Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 169 Bowtruckle and Thestral

The long team moved forward two steps from time to time, looking like a slowly squirming snake from above.

The Harry trio stood at the back at first, but soon there were about ten more people behind them.

"It will be dinner time soon." Ron looked at the team in front of him hopefully, and said expectantly: "I hope everyone will go to dinner by then, and then we will be here immediately."

"Believe me, others think so too," Harry said.

Hermione bit her fingers nervously: "Listen to me, Michael and the others said they seemed to have put some dangerous magical creatures in... and the plants cultivated by Professor Sprout..."

"I should really read A Thousand Magical Herbs and Their Creatures before I come here, and Monsters and Where to Find Them... Why is the Care of Magical Creatures class not taught until the third grade?"

"Maybe it's because we can't deal with those dangerous creatures until our third year, right?" Harry said casually.

Hermione became visibly more nervous.

"Then should we withdraw from the team first? I think my armor spell is not used very well..."

"No, that's too embarrassing! Look, there are still freshmen who are challenging!" Ron said disapprovingly.

At this time, a Hufflepuff student behind them said: "Potter, is this your first challenge?"

Harry nodded.

The boy smiled and said: "Don't worry. The first floor is filled with ordinary animals and plants. As long as you are careful, even ordinary people will not be injured. It must be very simple for you."

"Hey, Ronnie, there's Harry and Hermione! I've been waiting for you guys to come over!"

Suddenly there was a voice above his head, and before Harry could turn around, he heard Ron say angrily: "I told you not to call me that, Fred!"

"Whenever you can recognize that I am George and not Fred, I will stop calling you by your nickname." said one of the red-haired twins.

Ron choked.

After so many years, even his mother may not be able to tell the difference between the two twins, let alone him?

"George, what's that in your hand?" Hermione asked.

"good question."

George was carrying a large cage covered with a green cloth, and there was a strange squeaking sound coming from inside, like he was carrying a cage of mice.

Hearing this, he happily put his hand in and pinched out something slender, like a green tree root. It had two small brown eyes and slender fingers like vines.

"The Bowtruckle!" Hermione called out: "I know it is a creature that protects trees, and it likes rhinoceros very much."

"Well said, Hermione, it's a pity I can't give you any points."

George blinked, pulled out a piece of paper, scrawled the name "Hermione Granger", and handed it to the Bowtruckle.

The little thing clamped the note, then timidly climbed onto Hermione's shoulder and sat down.

Hermione looked at it carefully: "...?"

The Bowtruckle also looked at her, but unfortunately its eyes were only as big as sesame seeds and showed no emotion.

"Protect these little guys."

George distributed Bowtruckles to Harry and Ron, and said, "They have been bred for generations in Mr. Scamander's manor. They are very smart and are your scorekeepers."

"Scorekeeper?" Harry repeated.

"That's right!" George said, "You can't expect the professor to follow each challenger and score them, right?"

He was about to leave. After taking two steps, he turned back and said:

"By the way, in case you haven't heard yet - if your Bowtruckle dies during the challenge, all points will be reset! Whether you can participate in the challenge again is unknown!"

"What?" Ron raised his voice in horror, "But it's so weak!"

His Bowtruckle tugged at Ron's hair angrily.

"So this is the ultimate challenge!" George waved his hand perfunctorily: "You can understand, right? Such a smart Bowtruckle is not infinite!"

He went to distribute Bowtruckles to other students who were challenging for the first time. Harry and the three of them looked at each other.

"If they are in danger, give them an armor charm first?" Hermione suggested.

Harry nodded silently.

Ron frowned - although Harry was also teaching him the Iron Armor Charm, Ron hadn't mastered it yet.

He thought about it all the way, and finally when he was about to reach the entrance, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Ron picked up a few nut shells from the ground, glued them together with an immature sticking spell, and made an "armor" for the little Bowtruckle.

"I hope it can protect you. You should also protect yourself and don't let me worry."

Ron put the "armor" on the little guy and warned him carefully.

The Bowtruckle didn't know if he understood. He tapped the armor with his long fingers, as if he felt it was not very comfortable.

The team finally had their turn.

Ron entered first, then Harry, and finally Hermione.

When Hermione entered, she found that Harry and Ron, who had entered a few seconds before her, were gone.

"Okay, I guessed it. Since we are allowed to enter one by one, we will definitely not be allowed to gather together."

She encouraged herself by talking to herself, while exploring and moving forward.

"It's only the first level, it's definitely not that difficult. Don't you think so? Um... how about I call you Glory? Do you like this name?"

The Bowtruckle, who had a new name, suddenly called out and pointed to the side.

Hermione was startled and turned around to see that it was a snow-white little rabbit.


Hermione's expression softened and she slowly walked over, wanting to reach out and touch it.

The little white rabbit took a step back.


Golori suddenly called again.

Hermione was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized. She also wanted to step back, but suddenly found that she was surrounded by seven or eight rabbits.

When she turned her head, the little white rabbit suddenly jumped up and bumped into Hermione!

In the maze, the students screamed one after another.

Even the most ordinary animals can surprise people when they show aggression.

Wade, who was temporarily acting as a patrolman, rode on the back of the Thestral and circled above the maze.

Ron was chased by a group of geese and ran away.

After getting rid of the rabbits, Hermione was entangled by monkeys again. It's not that she couldn't handle it, but she was always a little slow to react in the face of battle;

Harry handled it very smoothly and had entered the second circle. He was trying to snatch his glasses back from a Niffler.

He couldn't see the road clearly and fell several times in a row. He was a little embarrassed all over.

Neville finally found the passage between the outer layer and the second circle, but accidentally fell into a trap and was hung upside down. This little friend's luck value has always been very low;

Wade waited nearby for a while, and seeing that he didn't give up and was still trying to cut the vines hanging on him with the cutting spell, he went to check other places.

Theo had just been sent out by the elf, and Ryan was still insisting on the third circle. Several Augureys made trembling calls nearby, which made him fall into a low and sad mood, and he didn't want to move for a long time.

A red hat was quietly approaching Ryan from behind. If he didn't wake up in time, he might be eliminated like this.

Seeing that the house elves were already guarding nearby, Wade turned the direction with confidence.

Padma was just eliminated by a Boggart... Rolf actually reached the third circle. Most of the students here are already in the third grade or above...

Then Wade thought that Rolf's family background was profound, and it might be easier for him to deal with these magical creatures than most students.

Some of them even came from the space in their suitcases. Rolf had been feeding them since he was a child, so he naturally didn't have to worry about being hurt by these creatures.

If it weren't for the various obstacles set by Hogwarts itself in the maze, this little guy might have made it all the way to the seventh circle, right?

Wade observed from above for a while, and saw that Rolf was trapped by a puzzle of Professor Snape and couldn't get out for a while, so he continued to look at other students.


Suddenly, several people screamed in the maze.

Wade was startled.

Without his instructions, the Thestral quickly flew to the direction where the sound came from.


As several girls watched in horror, Harry flew backwards, and a stream of blood spurted out from his chest!

What everyone couldn't see was that a Thestral raised its hoof high and stomped towards the boy on the ground!

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