, Ginny said tentatively: "Professor, Harry was taken away..."

"The house-elves will send him to the infirmary, if that's what you're asking," Snape said.

His tone was cold and he looked impatient, but compared to the treatment other Gryffindors received from Snape, he was already very gentle to Ginny.

Vader looked thoughtfully at the dazzling red hair.

"Thank you, Professor."

Ginny didn't feel like she was being treated specially. She just felt that Professor Snape was as scary as ever.

The girl thanked her in a low voice, then took her friend and ran away.

At this time, Dumbledore had also arrived at the scene.

The reason why he was late was because he went to see Harry first, and there was still some blood on his sleeve.

"How is Harry, Dumbledore?" Hagrid asked hurriedly.

"It's just a few flesh wounds, Madam Pomfrey will be able to heal them quickly."

After Dumbledore finished speaking, he waved his wand and inspected the Thestral. Professor Sprout told him what they had discovered.

Dumbledore nodded slightly.

"Hagrid, bring all the Thestrals back to the stables. I think we need to do a thorough inspection."

"Where's Geraldine, sir?" Hagrid asked anxiously: "I know he hurt Harry, but it wasn't intentional. Geraldine has always been a good child..."

"Of course, it was just used by someone with ulterior motives." Dumbledore said, "It's up to you to take care of it until the effects of the medicine wear off."

"Okay, Professor." Hagrid sniffed, picked up the immobilized Thestral with one hand, and carried it away.

"Dumbledore!" Snape said disapprovingly: "Beasts that have hurt people cannot stay..."

Professor Sprout frowned: "There is a difference between actively causing harm and passively causing harm, Severus. It was confused by the chat grass and does not know what it is doing."

Dumbledore did not make a decision immediately, but asked: "Mr. Grey, what do you think?"

Wade was stunned for a moment. Snape and Professor Sprout looked at him at the same time.

Under the gazes of the two professors, he thought for a moment and said, "I think we should let the students who participated in the challenge leave first. The project will be temporarily terminated and we will check whether other creatures have been tampered with."

"As for how to deal with the Thestral named Geraldine...why not ask Harry for his opinion? After all, he is the victim."

Dumbledore nodded and said, "Then let's do it."

Snape immediately snorted and looked at Vader as if he was also dissatisfied with him.

Everyone knew very well that given Harry's character and his relationship with Hagrid, they would definitely not pursue the matter further.

Wade just pretended not to see it.

Anyway, Professor Snape has always been like this - he doesn't give good looks or say nice things, but he will definitely answer any questions and will definitely take action if he is asked for help.

After being admitted for so long, Vader only saw him praise Malfoy once.

Of course, this may also be because they have not taken Potions class with Slytherin students, otherwise they may have seen Professor Snape's fancy words of praise for Slytherin.

But for more than a year, Vader has always been able to get answers to Professor Snape's questions about potions, even if they were beyond the scope of the syllabus.

After he switched to the Room of Requirement to brew potions, he no longer went to the underground classroom to practice.

On the way, he met Professor Snape and was ridiculed twice. Only then did Wade figure out what he meant by "Why don't you continue practicing? Don't give up halfway!"

Wade: "..."

So after the next Potions class, he showed his recent results to the professor and explained——

I recently moved to a different place to practice because some potions took too long to brew, so I couldn't keep occupying the potions classroom.

Then I got comments such as "so-so" and "don't get carried away".

Chapter 2 may take until night

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