Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 186 Dumbledore and Grindelwald

As the two teenagers walked, the scene changed quietly. It seems to be a new day, and the clothes of the two people have also undergone some changes.

They stayed under the tree, and the orange-red light of the setting sun reflected in their eyes.

"For the greater good...I like that."

The blond Grindelwald lay relaxed on the grass and stretched out his palms toward the sky, as if he wanted to hold the whole world in his hands.

"Albus, only 'you' understand my thoughts, only you can understand what I want."

"I want to abolish the law of secrecy, let wizards rule the world, and let all wizards use their abilities freely! Instead of being oppressed, hidden, and forced to endure the disgust and contempt of Muggles!"

"Don't forget, rulers should have responsibilities to all people." Young Dumbledore emphasized: "Not only to wizards, but also to most Muggles."

"Those greedy and stupid Muggles?" Grindelwald curled his lips in disgust: "Think about what they did to your family."

"I know, I also hate, even hate, some Muggles."

The young version of Dumbledore frowned and said:

"But we have to admit that most Muggles are not evil. They have outstanding intelligence and abilities. Even if we gain the power to rule, we should maintain social stability and treat Muggles fairly."

"We are fighting for power for the future of wizards. We will not shrink back, but blind killing is not advisable. Gellert, we should minimize the sacrifice, no matter which side it is."

"You're a little too naive, Albus."

Seeing his companion's displeasure, the young man Grindelwald smiled compromisingly and said:

"Of course I will not become a stupid murderer. Muggles have their own value... If Muggles are willing to accept my rule, I can also treat them mercifully."

The young Dumbledore smiled, seemingly not worried that Grindelwald would perfunctory or deceive him.

"At that time, Ariana can also live more freely instead of always being locked up."

He said with a smile: "If possible, I would prefer that she can be cured, maybe I can find a way to make her recover..."

"If we can find the Hallows, then anything is possible!"

Grindelwald said optimistically and with a bewildering tone:

"Think about it! Resurrection of the dead, recovery of the sick, establishment of a new order in the wizarding world, our utopia..."

"As long as the two of us work together... Albus, as long as we work together... nothing is impossible... nothing can stop us..."

The two thought about their future, discussing how to seize power after leaving Godric's Hollow, where to find the artifact, and how to achieve their goals.

With high-spirited smiles on their faces, they were full of confidence in each other, as if victory tomorrow was within reach.

Until a voice interrupted everything.


A tall, scruffy and thin boy glared at Grindelwald with an unkind look, looked at the young Dumbledore and said, "Ariana wants to see you."

Grindelwald looked dismissive.

The young Dumbledore looked a little unhappy when the conversation was interrupted, but he immediately stood up and walked towards the other party.

"Did Ariana lose her temper?" he asked.

"Yes." The thin boy said, "I calmed her down. She missed you."

The two left side by side, and behind them, Grindelwald's face turned ugly.

"That's my brother, Aberforth."

At this time, Vader heard the elderly Dumbledore beside him whisper: "Ariana is our little sister. Vader, do you know the Obscurus?"

Vader nodded and said, "I learned from Mr. Scamander——"

"If children with magical abilities are abused and hate their own magic, they may develop a parasitic force called Obscurus, which is an unstable and uncontrollable dark force."

"The Obscurus is generally no more than 10 years old. He and the Obscurus are not the same. But in extreme cases, the Obscurus may completely transform into the Obscurus."

In Scamander's home, he had seen books about the Obscurus.

It is said that Newt Scamander used a special method to preserve an Obscurus when he was young, but Vader did not see it there.

Dumbledore nodded and said, "Newt is probably one of the people who knows Obscurus best in the world."

He was silent for a while and said: "Ariana is an Obscurial. She inadvertently demonstrated her magical power when she was a child and was brutally abused by three Muggle boys. From then on, she lost control of the magic in her body..."

Wade also saw the little girl.

She is actually older than Wade's current physical age, but her expression is timid, her blue eyes are like clear lake water, she looks innocent and pure, like a child.

The girl huddled in the corner and heard a fierce quarrel broke out among the three boys in the room.

"Impossible! You can't take her with you! In her condition, how can she still travel a long distance with you! You are crazy!!"

Aberforth roared: "You'd better give up your stupid plans as soon as possible! I will never allow it!"

Dumbledore did not speak, Grindelwald sneered: "You stupid little boy, you don't understand how good your brother is, you just want to be a stumbling block between me and him!"

"Don't you understand? Once we change the world and make Muggles behave themselves, wizards will no longer need to hide, and your sister can live an upright life."

"Get out, bastard from Durmstrang!" Aberforth cursed unceremoniously: "It was you, a despicable lunatic, who bewitched my brother and made him think that your evil plan was a good idea! Get out of my house, Grindelwald!"

"Shut up, Aberforth!" Dumbledore said harshly.

But Grindelwald's expression had become terrible, and he drew his wand without hesitation and pointed it at Aberforth——


The thin boy was defenseless, he fell to the ground and screamed miserably.

"Gellert, stop! Stop!"

Dumbledore pulled out his wand, knocked down the ferocious Grindelwald, and reached out to pull his brother up.

But Aberforth pushed him away roughly, and immediately pulled out his wand, shooting a spell at Grindelwald.

Amid the loud noise, several people started fighting. Dumbledore wanted to stop it, but the two people who were blinded by anger were unwilling to stop.

Aberforth obviously resented his brother for not standing on his side, and even fired a spell at Dumbledore, which further angered Grindelwald.

The light of the spell intertwined, and screams and roars continued to explode.

They didn't want to listen to each other at all, but just vented their emotions to their heart's content.


Ariana, who was huddled in the corner, had tears all over her face, her body trembled violently, and her eyes gradually turned white. Her condition was obviously very wrong, but the few people in the room didn't notice it at all.

Black mist poured out of her body.

Wade suddenly held Dumbledore's hand beside him and whispered, "You know... you don't have to recall this."

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