Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 181 Forbidden Book and Curse

The next morning, Wade saw the news of the fire in Little Hangleton Village in the Daily Prophet.

The article said that it was suspected that a dark wizard was conducting an evil experiment and burned down an uninhabited homeless man's house. After monitoring, the Ministry of Magic found traces of burning fire.

Fortunately, no one was injured or killed in this incident.

The newspaper did not mention that it was the Gaunt family's house at all, not to mention their glorious history as descendants of Slytherin.

I don't know if it was unnecessary to mention it, or the young Ministry of Magic staff no longer knew who the "homeless man's hut" once belonged to.

But Wade was sure that Dumbledore would not ignore this.

He looked at the breakfast table, where the old headmaster was recommending today's lamb chops to Professor Flitwick, and a thick stack of newspapers was placed on the table next to him.

Wade lowered his eyes and turned to another newspaper.

This was a daily newspaper published by Muggles, and Ferdinand sent it to him specially. The newspaper showed clear pictures of the scene, which were taken from above.

The flames burned a perfect circle in the woods, with no grass growing inside the circle and no one outside the border.

The newspaper described the incident in an exaggerated tone, and at the end mysteriously proposed that this might be the trace left by the landing of an alien spacecraft.

In another newspaper, the author believed that this was a country secretly experimenting with high-precision strike weapons, and made a comprehensive criticism of Britain's defense, military, technology, bureaucracy, etc., believing that the country was not far from extinction.

Wade: "..."

He laughed dumbly and then put the newspaper aside.

Breakfast was still porridge.

The house elves made the minced meat and vegetables very fine, so that he could swallow them smoothly without chewing them with his teeth.

The mixed porridge didn't look very good, but these cute little guys sprinkled a layer of fine celery and sesame seeds on it, which looked much better.

There were not many people in the auditorium, because the students rushed out of the auditorium quickly after breakfast. Today's maze was reopened, and many students even ran to line up without eating early in the morning.

After dinner, Wade went to the library to borrow and return books as usual. Thanks to Lockhart, he could always borrow the books he wanted from the restricted area, and he could always hear Mrs. Pince complaining that Lockhart was too casual.

Wade suspected that the librarian actually knew a lot of things, such as the true origin of his notes. But Mrs. Pince never said much, as long as you showed the notes, you could borrow books from her.

Although she complained, she would not question the origin of the notes, nor would she confront Professor Lockhart.

Wade didn't know whether Mrs. Pince was like this to every student, or whether he was treated specially here.

Wade didn't go into it, he just took the book back to the Umbrella House, eagerly absorbing all kinds of knowledge, and recently spent a lot of time learning about curses.

Voldemort was an expert in curses, and the curse he cast on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor could not even be lifted by Dumbledore.

If you want to deal with Voldemort, if you don't understand the curse and don't have the protection of blood magic like Harry, you will probably suffer.

From the book, Wade learned some interesting and ancient ways of cursing, some of which he had seen in fairy tales when he was a child, but he didn't expect that wizards could really do it.

Simple ones, such as the limp leg curse, are actually a kind of curse, which does not last long, and are mostly used by students to joke with each other.

The killing curse and the crucifixion curse are also a kind of curse, which can only be implemented with very strong emotions in the heart.

These effects are very short-lived, and Wade basically learned how to resist these spells in school.

Among the curses, there are some that last for a long time, have far-reaching effects, and even spread with the blood, requiring superb skills, complex preparations and powerful magical powers.

For example, the blood curse that turns people into animals, such as establishing an unbetrayable connection between two people-the blood alliance.

Among the ancient curses, there are some that can turn people into animals or plants forever, or make people unable to wake up after sleeping, or make people always unlucky, etc., which are more complicated.

The caster himself may also be affected by some hidden and negative influences.

Wade was absorbed in reading when someone patted his shoulder.

"Hey, Wade," Michael said, "Put the book down! It's almost eleven o'clock, we should leave!"

Theo and Ryan were already waiting at the door.

Wade was stunned for a moment and asked, "Leave?"

Michael raised his eyebrows, "You didn't forget, did you? Today is the match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff!"

Wade suddenly realized.

He was immersed in the joy of destroying the Resurrection Stone Horcrux yesterday, and went to bed very late, and indeed forgot about the game of his own college.

Because the match between Lion and Snake was postponed for two weeks, it eventually collided with the match between Eagle and Badger.

After entering December, the high-altitude cold wind was biting. The deans of several colleges were unwilling to continue to postpone their own college games, so as not to adversely affect the players' condition, so they simply arranged both games on this weekend.

They arrived at the stadium, and there were already many people here, but not as clear-cut as yesterday's game.

Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are both popular, and their respective teams are mixed with students from other houses.

Vader even saw a few Ravenclaw students secretly taking off their blue scarves and sneaking into the Hufflepuff team.

When discovered by the Yingyuan classmates, they plausibly said: "We are not betraying...but that is Cedric!"

"This is his first game, well, you understand...he needs more support..."

"But we also need support!" Dalton, Ravenclaw's seeker, waved his arms angrily and said, "Am I catching bugs when I'm flying in the sky?"

"Of course you are fighting for the honor of our college, my dear."

Dalton's girlfriend kissed him on the cheek and consoled him.

When the boy smiled, she added: "By the way, you are already an adult. Be careful when you are in the sky... don't knock the junior students off the broom."

The smile on Dalton's face suddenly disappeared.

He watched helplessly as his girlfriend walked to the stands on the other side, looked desperately at the two junior students next to her, and asked: "What about you? Are you going to support Hufflepuff too?"

Vader and Michael looked at each other.

Michael patted Dalton on the arm and said, "Of course we support Ravenclaw! Come on!"

Dalton felt better this time. He muttered words like "little pretty face" and walked towards the Ravenclaw team angrily.

"What a strong opponent, isn't it?"

A vague voice came from the side, and Vader turned his head to see Luna holding the eagle scepter.

If you look closely, you can see that it is a long branch with paper made into the shape of an eagle. This girl is quite handy.

If Dalton had just seen Luna, he probably wouldn't be so aggrieved.

"Hello, Luna."

Vader said, lighting the eagle with his wand. It suddenly became much more agile, looked left and right, opened its mouth and let out a high-pitched and loud scream.

Everyone around them was startled and looked in their direction.

Luna turned a blind eye to everyone's gaze. She nodded with satisfaction and said happily: "That's much better, thank you."

After saying that, she held up her scepter and walked leisurely to the front railing. The eagle cried from time to time, and people on both sides gave way. Even the Hufflepuff players kept looking this way.

Vader also saw Cedric holding a broomstick.

He was tall and handsome, with sharp features and a slight smile on his face. Although he is only a fourth year, standing in the Ravenclaw team is not much lower than the captain of the seventh year team next to him.

With such a burly figure, it stands to reason that he is not suitable for being a seeker that requires dexterity. But his expression was very calm, and he didn't seem to be worried about failure.

A whistle blows and the game begins.

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