Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 182 An invitation from Sirius

As soon as he arrived at the stadium, Michael ran to find Padma. There were only girls over there, so Wade didn't go over there, and just found an empty place to watch the game.

He actually didn't have much interest in Quidditch, but he had to come to support the game of his own college.

"Look, the players of the two teams have set off! We can see that the composition of the Hufflepuff team has changed a little. They have a new seeker, Cedric Diggory, who has a face that makes me jealous-"


"Sorry, Professor, I was inspired. Okay, let me take a look at the game. The ball is now in Ravenclaw-"

The whole stadium was filled with the voice of Lee Jordan's commentary. Wade was identifying the players of Ravenclaw-most of whom he didn't know-suddenly a man sat next to him, and Wade turned his head to take a look.

"Harry?" Wade asked, "Is your arm okay?"

"The bones have all grown out."

Harry showed his arm, and his movements were a little stiff.

"Madame Pomfrey told me to move more and I will be able to regain my flexibility in a few days."

"Magic is really convenient." Wade couldn't help but sigh: "If you were a Muggle, you would be disabled for the rest of your life."

"Yeah." Harry also said thankfully.

"Where's Sirius?" Wade asked casually, looking at the figure in the sky.

"He went back in the morning." Harry said: "Sirius asked me to thank you. He wants to give you a birthday present and asked me what you would like. Of course I said you like reading."

Harry smiled.

"He said that the Black family is a very old family and there are many books in the house-"

Wade looked over again, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

"So Sirius wants to invite you to visit the Black family's old house during the Christmas holidays. He said that you can visit the study at will, and if you like, you can pack everything away."

As Harry spoke, he nodded vigorously, as if to emphasize that what he said was true.

Wade couldn't help laughing.

"That would be too rude..." He said reservedly: "I just need to copy it."

"I know you will like it very much." Harry said: "But Sirius also asked me to remind you... The Black family is the most evil dark wizard family you can imagine. It is neither gorgeous nor elegant, and may even be a little dangerous."

"Isn't that better?" Wade raised his eyebrows and said.

Harry also laughed, full of expectations.

The buildings at Graling Farm are ordinary, but the many magical creatures are very wonderful;

Although the Weasley family is poor, magic makes all ordinary daily life look unique and interesting.

Lupin's home is warm and comfortable, which is the best home Harry can think of.

Sirius has also been decorating his house recently. Harry originally planned to go there to help during the weekend, but his injury yesterday ruined his plan.

Although the Black old house is a gloomy, scary and boring place in Sirius's mouth, Harry feels that he may be accustomed to everything because he grew up there.

But for them, the ancient mansion full of mystery is more worth exploring than an ordinary wizard family.

While they were chatting, a long whistle sounded in the air.

The game ended, Cedric caught the Golden Snitch, and Hufflepuff won the game by 20 points.

There was applause and cheers in the stands. Even the students of Ravenclaw, except for the players who were very frustrated, most of the students were politely applauding.

For example, Wade and others, although they don’t need Cedric’s help to buy now, they are also very happy to see Cedric win.

Especially the girls, most of them are not interested in the game, and don’t care who wins or loses. They come to the stadium just to appreciate that beautiful face openly.

Harry’s face is a little solemn.

“In March, we will play against Hufflepuff.” Harry said worriedly: “I thought Cedric would be very clumsy as a seeker...”

Wade then remembered that in the plot, the second year’s game seemed to be unable to proceed smoothly because of the attack of the basilisk.

In the third year, Dementors appeared on the field again, and Harry fainted and lost the game against Hufflepuff.

As for the fourth year, it was the Triwizard Tournament. Not only was the Quidditch game cancelled, but Cedric was also killed by Peter Pettigrew in the end.

So in that story, Harry did not actually play against Cedric as a seeker on the field.

Thinking about these plots, Wade patted Harry on the shoulder and said sympathetically: "It seems that Wood will let you double your training."

Harry nodded with lingering fear: "Fortunately, the Christmas holiday is coming soon..."

No matter how much Harry likes Quidditch, he can't stand Wood's devilish training.

He is not homeless during the Christmas holiday this year, so he does not plan to apply to stay in school. After the game, Harry went to find other people and made a holiday invitation.

"This is the first time I invite friends to my house during the Christmas holiday... It can even be said that it is the first time in my life... Sirius asked me to bring a few more friends to help clean up."

When saying goodbye, Harry said in a good mood.

He seemed to think Sirius was joking, so he said it in a joking tone.

But Wade's smile suddenly froze.

Why... do we still need to clean?

The old house of the Black family is full of old dirt, and the house elves are unwilling to work because they hate Sirius as their master.

In the plot, Mrs. Weasley, as an experienced housewife, had to work with several children for a long time before she could barely clean up a few commonly used rooms.

Wade's expression suddenly became distressed.

He could practice hard to learn magic, but he didn't want to spend a lot of time doing repetitive and trivial housework.

Let the magic puppets do the work?

Or transform the cleaning crabs?

It can be done in two ways, but the problem is, what if the rebellious house elf secretly destroys it? These alchemical works are not so indestructible.

We still have to deal with that house elf... He remembered that it should be called Kreacher, and the strategy is written in the book...

Wade originally planned to wait until Sirius's body recovered better before going to the cave.

But at this time, for the books in the Black mansion, to do less housework - or rather, to have more time to learn magic - he secretly moved his plan forward in his heart...

Thinking of the cave, he thought of the Horcrux, then the Resurrection Stone in his bag, and then Dumbledore.

Wade noticed that this time Dumbledore was not watching the game on the teachers' stand.

Did Dumbledore come here specifically for Harry yesterday?

Because Harry was injured in the maze, he was worried that someone would attack Harry again during the game, so...

Wade's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

When Harry invited Ron and Hermione and passed by Wade again to find Michael, Wade waved at him, and Harry walked over in confusion.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"I forgot to ask you..." Wade said seriously: "Why did you suddenly fall from the sky after the game yesterday?"

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