Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 187 What do you want to ask me?

"Ah, I'm sorry." Dumbledore wiped the corners of his eyes and said calmly: "It's always difficult to remember the past... It was a difficult time for us."

Wade nodded silently, not looking at the other person's expression.

The somewhat illusory figure disappeared. When it condensed again, Ariana had fallen to the ground with a pale face, her eyes losing their sparkle.

Aberforth immediately pounced on his sister. The young Dumbledore was completely stunned, his expression blank.

Grindelwald took two steps back, looking panicked. He looked at Dumbledore as if he wanted to say something. But before Dumbledore could look at him, he turned and fled in panic.

A rhombus-shaped pendant flashed across the screen, with a gem-like thing in the middle shining with bright red light.

The scene changed quickly, and the scene of the funeral flashed by. Vader saw Aberforth angrily break Dumbledore's nose. Dumbledore stood up holding his bloody nose without resisting.

Then, the once high-spirited young man became silent and miserable, all his dreams came to an abrupt end, and his ambitions came to nothing.

Dumbledore returned to school and started teaching. The students came and went around him like a stream of water, like a long and unreal dream.

Then, it was still Grindelwald.

He became taller and stronger, and the wand in his hand was also changed to a new one, which was called the invincible Elder Wand.

He traveled through the different countries and he spoke from high platforms.

The previous fear and panic have completely disappeared from his face. His expression is sometimes stern and calm, sometimes fanatical but sincere. There is a powerful force in his eyes, attracting people to follow him.

There are more and more followers behind him, with sharp, fanatical and loyal expressions.

Very different from those Death Eaters who knelt on the ground and kissed Voldemort's shoes.

Grindelwald and his witch-hunting party continue to launch terrorist attacks - the elderly, pregnant women, babies... Anyone who gets in his way will be eliminated without hesitation.

When they blow up streets and burn buildings, they never consider whether innocent people will be implicated.

There were also people in the Umbrella Party who had lingering consciences and felt painful and intolerable about this, but Grindelwald held the shoulders of those young people and told them sincerely——

"The small number of sacrifices made now are for the future of the entire wizarding world. They are unavoidable tragedies on the way forward. Believe me, kid, I feel very heartbroken about this."

"But if victory can depend on persuading others with words, then we don't need war!"

"The people are blind and stupid, and the Ministry of Magic is bloated and incompetent. They are unwilling to admit that this world is a world of the jungle! If wizards want to survive with dignity, they must speak with blood and fire!"

"Child, although those people lost their lives, we have to carry the will of the deceased and continue to move forward and continue to fight. This is more difficult than dying directly."

"For the sake of those... parents and children who are watching us behind our backs, and for those who have to take away their lives from us, we have to bear the infamy and misunderstanding, burn everything we have, and open up a new future for the wizarding world."

"I firmly believe that we can make wizards rise, we can break the law of secrecy, and make Muggles have to admit that we are the superior race. I will devote my life to this cause until our companions can survive without fear!"

"Stand up, kids, you didn't commit a crime, you just exchanged the 'minority' for the 'majority', and the 'now' for the 'future'!"

"Even if no one understands our pain and no one knows our sacrifices, we will give more people hope to live calmly! History will prove that we are right!"

"If you don't understand, then you don't need to think about it. I will think for you, and I will bear the sin for you. You only need to do one thing -"

"Follow me!"

The black wave ignited one country after another with the flames of war.

The wizards who wear unique crests on their clothes look resolute and have a strong will. With a noble sense of mission, they left corpses everywhere in their wake.

They turned a blind eye to the people's fears and cries, but Dumbledore couldn't ignore it.

Finally, he decided to stand up. But because he and Grinder had made a blood pact to "never hurt each other", Dumbledore could only entrust important tasks to Newt Scamander.

Vader has seen the following story in history books and in movies.

He walked with Dumbledore and saw Grindelwald trying to seize greater power and master unmatched power time and time again, but was stopped by Dumbledore and Scamander time and time again.

Finally, when the Muggle World War was coming to an end, Grindelwald's Wiccan Party also came to an end. He and Dumbledore met for a battle, but ended up losing miserably.

Dumbledore got the Elder Wand, and Grindelwald was locked in the highest cell in Nurmengard.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the illusory Dumbledore turned into Vader's familiar appearance.

He has long white hair and a white beard, sitting in an armchair, his eyes showing the wisdom and composure accumulated over the years.

A man wearing a dark green uniform stood in front of him, with a thin face and neatly combed short hair.

"...He feels regret for what he did in the past." The man said, "He wants to see you and apologize to you in person."

After a long time, Dumbledore said: "No need."

"If he really feels ashamed and regretful for the horror he has brought to the world... then he should confess to those he has hurt."

Everything in the illusion dissipated like mist. Wade's eyes blurred, and when he came to his senses, he saw that he and Dumbledore were still in the headmaster's office.

It was as if they had never left.

Fawkes the Phoenix and the Sorting Hat were still teasing a few small magical pets, and the portraits of the headmasters on the wall were all dozing off.

Or maybe they were pretending to doze off.

Dumbledore sat down in the armchair, looking extremely old and tired, as if he would collapse at any time.

But his back still did not bend.

Wade sat next to him, slightly looking away, not looking at Dumbledore at this time.

After a long time, Dumbledore said, "If you want to ask me something, you can ask it now."

Wade thought, what did Dumbledore think he would ask?

Was it his relationship with Grindelwald? Was it his brief misstep?

Or the old wand with distinct joints in his hand, or his pursuit of the Deathly Hallows?

Vader shook his head gently: "I have nothing to ask."

After a pause of a few seconds, he said again: "What do you want to ask me?"

Dumbledore looked down at Vader, his eyes slightly moist, which made his eyes look very similar to Ariana in the illusion.

Of course, he knew that when Vader asked this, the subtext was the same as what he had just said -

As long as you ask, I will answer. Be honest and treat it with sincerity.

Vade is not so easy to believe others, but...

When an old man cuts open his most unbearable and painful wounds bloodily, just to tell you what is right and wrong, then what reason is there to hide it?

For Dumbledore, he only needs this sentence.

He saw Vader's honesty and trust, just as he had, in fact, seen the cruelty and coldness in Grindelwald's heart.

A hundred years ago, he ignored the warning from his subconscious.

And this time, he decided to listen to the voice of his heart.

"I don't have anything to ask either." He said, "I want to wait until you are willing to tell me...any time, anything."

The conversation ended here, and Wade knew he had to leave. He stood up to say goodbye, but when he was about to leave, he struggled again.

"Professor." He turned and asked, "Excuse me...what are your plans for next weekend?"

"Nothing more important than going to the Three Broomsticks for a drink." Dumbledore said.

"I do have a place...I want to invite you to go with me." Wade said thoughtfully.

Dumbledore smiled: "I'm happy to."


December 8, another full moon night.

The night is very good tonight, the huge full moon hangs in the sky, and the deep and shallow shadows outline a pattern that makes people imagine.

Wade took out the leaf, and Sirius checked it carefully. Lupin next to him had turned into a werewolf, lying on the ground, and also leaned over to look at the mandrake leaf.

He took the wolfsbane potion, although he changed, his consciousness was still clear. Sirius leaned on the werewolf without caring.

"Very good, very complete." Sirius smiled with satisfaction, and then said: "Just in case, let me confirm again... In this month, you have not let it leave your mouth once, right?"

"No." Wade shook his head and carefully placed the leaves in a transparent crystal bottle, letting it be exposed to the moonlight.

Lupin breathed a sigh of relief.

"I saw you talking as usual several times, as if you were not disturbed, and I thought you had failed."

Wade did not mention it, and considering the self-esteem of the young man, Lupin did not ask more, but just thought about thinking of some tips that could help him when he started again next month.

He did not doubt that Wade would give up, but was worried that he would be in a bad mood after the setback.

Sirius couldn't help but say, "How did you do it? When I was practicing, I always accidentally swallowed the damn leaf. I failed several times and finally had to glue my teeth together to survive a month."

Vade smiled and said, "I also used the sticking spell. Usually, I just practice to get used to its existence."

Sirius shook his head, still in disbelief.

Lupin said, "Let's move on to the next step."

Vade nodded, pulled out a hair from his head and put it in the bottle, then a silver teaspoon of dew and a chrysalis moth pupa.

Sirius picked up the bottle, shook it slightly, and observed the mixing of several drugs.

"Almost done." He put the bottle down and said.

He and Vade took the crystal bottle and walked into the cellar in the yard. The cellar itself was very deep, and Lupin had dug a narrow and deep hole here in advance, just enough to put the crystal bottle in.

Then Wade stuffed it with straw, covered it with stone slabs and felt, and the two left the cellar, and Sirius locked the trapdoor again.

"It won't be opened until the next thunderstorm," Lupin said. "Sirius and I have also set up magic around it to prevent mice from getting in and causing damage."

The crystal bottle for practicing Animagus needs to be placed in a quiet and dark place, ensuring that it is not peeped or disturbed.

This means that it cannot be placed in a place where people or animals often move around, and it cannot be checked from time to time.

So some people will bury it deep in the inaccessible forest.

For a wizard, the most embarrassing thing may be that after a year and a half of preparation, everything is finally ready, and he goes to find his crystal bottle during a thunderstorm, only to find that it has been dug out by curious animals.

Sirius and the others had stepped on many pitfalls, and later collected a lot of information, so they had already made various preparations for Vader.

"Remember the spell." Sirius warned: "Every day at sunrise and sunset, point the wand to your heart and recite the spell 'Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus.' Not even once No less. If you forget one day, you have to start over.”

"Yes." Wade nodded: "I prepared an alarm clock. It will remind me every morning and evening."

"One is not enough." Sirius said with a look of regret on the past, "Let's prepare a few more...what if you oversleep one day?"

Vader and Lupine both couldn't help but laugh.

After laughing, Lu Ping couldn't help but feel a little emotional and melancholy.

"The next storm could come at any time, but you're not ready until you feel that second heartbeat."

Sirius added: "Even if you feel that heartbeat, the habit of chanting spells in the morning and evening cannot be changed. You cannot miss any one time until the time comes."

Wade remembered what he was worried about before and asked: "Do you know... is there any way to affect the transformed image?"

"What do you want to be?" Sirius asked.

"Well..." Vader said hesitantly: "You can't turn into a slug or an ant. Then what's the use of transforming?"

Sirius laughed.

"There's no way around this, Vader!" he said: "You know, James and I originally wanted to become a lion, but in the end, he was a stag and I was a black dog."

Lu Ping also said: "If you want to know the animal after your transformation in advance, you can learn the Patronus Charm first. Generally speaking, even if the image of the Patronus Charm and the transformed animal are different, they are not too far apart."

"But I think you don't need to worry about turning into a slug or an ant." Sirius also said: "The transformed image has a lot to do with the wizard himself. It is a reflection of your inner heart."

Everyone discussed for a while, and Sirius told Vader some interesting things about their Animagus practice. It wasn't until late at night that Vader planned to return to school.

After all, today is still Tuesday and they have classes to attend tomorrow.

When saying goodbye, Vader said: "Remus, let's go out on the weekend."

Lu Ping was stunned for a moment, and then the wolf looked solemn: "This time too..."

Vader nodded.

"Okay." Lu Ping agreed, and then asked: "Is it still the two of us this time?"

Wade was silent for a moment.

He looked at Sirius - the man looked at the two of them curiously, but was very measured and did not ask further questions.

"Mr. Black, do you have time?" Wade asked.

"Of course, I'm happy to participate!" Sirius immediately said enthusiastically: "Remus has always been mysterious before. I asked him, but he didn't say anything."

Vader smiled, and then said: "Michael and the others will not participate this time, but Dumbledore will come."

Lupine's eyes widened slightly in surprise, and then a smile spread to the corners of his brows and eyes.

"If Dumbledore was here, everything would go smoother," he said happily.

Lupine had been vaguely worried that Vader did not trust Dumbledore.

Both of them were people who had changed his life and given him great favors. He did not want to see a conflict between the two.

Now it seemed that enough trust had been established between Vader and Dumbledore where he couldn't see it.

Lupine felt relieved and happy about this.

After Vader left, Sirius immediately grabbed Lupine's neck.

"You should tell me this time, right? What secret do you have?"

Lu Ping thought for a while and then said: "Actually, I haven't figured out many things yet. I can only tell you what happened before, and you can judge for yourself..."

Private setting: After becoming a werewolf, if you are conscious, you can speak.

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