Draco Malfoy has been having a rough time lately.

In fact, this sign has been there since last semester -

Ever since he and his men tried to ambush Vader Gray of Ravenclaw, but ended up being frightened to tears by a swarm of bugs, some people were reluctant to agree with him.

By this semester, Malfoy felt that he had done nothing, but his friends were leaving him one after another, and even the two idiots Crabbe and Goyle began to openly oppose him.

The Quidditch team was okay because his dad had donated a bunch of brooms, so everyone else was fawning over him.

But as a seeker, he lost the game against Gryffindor. Especially...the Golden Snitch was right next to him, but he did nothing, and Harry Potter took the opportunity to catch it.

Malfoy felt aggrieved.

Because Potter cunningly pretended to knock him off the broom, distracting him, he did not notice the whereabouts of the Golden Snitch.

But his teammates did not accept his explanation. Flint also said sarcastically: "Then the Golden Snitch almost stuck itself under your nose. How else can it get noticed by you?"

Montaigne, Blake and others all started laughing.

Derek said: "In addition to a good broom, a good Seeker also needs a good pair of eyes, right, Draco?"

Malfoy used to think that Harry Potter was probably the most annoying person in the world, because he actually dismissed his advances and even laughed at him.

But when he actually faced the malice of others, he realized that those contradictions were nothing at all.

Malfoy closed the book heavily, and the pages made a sound similar to a scream. The words "Poisonous Magic" on the cover slowly turned red and even oozed blood.

He wiped the blood off his fingertips as usual and didn't scream in disgust like he did the first time.

"So, you got the wrong person."

He said to the person next to him: "It's true that I hated Potter before. But now, compared with Potter, I want Crabbe and Goyle to learn some lessons."

Behind him was Dobby the house elf.

The elf was wearing a tattered and dirty pillowcase. His big ears seemed to have been burned just now, and there were scars on his forehead and thin arms.

Dobby bent down and said in a high-pitched voice: "Dobby doesn't know that Master Malfoy is not happy about Dobby attacking Harry Potter. The master asked Dobby to help Master Malfoy."

"Hmph." Malfoy said unhappily: "If Dad really wants to help me, he should take back the broom that sponsors the team!"

Dobby blinked his tennis ball-sized eyes and said pitifully: "Master thinks this cannot be done. Master thinks it will damage the image of the Malfoy family."

"Forget it, I have my own revenge now anyway!"

Malfoy patted "Poisonous Magic" with some pride and said loudly: "Did you see it? I just learned a few magics and I made those guys fool around! They still don't understand how it happened. What’s going on!”

He pushed the photos of several other people in the dormitory off the table, stepped on them a few times, straightened his collar, and glanced disdainfully at the house elf with his head lowered.

"It's time for me to visit my injured roommate! Clean this place up, don't run out and be discovered by others, and don't let me see you!"

Malfoy put away his wand, hid the magic book, then closed the door and left.

When they reached the common room, Malfoy's expression darkened as soon as he saw the others.

Without saying a word, he walked through the doorway and walked to the school doctor's office.

All his roommates were sent in today. Crabbe and Goyle attacked the others, but they did not understand the Armor Charm and were themselves badly wounded by the counter-attacking spell.

Thinking of the miserable situation of several people, Malfoy finally felt better after being ostracized during this period.

In the dormitory, Dobby watched Malfoy leave. He almost couldn't wait to walk to the door and stretched his hand to the handle.

Then, his palms trembled.

【Don’t run out! 】

What Malfoy said casually was an order he could not disobey.

Dobby jerked his hand back, and then banged his head against the wall!

"Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby! You want to disobey your master! Bad Dobby!"

After a few bumps, it seemed to feel better. With its buzzing head, it swayed around and started to clean up.

Several photos were restored to their original positions, followed by the destroyed curtains, sheets, pillows, wardrobes...

There was no one else in the dormitory today. Malfoy vented his pent-up anger and destroyed the dormitory.

Fortunately, he didn't use dark magic in such a place, so it wasn't too difficult for Dobby to clean it up.

Dobby completed his work without much effort. He covered his growling stomach and glanced at the snacks on the table, but he still didn't dare to eat them secretly.

Malfoy didn't mean to starve him.

It's just that the young master never thought about preparing food for his slaves. He never had to think about these complicated issues at home.

Previously, Dobby had stolen chat grass from the Malfoy's warehouse and failed to clean up his tracks, which exposed him as the one who attacked Harry Potter in the maze.

Of course, no matter who looked at that incident, they would not think that Dobby did this to protect the victim who almost died.

The Malfoys naturally thought that Dobby must have heard Draco complain to his parents about Potter and his group many times during the summer vacation, so he took the initiative to go and avenge his master.

Lucius Malfoy punished him for his unauthorized actions, but both Malfoys thought that Dobby was very loyal and very active.

Therefore, when Malfoy complained to his father that his classmates at school bullied him, Lucius Malfoy sent Dobby to the school to protect his son.

He was a trustee of Hogwarts, so his house-elves could bypass the school's protective magic and enter this castle that was like a copper wall.

But since coming to Hogwarts, Dobby's actions have been greatly restricted.

Because his master ordered him not to go out casually, and occasionally he had to come back immediately after going out to do things, and he could not be seen by anyone or the house-elves.

On the other hand, Malfoy ordered the house-elves in the castle not to enter his dormitory and not to touch any of his personal belongings.

Dobby is naturally also a "personal property".

Dobby was responsible for cleaning the dormitory, and no one else noticed.

The elves in the castle would certainly notice the difference, but Lucius told him that the house elves would not report such changes to the school management.

They were the tools of the castle, and all they needed to do was clean, prepare food, and obey orders.

They did not have the power to "pry for information, monitor students, and maintain school order."

Although Draco was hiding Dobby, he was not worried.

He looked at the people who knew nothing about this, including the professors in the school, and even had a sense of superiority in his heart.

"What's the use of so many school rules?" Draco thought proudly: "As long as I want, the school is simply vulnerable... Those professors are all fools!"

He never thought that among the silly and enthusiastic house elves in the castle, there was more than one house elf who wanted to take the initiative to "do something."


"The students didn't let McGee clean the dormitory, but McGee heard it."

McGee showed off his big ears and said, "McGee has the best hearing and can hear very far."

"Thank you, McGee." Wade said, "I will find a way to meet that house-elf."

"Wade Grey, be careful." McGee said seriously, "That elf has strong magic... stronger than McGee."

"I will be careful." Wade thought for a while and asked, "McGee, among the house-elves in the castle, who has the strongest magic?"

"Of course it's Ralph." McGee said.


"He is over 160 years old, the oldest and the strongest."

McGee explained, "He told us what to do."

Wade understood.

That Ralph should be the manager of all the house-elves?

Assigning tasks to the elves, and maybe also taking the responsibility of teaching them.

Over 160 years old... Older than Dumbledore...

Although the lifespan of house elves can reach 200 years, in fact, there are not many elves that can live that long.

When some elves get old, their masters will think that they can no longer provide high-quality services, so they will order them to end their lives early.

For example, the Black family in the past.

Most elves have not been treated well since their birth, which affects their lifespan and magic.

Wade is very interested in talking to Ralph, who is over 160 years old.

That house elf must have witnessed many stories that are enough to become history.

The next day, the fight in Slytherin College spread throughout the school.

Everyone was surprised, because the Snake House has always been known for its unity, perhaps second only to Hufflepuff, but the Lion House and Eagle House often have conflicts.

Of course, this is not because the little snakes are united and friendly, but because they are very good at "covering up" - even if they fight in the lounge, they will not show it outside the college.

This gives people a feeling that the Snake House always advances and retreats together.

Hearing about this strange thing, the students from the other three colleges could not suppress their curiosity.

Everyone ran to the school infirmary in groups, some said they had a headache, some said they had a cough, some said they had insomnia last night, and some said they were a little anxious recently. The real purpose was to take a look at the Slytherins lying on the beds.

Most of the second-year Slytherin boys were in there, and two first-years were also affected.

Outside the ward, the Gryffindors were shouting that they were dizzy and laughing loudly.

When the messy crowd came and went, the Slytherins looked very ugly.

They all pulled up the curtains around the beds, but the Lions seemed to enjoy watching the curtains.

After class, Malfoy came to visit his roommates again, intending to use their miserable situation to add some fun to himself.

But before he reached the door of the ward, he met a few Gryffindors who were arm in arm, laughing and passing by in the corridor, and Malfoy's face darkened.

Then, he stood not far away, watching the students who found excuses to run into the infirmary for a visit, until they were all driven away by Madam Pomfrey who had had enough.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Did you see that, Draco?"

Sixth-year Foley whispered: "Why do you think we Slytherins should unite? Because if we fall apart, the enemy will only laugh loudly from above, and no one will sympathize, let alone lend a helping hand."

"What do you mean?" Malfoy frowned.

Yaxley next to him said with a cold face: "When you hurt your companions, you thought you got a short-term, revengeful pleasure."

Foley continued: "But when you look back, you will find that you were also one of the people who were laughed at and despised."

"Because you're a Slytherin."

"Because we are Slytherins."

"Admit it, Draco. We come from Slytherin, which is the original sin in the eyes of many people!"

"Obviously the Sorting Hat made the choice for us, but during the seven years in school and in the rest of our lives, no one will speak out about the injustice we suffered."

"Slytherin is born to be a bad guy, haven't you heard that?"

"If we want to restore the honor of Slytherin, if we want to restore the glory of pure-blood wizards, we must not fight and kill each other, but must unite and fight for the rights we deserve!"

Foley and the students around him looked at each other and said each other. What Malfoy originally wanted to say was forgotten by himself. His mind was shaken by the other party's words, and finally he couldn't help but ask:

"What to do?"

The other people exchanged glances, and some smiled and nodded.

"Come with me, Draco."

Foley put his arm around Malfoy's shoulders and said as he walked: "In order to deal with the cruel current situation, like-minded people like us formed a club. I think maybe you would like to join..."

The two whispered, then walked away surrounded by Slytherin students.

The corridor suddenly became empty.

Then, a figure gradually emerged, as if a magical eraser rubbed against the wall, revealing him.

Vader frowned slightly and watched the Slytherins disappear around the corner.

"All right……"

he said to himself.

"You have only read a set of novels. It is impossible to grasp all the situations in the world."

The good news is that since Malfoy was taken to join some club, he probably won't be returning to the dormitory for a short time, which is a good time for him to meet Dobby.

Wade thought this, walked along the corridor for a while, and suddenly said: "McGee?"

Suddenly, a short figure appeared behind the pillar beside him. Mikey looked at him and whispered: "I'm here, Wade Gray."

"Please help me listen to what they said, okay?" Wade said: "This is not an order... If it makes you feel embarrassed, then forget it."

Mikey asked softly: "Vade Gray is worried about them doing bad things?"

Vader said: "How were the earliest Death Eaters recruited by Voldemort?"

The mention of that name made McGee shudder, and he bowed.

"McGee got it, Vader Gray."

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