Ved followed a few Slytherin students and walked underground.

He was not familiar with those students, but he knew they were fourth-year students.

"I didn't expect that Crabbe and Goyle, two idiots, could do such a thing." A girl said, "I thought they couldn't even use the Light Charm!"

Another boy said, "Their practical level is actually quite good. They passed the exams last semester... at least better than Flint."

Several people laughed softly when they heard this.

Marcus Flint is the captain of the Quidditch team. He is tall and strong. But he is only good at Quidditch, and all other courses are a mess.

In the OWLs exam, Flint only had a level of Charms that could be continued.

He is a seventh-year student this year, but Professor Flitwick once clearly advised him that it would be difficult for him to pass the ultimate wizard exam with his current mediocre level, and suggested that he spend more time on studying.

However, the more pressure Marcus was under, the more he indulged in Quidditch, which brought him a sense of accomplishment. If this continues, repeating a grade is almost certain.

In the past, when Slytherins said someone was stupid, they would say, "You should be in Hufflepuff with your brain."

But now, they would say, "Are you Flint?"

It's just that this joke didn't spread beyond the Serpentine Court.

They laughed for a while and stopped in front of a damp, empty stone wall.

"Pure blood."

The leading boy said.

A hidden stone door slowly opened, and everyone walked in one by one. The girl who was at the back couldn't help but look back.

The stone door slowly closed under her gaze.

The girl felt that the stone door seemed to close slower today than before. But she was not very sensitive to time and was not very sure in her heart.

"Come and sit, Peggy!"

Her companion shouted.

The girl walked over and sat on the sofa.

"What are your plans for the holiday?" asked the student next to her.

Everyone began to talk about homework, holidays, love triangles and other topics.

Wade, who kept the Disillusionment Charm, looked around.

The Slytherin common room is located underground, and there is no traceless extension spell to expand the space, so it looks narrow, long and low. The walls and ceiling are rough stones, which is more like a dungeon than a common room.

The round chandelier emits green light, which makes the room look even darker and gloomier. Students have to light candles to do their homework.

However, the fireplace and tables and chairs in the common room are very exquisite, with complex and delicate carvings on them, which are out of place in such a room.

Through the narrow window, you can vaguely see the dark green lake outside. If the sun is good, you may be able to see the colorful creatures in the black lake, but today there is only darkness outside.

He stopped to observe for a moment, and felt a slight pulling sensation at his fingertips.

Wade walked in the direction of the force and entered the equally dark and damp stone corridor. There were closed wooden doors on both sides of the corridor, which looked more like a prison.

In such a depressing environment, even Slytherin students would not stay for long. The corridor was empty and seemed even more dead.

McGee, who was also in stealth mode, led Wade to a wooden door and stopped, saying softly: "This is the dormitory. McGee is not allowed to enter."

Wade asked: "Is he still in there?"

"Yes," McGee said.

Wade touched the door lock with his wand, heard a "click", and then pushed the door and walked in.


Dobby, who had finished cleaning the room, was enduring hunger and lying under the bed.

Dobby missed Crabbe and Goyle.

Although his little master hated them now, if those two were there, there would be food everywhere in the dormitory, and even if some were lost, they would not find it at all.

He estimated the time and felt that his little master was about to come back, so he followed the order of "Don't be seen by me" and hid.

But in a small dormitory, there were very limited places to hide. Dobby couldn't make himself smaller and put himself in a jar. Only under the bed was spacious, at least he didn't have to fold himself up.

He counted the time, waiting for the difficult day to pass.

Suddenly, Dobby heard the sound of the door opening, and thought it was his master. Then he heard footsteps and immediately realized something was wrong.

But he couldn't be discovered, so he still hid under the bed and didn't run out to see what was going on.

But the intruder didn't seem to think so.

The black shoes only stopped at the door for a moment, then walked straight to the bed where he was hiding, and then stopped.

Someone squatted down and lifted the curtain covering the bed.

"Hello - Dobby?"

Dobby opened his eyes wide in surprise.

He suddenly wanted to jump up, and his head hit the bottom of the bed with a "bang", and he burst into tears in pain.

"Sorry, sorry, I think I scared you."

The person took two steps back, made room, and said, "What are you doing hiding under the bed? Come out."

Dobby hesitated, climbed up from under the bed, and stood awkwardly beside the bed, close to the green curtain hanging from the ceiling, as if this would give him a little sense of security.

Of course he knew the student in front of him.

During the summer vacation, Dobby tried to get Harry expelled from school, which caused him to get into trouble and be locked up by his Muggle relatives.

It was this student and another adult wizard who took Harry Potter away.

Dobby sneaked into the school several times, looking for opportunities to get Harry Potter to leave the school, and often saw them together.

Earlier, he had actually heard his name from his master and mistress.

Vid Grey.

He had many inventions at a young age, and was the favorite student of alchemist Murray, and Dumbledore also had high hopes for him.

The young master Draco Malfoy didn't like him, but he still had to buy the friend book he invented, and even secretly bought more than a dozen sets, collecting various limited-edition precious versions.

He also bought a whole set of soft light badges at a time, and could change different styles every day according to his mood.

His master and mistress behaved in the same way, and even bought more.

For wizard nobles who value appearance and status, if they don't wear a badge that matches their status when they go out, it's as shameful as not wearing clothes.

The difference is that they won't use it secretly while cursing the inventor.

How could Vid Grey sneak into this dormitory?

Dobby thought uneasily and secretly looked at each other.

"I've heard Harry talk about you, Dobby." Wade said gently, "So you are the elf of the Malfoy family? Were your actions instructed by your master?"

"Of course not!"

Dobby immediately became excited when he heard this:

"Dobby wants to protect Harry Potter. Someone in Hogwarts is plotting a conspiracy. Harry Potter cannot stay here before it happens! Harry Potter must go home! Wade Grey should not stop Dobby!"

There is one more

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