Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 167 Harry's Two Days

Harry received Dumbledore's permission and did not return to school until Sunday afternoon.

During these two days, Harry and Lupin accompanied Sirius, who watched his godfather transform from a sloppy, dirty, ragged, unkempt prisoner into a thin but well-groomed respectable man.

They also went to St. Mungo's, where the healer gave a lot of advice after the examination and prescribed three potions. In short, Sirius needed a long rest and careful conditioning before he could recover.

Lupin took the opportunity to suggest that Sirius come to live at his house.

"I think you definitely don't want to go back to the old Black house... and Harry often comes back on weekends, so you can see him more often."

Sirius had forgotten his original intention of wanting Harry to live with him, and happily agreed.

Lupin's house was not big, and it was crowded for two people, not to mention three people.

But this did not bother them, as Lupin and Sirius both knew the traceless extension spell. It didn't take them long to add a bedroom.

That night, when Harry went to bed, he saw the two adults still in front of the fireplace, drinking and talking.

When he got up in the morning, they were still in almost the same position.

They talked all night, as if they had endless things to say.

On Sunday morning, Sirius and Lupin took Harry and Apparated to Godric's Hollow.

For the first time, Harry knew that his home was in this village and his parents died here.

He was surprised and ashamed, thinking why he had never thought of coming here before?

He had never even paid homage to his parents once.

But then he thought, even if he had this idea, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon would not bring him here.

Lupin took them to the center of the square, and Harry saw the statues of the Potter family here, as if people were commemorating and thanking them in this way.

Then they went to the cemetery behind the church to pay homage to the Potters, and Harry saw the tombstones of Dumbledore's mother and sister first. For the first time, he knew that he and the headmaster came from the same place.

——Why didn't Dumbledore tell me?

Harry couldn't help thinking.

But then he thought that maybe there were many wizards from this village going to Hogwarts, and Harry Potter was just one of them. Dumbledore really didn't need to tell him specifically.

"Harry, this way!"

Lupin said, and took the two to the tombstone of the Potters. The white marble tombstone was engraved with James and Lily's names and birth and death years, as well as a short epitaph -

[The last enemy to be eliminated is death].

Harry looked at the two familiar and unfamiliar names, and thought of his parents lying in the cold ground, unable to respond to him anymore, and his tears welled up.

Sirius cried without hesitation, mumbling:

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm so damned... I'm sorry..."

Lupin turned his head away, took a deep breath, and didn't dare to look at them.

After a long time, Lupin pulled Sirius, who was almost fainted from grief, up from the ground, embraced Harry, whose eyes were red and swollen, and forcibly led the two out of the cemetery.

"We will come to see them again... Harry, although James and Lily are dead, they will always live in our hearts, and their love will always accompany you... Remember this."

"Sirius, James definitely doesn't want to see you like this... He wants to see you cheer up and move on."

They arrived at James and Lily's former home.

This place has long been a ruin. The right side of the top floor room was completely blown up, the iron door was rusted, the yard was overgrown with weeds, and the glass of the window was broken.

Standing at the door, Harry didn't dare to go in for a while.

He had been fantasizing about what his life would be like if his parents hadn't died since he was a child... Would he be like Dali, even if he was rude, stupid, and rude, and was regarded as the cutest baby in the world by his parents?

However, at this time, he was so close to where his parents used to live, but his legs were heavy and couldn't lift them.

He was very scared.

He was afraid to see that he had a very happy life, and he was even more afraid to see that happiness being cruelly shattered and torn into pieces.

Lupin understood Harry's mood. He held the boy's shoulder and said, "Next time, Harry, come back when you are ready."

Harry barely supported himself and said, "No, I can..."

"Don't forget that you have to go to school tomorrow. You have been delayed here for a long time. Can you get up early on time tomorrow? Have you finished your homework? Have you prepared for your lessons?"

Lupin's three questions in a row brought Harry back to the ruthless reality. He thought that he had only written two lines of his potion class paper, and his mood suddenly became heavy in another sense.

"Let's go, I'll take you back to school." Lupin said, "We'll come together during the Christmas holidays. There are a lot of things in the old house that need to be cleaned up. I guess you must want to see the traces of your childhood life."

Harry hesitated for a moment and was taken out by Lupin. He turned around and saw Sirius still standing at the door, his body as stiff as if he was petrified.

He couldn't see his godfather's expression, but just looking at his back, Harry felt like he couldn't breathe.

"Remus, Sirius..."

"He may need to stay alone for a while." Lupine said, "Don't worry, I will come and look after him after I send you back."

Harry secretly glanced at Lupin's expression from below.

——Is Remus really as calm as he appears? Or is he just keeping all his emotions bottled up?

Lupine seemed to have read through his mind and suddenly said: "I am different from Sirius."

"Since that night, Sirius has been imprisoned in Azkaban. He has not been able to attend their funeral and has no chance to visit them again... He must have a lot to say to James now..."

"Have you come to pay homage to my parents, Remus?" Harry asked as calmly as possible without sounding like a crying child.

"Well, I come every year," Lupine said softly.

"You went to worship your parents?"

Hermione asked quietly in the common room. She looked at Harry as if he were fragile porcelain.

"Are you okay?...I mean...if you need it, I can lend you my shoulder..."

Hermione stammered.

"Oh, no need." Harry didn't want to look into her eyes, lowered his head and said, "Actually, I...well...I'm used to not having parents, so..."

He couldn't go on and Hermione was about to cry.

"Hi, Harry, you're here!" Ron suddenly came in through the door. When he saw Harry, he said happily: "Come with me, they have built a big project by the Black Lake!"

Harry breathed a sigh of relief. He couldn't wait to get out of this embarrassing atmosphere, so he stood up immediately and said, "What is it?"

"Just follow me and you'll find out." Ron hurriedly got out of the door again and shouted: "Hermione, what are you waiting for?"

"But Harry, you haven't finished your Potions paper yet!" Hermione shouted worriedly as she followed.

"Never mind that! This is much more interesting than a damn paper!" said Ron.

The fat lady at the door of the lounge shouted angrily at him: "I just opened the door for you!"

Ron had no time to pay attention to her.

Several people hurriedly ran out of the castle, and Harry was surprised to find that almost all the students in the school were here. They lined up in a long queue in front of the seven doors. Ron immediately pulled them to stand behind the shortest queue.

"Damn, we're late!" Ron said angrily, "I thought they wouldn't open until at least tomorrow!"

Harry gasped, "So...what...is this?"

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