Hogwarts: Voldemort, don't stop me from studying

Chapter 201: Cleaning the Old House

Vader didn't know what Sirius and Kreacher were talking about, or how much role Harry and Lupin played in it.

Anyway, when Dumbledore hurried over, Kreacher respectfully took out a gold locket.

It is as big as an egg, with green gems inlaid with a gorgeous "S" and a long golden chain at the back.

Sirius looked at this thing with a look of disgust and hatred on his face. He did not reach out to take it, but motioned for Kreacher to give it directly to Dumbledore.

Lupine put his hand on his shoulder and patted it gently.

Kreacher held the golden locket and asked Dumbledore in a hoarse voice: "Kreacher has not completed his mission...can you destroy it?"

"Of course, I swear."

Dumbledore, who had already heard Lupine relay the whole story, said seriously. He looked down at the house elf with a very cautious attitude: "I will definitely not let down Regulus' sacrifice."

Kreacher sobbed and placed the locket in Dumbledore's hands.

Dumbledore looked at the Horcrux with an unfathomable expression. It was as quiet as an ordinary instrument in his hand, without any reaction.

He changed his gestures and whispered a spell that no one could understand. After a long while, he said:

"Ordinary spells and attacks really can't do anything to it. Even if it is burned with fire or hit with heavy objects, the locket will not change. Voldemort cast a very powerful protective spell on it."

Kreacher looked a little uneasy and looked around.

But none of the people in this room - Dumbledore, Lupin, Sirius, Vader, Harry - were unafraid of that name.

Kreacher quietly puffed up his chest, trying to appear as calm as the others.

Previously, from the words of Sirius and Lupin, he finally understood that the reason why Regulus died was because he changed his mind and decided to resist Voldemort.

In this way, Voldemort is Kreacher's enemy, and he tells himself that he cannot be afraid.

"So..." Lupine glanced at Vader and asked Dumbledore: "Is it still necessary to use severe fire?"

"At present, it seems that sharp fire is an effective method for Zhuoer, but it is not necessarily the only method."

Dumbledore pondered and said: "But after the fire burns, nothing will be left, and we have also lost the possibility of obtaining more information..."

"At present, it seems that Voldemort obviously made more than one...but the question is, how many?"

Everyone was silent.

Harry didn't understand. He looked around without interrupting and decided to ask Remus after it was over.

Compared to Vader, Harry always felt as if he had walked in accidentally. He was afraid that if he opened his mouth, everyone would find out that there was someone here who shouldn't be involved, and kick him out.

Compared to Harry, Kreacher was used to silence. He listened silently, his eyes glancing at the locket from time to time.

"Sirius, Kreacher." Dumbledore said: "Please allow me to study this locket for a while. I think it may be able to tell us a lot... When it is time to destroy it, I will definitely invite you two. Everyone is also involved.”

"Okay." Sirius said briefly, in a low voice.

Kreacher also nodded vigorously.

Michael and others did not know that Dumbledore had come. They rested for a while in the dirty kitchen and wanted to make themselves a cup of tea, but they felt unable to do so.

Fortunately, there was still some butterbeer and food that Lupine bought from outside. Everyone ate some randomly to fill their stomachs and looked at each other. They really didn't have the courage to continue working.

In the end, it was Hermione who stood up first.

She clapped her hands and said, "Cheer up, everyone! At least we have a place to sleep first, right?"

"That makes sense."

Theo and Ryan rolled up their sleeves and got ready to work, and Neville got up to find a brush.

Michael raised his hand and said, "I don't mean to be lazy...but there isn't much detergent in the storage room. I want to go to Diagon Alley and buy two barrels..."

Fred said: "How can two barrels be enough? At least five barrels are needed! But I'm afraid you can't carry it alone, so why don't I go and help."

"I also……"

Several arms were raised in unison, they looked at each other, and then put down their hands.

Hermione said angrily: "We promised Harry to help! Do you want to escape before the battle?"

At this time, the kitchen door was pushed open from the outside.

"So you are all here." Wade said standing at the door: "We are going to clear out the kitchen, living room and bedroom first. At least there will be a normal place to rest. What do you think?"

"Ahem." Michael coughed dryly, stood up and said, "That's it, Vader. Fred and I are going to Diagon Alley to buy some detergent first..."

"Oh, no need." Vader said with a smile: "I brought enough detergents and cleaning tools. They are all my own works and the quality is guaranteed to be better than those in Diagon Alley."

"You brought it!" Michael shouted in shock, then quickly lowered his voice and said, "Why didn't I see it when I came in just now?"

As he spoke, he walked out of the kitchen and was stunned.

Lupine, Harry and Sirius were using the Levitation Charm together, and all the messy things in the living room were floating in the air, some of which were bumping gently.

Kreacher directed the old carpet to roll up, and a dozen cleaning crabs were arranged in an orderly manner, like an army, scrubbing the floor to look brand new in just a few rounds.

A crab the size of a golden retriever swallowed all the garbage, leaving behind basketball-sized black balls.

Another small crab followed behind, carrying the black balls out of the living room and piling them in the weedy yard.

Kreacher laid a new carpet, and the old furniture fell to the floor one by one. Miraculously, when they fell, the dirt on them disappeared.

The tables and chairs were as clean as if they had just been painted, and the tea sets and plates became shiny, as if they had been carefully wiped...

Look carefully, they were just cleaned!

At a glance, countless fist-sized puppets were busy on the furniture. They were like hardworking bees, washing, brushing, and rubbing tirelessly.

There were also a few puppets carrying marble-sized water tanks and holding spray nozzles, spraying the furniture seriously. The varnish in the water tank seemed to be endless, and it kept spraying without stopping.

As everyone opened the door and came out, the cleaning crabs and dolls also rushed into the kitchen, holding small rags and waving small brushes, and began a new round of cleaning work.

"Who can help?" Wade made a pile of pots and pans float up, and turned around and said, "I can't handle so many things in the kitchen by myself."

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