Michael ran a long way before he found an ideal place.

This was probably a fortress built by his former students. The dilapidated wardrobe and the table with missing legs barely formed a house, leaving only a narrow gap in the middle.

"This is it!" Michael said, "Hurry up, we have to block all the big gaps."

Wade waved his wand, and the stool next to him flew up to block the big gap. The small debris around automatically filled the small gaps, leaving only three or four observation ports.

"The gameplay of this battle royale is very simple." Michael said, "First, don't get hit; second, don't get discovered; third, find a way to catch their queen."

"Queen?" Wade asked.

"Yes... don't talk, they're coming!"

Michael made a silent gesture and asked Wade to look out from the observation port.

I saw a large group of small humanoid creatures flapping their wings, holding small wands in their hands, flying aggressively through the middle of the alley.

Wade widened his eyes, looked at Michael, and whispered, "Fairy?"

Michael nodded and grinned. A green fairy seemed to hear the noise, flew over, and looked through the gap.

Michael and Wade had already hidden on both sides, and it saw nothing.

The fairy raised the little wand, and with two "puffs", the tip of its wand fired two balls of red berry liquid, hitting the table opposite, leaving a trail of sweet fragrance.

Thinking that no one was around, the fairy turned and flew away.

"Ahhh... We've been discovered!"

There was a cry of surprise not far away, a man and a woman pushed away the cover in front of them, and ran away hand in hand. The fairies all chased after them with a whoosh, and dozens of balls of berry liquid chased after them.

"Puff puff puff..."

They left a fragrance behind them.

Wade looked at Michael.

"I can kill them all with one hand."

"I can, but no, you can't use powerful magic on them."

"Not even when you catch the queen?"

"This is the only magic that can be used on fairies."

Michael raised his wand and whispered a spell. A small soap bubble popped out from the tip of the wand, just big enough to trap a fairy.

"It's very simple. I'll teach you." Michael said.

"No, I've learned it."

Wade raised his wand, and a bubble ten times bigger popped out.

Just then a fairy flew nearby and saw someone inside through the gap.

It raised its little wand murderously, and as soon as it got in, it saw Wade's huge bubble that was still expanding. It screamed and flapped its wings and ran away quickly.

The two looked at the direction where the fairy disappeared, and then looked at each other.

"Ved, cheating is not allowed."

"How can this be considered cheating? I used the same spell as you."

"...When the power of the spell exceeds the limit, it is cheating."


Ved regretfully broke the soap bubble.

The two stayed in the "fortress". When they encountered a single fairy, they would catch it with bubbles, and when they encountered a group of fairies, they would hide. Sometimes, when there were too many, they even had to block the observation holes.

Fairies are simple-minded creatures. As long as they are not seen directly, they think there is no one. Ved caught the little guy several times when the fairy turned around to leave.

When the number of fairies gradually became scarce, the students came out of their respective bunkers, ambushed and captured fairies from all directions.

The fairy queen wore a small golden skirt and had a pair of gorgeous and wide wings. It always flew in the center of many fairies, but when the soldiers were all captured, its figure was gradually exposed.

When everyone was catching fairies, a Gryffindor girl jumped down from a height, and before the fairies could react, the soap bubble just caught the golden queen.

"I won!" She raised her wand and cheered loudly.

Her companions also jumped and danced, and the remaining fairies grabbed her hair angrily, but they ignored them.

"Hey, what's the big deal about catching the queen! Why don't we compete to see who catches more?"

Another Slytherin boy took out a bag, which was full of fairies trapped in bubbles.

"We have thirty-five!"

"We have thirty-eight!"


Everyone showed the fairies they caught in turn.

"Ahem." Michael deliberately coughed twice, and after attracting everyone's attention, he waved his wand.

With a "crash", a pile of fairy balls like a hill rolled down.

"I didn't count many..." Michael pretended to be modest and boasted: "But there are probably more than 200?"

Everyone was silent for a while.

"Let's go to eat?"

"Sure, I'm hungry!"

"Let's go to the library after dinner?"

"Sure, go do homework."

The others dispersed instantly, and Michael blinked.

After those students walked away, Wade heard someone say: "No wonder... I think today's game ended a little too fast..."

"I'm sure most of them were caught by Wade!" Someone else said so.

"Humph, it's all jealousy!" Michael, who didn't get envy and admiration, said angrily.

"Oh, it looks like the game is over."

Professor Flitwick appeared, waved his wand, and all the bubbles that trapped the fairies disappeared.

The fairies flew out, surrounded Professor Flitwick, and hummed and accused the students.

"Okay, okay." Professor Flitwick took out a large jar and comforted him: "Come and have some nectar!"

The fairies immediately forgot what they wanted to say just now, and landed on the jar obediently.

"How is it, Wade?" Professor Flitwick asked: "Is this escape game interesting?"

"It's interesting, but it's a little less exciting." Wade raised his eyebrows: "Professor, I have an idea..."

Michael went over to listen, and several fairies landed on their shoulders and gently flapped their wings.

Professor Flitwick nodded while listening: "Not bad, not bad, this is much more interesting... But the workload is a bit large, I have to call other professors to help, and I have to get Professor McGonagall's permission..."

"Don't worry, Professor McGonagall will definitely allow it... It's this kind of scoreboard... Can it be made? It sounds complicated..." Michael said.

"It's not very difficult." Wade said, "I'll ask Fred and George to help, and we can get it done in an afternoon..."

"Then I can ask other people to help." Michael said, "Padma can draw the sketch, and Theo and I will classify the monsters, and the scoring must be reasonable..."

"For the construction, we can ask senior students."

"Cedric is very charismatic, he can call a large group of people to help with the work."

"Finish it within one day?"

"No problem!" Michael decisively made an "OK" gesture.

The next update will be delayed, maybe in the evening

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