Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 168: Hogwarts Real-Person Game

"I think the name Ultimate Challenge is not a good one." Wade said to Michael: "Ultimate Challenge should not have 'Ultimate'."

"What if your final boss is defeated?" Michael asked.

"Then tell the challenger that it is just a Black Iron BOSS. After Black Iron, there are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster, and King. Then one-star King, two-star King, three-star King... reach nine-star King, and there is also the God level, isn't it great?"

"Please forgive us!" Michael rolled his eyes: "If this goes on, we will never be able to finish this level-breaking game in our lifetime."

"Why should we finish it?" Wade asked back: "Level-breaking games with endings will soon become residue in our memories. Only when there is no ending will it be difficult for people to give up."

"I think... this memory will never become residue..."

Michael said: "Tell the truth, did you come up with this because everyone disliked the Wade version of the escape game?"

"...How is it possible?" Wade retorted with a bit of guilt: "Of course I have thought about it for a long time, thinking about how to make these games more interesting and more useful to everyone... This is not a whim."

"Don't quibble, your hesitation has already explained everything." Michael complained.

Wade: "..."

The professors next to him were watching the students' challenges while watching the two bickering with a smile, smiling tolerantly, and even Professor Snape said nothing.

During this day and a half, Wade also truly realized the strength of the school's professors.

His memory went back to yesterday noon.


Padma took a few girls and drew a new sketch in just one noon.

This is a huge space, divided into seven different areas, each of which is an intricate maze. From the outer layer to the inner layer, the area is getting smaller and smaller, and finally they converge in one place.

Players need to choose one of the seven entrances to enter, pass through seven levels, and finally face the boss at the end of the level.

Once they fail or give up, they have to start from the beginning.

Michael and other people from SSC borrowed a full set of "Care of Magical Creatures" from the library, and sorted out 37 kinds of magical creatures suitable for students.

Wade contacted Professor Murray through the Friends Book, and consulted Mr. Scamander, and finally designed a new alchemical work.

Its popular name is "Real-time Score Counter".

But the inscription that Wade engraved on it is - [Hero List]!

While he was busy working on the alchemy work without sleep, Professor Flitwick pulled all the faculty and staff of the school to help - from Dumbledore to Filch, from Professor Kettleburn who was about to retire, to the Thestrals who pulled the school carriage, no one was left out.

Most of the faculty and staff also participated enthusiastically, only Filch grumbled and complained, worried that the naughty ghosts in the school would take the opportunity to cause trouble.

First, several professors of Herbology took action with the students of the advanced class. They made countless shrubs grow out of thin air overnight, completely covering the previous playground and forming a basic framework.

Although the thorny shrubs are not as dangerous as the devil's vine, it is still painful to be pricked by it. They grow densely, and the gaps in the middle are so small that only small insects such as ants can pass through.

Then came Professor Flitwick and the students of the advanced class of Charms, who arranged various terrains in the area between the shrubs.

There are alleys like the playground before, swamps, woods, flower fields or hills, and grass that looks flat but actually hides traps.

Professor Flitwick cast a spell on some keys or paper airplanes, allowing them to fly freely in the area, and students will need to catch them to get clues.

Professor Flitwick also invited Lockhart to join in. Lockhart waved his wand happily, claiming that he would create a strange landscape, but the spell he shot accidentally rebounded on himself, knocking him out and falling into the trap that Professor Flitwick had just made.

Professor Flitwick had to ask the students to send Lockhart to the school infirmary first.

Next came Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and the students who were good at Transfiguration. They performed Transfiguration at will, making the maze area more psychedelic and bizarre.

A branch turned into an arch, a dead leaf turned into a drooping rag, and a rotten apple on the ground turned into a carriage that exuded a rotten smell.

Dumbledore also set up several small traps. People who fell into the trap would be turned into goats or wild boars for a short time. He was obviously looking forward to the moment when the trap would take effect.

Professor Snape and Madam Pomfrey took out the potions in stock and hid them in the maze. Some of them could expel magical creatures, some could confuse enemies, and some could heal. There were many effects.

But Professor Snape didn't want his potions to be used in vain by students who didn't know how to cherish them. He put potions with opposite effects next to the useful potions.

For example, potions that make people vomit or burp constantly, and some can cause fainting or make people irritable.

Then, the professor racked his brains to leave many different logical reasoning or potion questions. Students who answered incorrectly would taste the bitter fruit of not listening carefully in class.

Finally, it was Professor Kettleburn and Hagrid. According to the list listed by Michael, they put different magical creatures into different areas.

The two were eager to let the fire dragon Norbeta play the role of the ultimate boss, but unfortunately they were rejected by other professors.

In the end, they adopted Wade's suggestion.

The boss of the last level was a ball python that used the expansion spell.

This is a non-toxic ordinary snake, but under the effect of magic, it can resist most spells, is flexible, and has a huge body like a prehistoric beast.

The giant snake swam slowly in the last level, and its scales shone with a metallic luster. The huge body was enough to scare the timid children just by looking at it from a distance.

Wade was looking forward to the day when it was defeated by the students.

Of course, there were also some harmless ordinary animals, and enlarged insects that were harmless but scary in appearance.

Wade maliciously gave higher scores to those guys who looked the most terrifying, and challengers who wanted to score must face them.


Fairies are cute, right? Can fairies give you points?

Wade thought to himself.

After an earthworm grew bigger and burrowed into the soil, it created some underground passages for the maze. Professor Flitwick hid the entrance, but left a riddle full of hints.

Thestrals were also among them. They would lead students in trouble out of the maze, and occasionally create a terrifying atmosphere.

Dumbledore also specially assigned a group of house elves to act as lifeguards.

They can Apparate freely in Hogwarts, and their big ears can hear any movement in the entire maze. Their innate magic also allows them to feel people's most urgent needs. They can be said to be the most suitable lifeguards.

This is also the first time that the house elves appeared in front of the students openly.

When they first appeared, some Muggle-born junior students were scared. They thought they were monsters in the maze and shouted "Go away!"

But soon, the students who were rescued several times began to affectionately call these elves "little saviors". Some people secretly stuffed candies or even nutts into the house elves, hoping that they could help them skip classes or defeat their opponents, which of course was not allowed.

With everyone's concerted efforts, the new playground "grew" at a speed visible to the naked eye. After only a day and a half, the first "trial run" began.

This was a miracle in everyone's eyes.

When the trial run began, Wade and the professors looked in all directions to see if there were any hidden dangers or areas that needed improvement.

Students lined up in a long queue in front of the entrance. Filch stared at the students with a dark face, staring at them to follow the rules and not cut in line.

Some people, even if they were quickly sent out by the house elves, immediately ran to the back of the queue to line up again, eager to try a second time.

The reason that inspired students to constantly challenge was not only because there was such a large-scale real-life level-breaking game in their boring study life, but also because of the huge, constantly moving list near the entrance.

[Single-day score list];

[Single level-breaking score list];

[Total score list].

The game had just begun, and the competition for the rankings on the list was fierce, and the scores changed rapidly.

Different names kept rolling on it, and sometimes the person who was just in first place would roll to the bottom of the list in a few minutes.

Some people suddenly emerged and took the top spot.

Even if they only stayed in the first place for a few minutes, it was enough for many students to brag about it.

One of the reasons why point games are fascinating is that this kind of instant feedback brings people a sense of accomplishment and excitement, and students can easily get satisfaction and happiness from it.

And unlike ordinary people who are addicted to mobile games, these students need to work harder in their studies, master more magic, and learn more about various subjects in order to get higher scores in the maze. Therefore, the professors will not stop them, but encourage them to participate.

The next chapter update will be delayed until the evening

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