The rain was getting heavier and it was starting to become difficult for the students to watch the game.

If students without umbrellas look up at the sky, rain will pour on their eyes. But few people were willing to leave the stadium and go back to the castle.

So the students put their palms on their eyes and struggled to chase those swift figures in the rain.

Suddenly, a sharp whistle sounded. Harry raised his arms high and hovered on his broom. The Gryffindor players cheered and rushed towards him.

Then, Mrs. Hooch loudly announced the Gryffindor team's victory, and the entire stands burst into applause and shouts.

Malfoy was watching this scene with a pale face. The captain of the Slytherin team flew over and yelled something at him.

"Awesome! Did you see that scene when he caught the Snitch, Remus? It was amazing! He caught the Snitch right by the Chaser's ear!"

Sirius also roared and shouted, and clapped vigorously. Although he couldn't see it, Vader was sure that he had jumped several times.

"Vade, who is that stupid Slytherin Chaser?" Sirius asked loudly.

"Draco Malfoy," Vader said.

"Lucius Malfoy's son?" Sirius bared his teeth and muttered, "That cunning snake!"

Then he shouted even louder: "Well done, Harry! Knock that Malfoy off his broom!"

"Shut up, Sirius!" Lupine said angrily: "Are you making such a loud voice for fear that others won't notice you?"

There were no students near Vader and the others, but a student a few rows ahead was already looking back curiously.

Seeing only Wade behind him, he smiled politely, as if he thought he heard wrongly.

Sirius relaxed and turned back to Lupine and said:

"Remus, look at how Harry looked just now, does it look like that time in fourth grade? I remember that James flew in front of Lily in order to show off in front of her, but was knocked off the broom by Snape... "

Suddenly there was an exclamation in the crowd, and several people immediately turned their heads to look over.

Players from the two teams had a dispute in mid-air. A big Slytherin player threw a Bludger and knocked Wood off his broom; the twins rode their brooms and crashed into several other people, and the girls screamed.

Dumbledore stretched out his palm in time, and across a long distance, Wood hovered just before he fell to the ground.

"Stop, stop everyone!"

Like an angry eagle, Mrs. Huo Qi rushed into the circle of students' melee and shouted angrily: "No matter who it is! Anyone who continues to fight is prohibited from participating in the competition again."

The players paused angrily, still muttering curses to each other. Suddenly, a thin figure fell straight from the sky.


Sirius yelled and ran down, but was caught by Lupine.

The teachers' bench and the bleachers shot out spells at the same time, catching the falling Harry.

"That's great, thank you, Wade."

Lupine said hastily, putting away his wand. Several people tried their best not to bump into other students and ran down the stands quickly.

At this time, Harry, who had fallen to the ground, was surrounded by a group of people. Among them, Lockhart, who was dressed like a green peacock, was separating the students, raised his wand and said loudly:

"Look, I can heal you in a second. Don't worry, Harry, it's a very simple spell that I've used countless times."

Harry folded his arms and groaned on the ground. He seemed to be talking, but he couldn't hear it at all amid the patter of rain.

Vader stopped immediately. He immediately grasped the wand and was about to stop Lockhart when his movements suddenly stopped again.

-I'm sorry, Harry.

Vader muttered silently in his mind, opened his eyes wide, and watched Lockhart's movements intently.

Lupine and Sirius still didn't know that this was the Lockhart that Harry often complained about in the friends' book. When they saw that he was a professor, they instinctively stopped.

Lockhart twirled his wand dramatically, pointed at Harry's arm and said, "Arm repair!"

A second later, Harry's arms hung down as limply as rubber gloves, and the people around him gasped, showing expressions of fear and disgust.

"The bones in his arms are gone!"

Wood, who had a bloody head and a bloody head, originally wanted to seek treatment from the professor. Upon seeing this, he covered his head and screamed in horror. When Lockhart looked towards him, he was so frightened that he backed away.

Gryffindor Arya hurriedly blocked Wood behind her, as if Lockhart was some kind of scourge.

"Ah...well...haha, sometimes a little accident happens..."

Lockhart smiled awkwardly.

"Okay, Harry, at least you don't feel any pain anymore, right? Go to the school infirmary...and let Madam Pomfrey help you...uh...fix it."

He ran away in a hurry, vaguely feeling like he heard the roar of some wild beast.

"I'm going to kill him! I'm going to kill that bastard!" Sirius roared through gritted teeth.

"Yes, yes, but not now...remember? We sneaked in..."

Lupine said, dragging him to the school doctor's office.

Vader took out his wand and quietly used the levitation spell on Sirius' clothes. Sirius was lifted up by his own clothes. His arms and legs were dancing wildly, but he could not resist Lupin's tug.

In the end, Sirius could only give up the struggle and said unwillingly: "We must teach him a lesson! How dare you treat Harry like this!"

"Of course, this is necessary." Lupin agreed decisively.


Madam Pomfrey is the one who can really heal the arm in just one second, but after the bone is pulled out, it will take at least one night for the bone to grow back.

Ron drew the bed curtains and helped Harry change into pajamas. Madam Pomfrey made him drink a large glass of bone spirit, and then drove away the students who sent Harry here.

"He needs to rest now, get out! Get out!"

In the corner, there were three people who cast the Disillusionment Charm.

It is very difficult to grow bones again. After Madam Pomfrey left, Harry, lying on the bed, endured the pain and made intermittent groans.

"Remove the spell, Remus."

Sirius said in a hoarse voice.


Lupin agreed and removed the Disillusionment Charm.

Harry was startled. He half-supported himself and sat up, eyes wide in surprise: "Sirius, Remus, and Wade? Why are you here?"

"I watched your game." Sirius smiled and said, "It was wonderful... You fly so well..."

Harry grinned, as if he had forgotten the pain.

After chatting for a while, Wade and Lupin were ready to leave, but Sirius sat on the edge of the bed and had no intention of getting up.

"Sirius?" Lupin said.

"You guys go." Sirius said sullenly: "I want to accompany Harry tonight."

"Harry should go to bed too."

"I'll watch him sleep." Sirius said stubbornly: "I won't disturb him!"

"Okay..." Lupin had to follow him and reminded him again: "Don't be discovered."

"I know... Wait, give me back my wand." Sirius said again.

Because he couldn't carry a wand after transforming into an Animagus, he gave his wand to Lupin early in the morning and asked him to keep it for him. After transforming back, Sirius also forgot to come back.

Lupin returned the wand, said goodbye and walked out of the ward.

Wade looked back and saw Sirius sitting by the bed with his head down, talking to Harry in a low voice, like a loyal big dog.

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