Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 175 Friendship and Competition

Since Sirius was released, Wade always felt that his impression of Lupin as a gentle and generous elder was being shattered.

He became much more lively, and from time to time he would reveal his dark side.

Of course, when facing Wade, he was still the gentle and tolerant friend.

Lupin looked out the window and said, "Let's go. The disappearing cabinet is already where you said."

Wade had planned to do so, but just now, seeing Lupin's eyes as if he accidentally looked at the Quidditch field in the distance, he was suddenly touched.

"You want to watch Harry's game, too?" Wade asked.

Lupin shook his head and said, "There will be many more games in the future. Since you think it is necessary to act at this time today, it is naturally more important to do business."

"My business is naturally important, but this game is not dispensable."

Wade pressed on the cabinet door with his backhand and closed it again.

"Harry flies very well. Professor McGonagall said he flies as well as his father."

Wade said, "It won't take much time to leave after watching the game, but we have to go to the stadium quickly."

Lupin was slightly startled, then smiled and accepted Wade's kindness.

He also used the Disillusionment Charm to hide his figure, followed Wade out of the door, and they quickened their pace towards the Quidditch stadium.

Snake-like lightning swam in the sky, and dull thunder sounded from afar.

Lupin looked up at the gloomy sky and said, "It's going to rain."

"Yeah." Wade also looked up and suddenly smiled, "I don't know why, I always have a feeling that important games will definitely be on rainy days."

Lupin smiled, "What's the connection between the two?"

"Muggle movies and TV shows like to present it this way." Wade said.

"You seem to talk about Muggle-related things often, and your inventions also borrowed their ideas."

Lupin said: "This is very special... Because most of the wizards I know who come from the Muggle world try not to talk about things there. After adulthood, they will still choose the wizard lifestyle."

"I come from Muggle, why should I be taboo against Muggles?" Wade said in return: "The witch hunt movement has been over for hundreds of years, and the two sides are still so isolated. I find it incredible."

"Maybe because many people seem to despise Muggles, but they think Muggles are terrible in their hearts?"

Lupin said: "For us For the Muggles, the greatest punishment is the excruciating pain of the heart and bones; but for the Muggles..."

"I have read in books that Muggles have invented all kinds of horrible and cruel punishments to deal with their own kind. Very cruel... Wade... the degree is far beyond the imagination of a child like you."

"Bathilda Bagshot, who wrote "History of Magic", did not even dare to write those things in her book."

"The horror of wizards is no less than that of Muggles!" Wade said: "I read in "Modern History of Magic" that Grindelwald once released magic fire to burn half of Paris?"

Lupin shook his head.

"How many people can take lives without hesitation and feel no guilt like Grindelwald? He was not distorted by the dark magic, because people like him are probably born to be dark."

Lupin said in a heavy tone: "But most wizards will distort their minds when using dark magic, and killing people will cause irreparable damage to the soul."

Wade thought of Tom Riddle's once very handsome face, which later became a noseless monster.

The reason why he changed like that was because his soul was torn into pieces, which led to the terrible changes in his body.

Under the gray sky, the conversation between the two gradually faded away. They each thought of something depressing, so that there was a strange silence in the air.

Until the students suddenly burst into a huge cheer, breaking the silence.

"It looks like the game has already started." Lupin said.

They quickly climbed the stairs and walked to the top of the stands to find a few empty seats.

The two sat down and looked up at the sky like all the spectators, only to see more than a dozen players quickly shuttling in the air.

Suddenly, a furry thing rubbed against Wade, and then there were two "woofs".

"Sirius?" Lupin, who was also invisible, said, "I'm here."

The sound of the animal's panting suddenly disappeared, followed by Sirius's complaint:

"I actually forgot - I'm invisible now, and no one can see me without transforming... Remus, Wade, why are you so late? You almost missed the opening."

He didn't seem to doubt that Lupin was teasing him on purpose.

Lupin said, "You have four legs, so of course you can run faster than us."

"...That's right." Sirius quickly forgot about it and said excitedly, "Can you recognize which one is Harry, Remus? I tell you, he's the one who flies the highest... He flies as well as James..."

Wade leaned back in his chair, listening to the two invisible adults talking next to him, feeling a little surprised and a little admired.

Anyone who has the same experience as Sirius may become silent and gloomy, complain about everything, or even become world-weary, crazy, and neurotic.

But during this meeting, he found that Sirius didn't show those dark and painful parts at all. If it weren't for the fact that his body was still much thinner than a normal person, it would be as if those eleven years of prison life had left no trace on him. Same.

Wade thought this was really good.

The pain of the past will definitely not disappear so easily, but Sirius is working hard to heal himself and work with his friends to find the once high-spirited young man, instead of still trapping himself in that desperate and dark prison.

No wonder I always feel that Lupine has become more lively recently... Is he trying to help Sirius in his own way?

Players from both sides in the sky started a fierce battle, and with Sirius' commentary, the excitement of the game was doubled. Vader also understood the progress of the game a little bit.

Suddenly, his forehead felt cold, and he closed his eyes subconsciously, then raised his wand and whispered a spell.

The top of the wand spurted out a circular stream of air, as if forming an invisible umbrella in the sky. The "umbrella" is large enough to cover three people.

"Great!" Sirius said happily: "I hate getting wet in the rain."

Vader suddenly felt a line of sight. He turned his head and saw Professor Dumbledore nodding slightly to him, with a kind smile on his lips.

Wade: "..."

"Remus," Vader said, "I think Dumbledore knows you're here."

"That's it..." Lu Ping sighed and said, "It's not surprising that a skilled wizard can detect traces of the use of the Disguise Curse."

"Well, as long as Professor McGonagall doesn't discover it!" Sirius said casually: "Dumbledore will probably pretend not to see it."

He looked at the sky worriedly and said, "Harry wears glasses, and the rain will have a greater impact on him than his opponents... I wonder if he can use the waterproof and moisture-proof charm."

Wade also looked at the two teams entangled in the sky and thought: "Will a Bludger get out of control this time?"

Bludgers flew all over the field under the hits of players from both sides, and it was a common tactic to target chasers. Under the heavy rain and poor light, it was impossible to tell whether the small Bludger had an unusual trajectory.

Zoe and the others are ready...Will Dobby come again?

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