Wade was stunned for a moment, then said: "I also saw the Black family's library yesterday. It is very desirable. Just don't feel bad when I borrow books."

Sirius smiled: "You can move them all away, I'd love to!"

He paused, but did not make any jokes about it, but brought up the previous topic again——

"Leave Azkaban, find Regulus, prepare for the funeral, and let my crazy mother finally calm down..."

Sirius counted these recent events and showed a wry smile:

"No matter why, you have given me too much help. Some of the books in the collection cannot repay me for what I received from you, not even a tenth of it... Wade, what can I do for you?"

Wade thought for a moment and said, "Can I ask you a question?"


Sirius raised his head and took a sip of beer, his movements very graceful.

"Why did you break up with your parents and fight against Voldemort? I checked the information. When Voldemort was at his most powerful, many people thought that he would not be defeated. Only a handful of people dared to risk their lives to fight against him."

When Sirius frowned, Vader seemed not to notice and continued:

"If you don't do that, you can inherit the Black family's property. With your identity and strength, you will definitely be appreciated by Voldemort. Considering the situation at the time, that seems to be the 'smart' choice."

"Why? Does this need to be said?" Sirius raised his eyebrows and said, "Just to stick to what is right and save innocent lives."

Wade smiled: "Then after you save people, do you also ask them to repay you?"

Sirius was startled for a moment, then burst into laughter.

He raised the beer bottle in his hand and said nothing more.

He will remember the kindness in his heart, but there is no need to mention it repeatedly.

But the feeling of being recognized for something you insist on is always different.

In his mind before, [Wade Gray] was Harry's friend, a student that Lupine valued, and someone who owed him a lot of kindness and needed to repay him.

But after today, he saw the real Vader through those labels.

With the funeral approaching, a group of people spent five days cleaning the house, disinfecting, replacing or repairing furniture, decorating the garden, and preparing for the ceremony.

Cleansing spells and repairing spells cannot solve all problems, and they have little effect on old, magical stains.

Percy was forced to consult his mother. As an experienced housewife, Mrs. Weasley recommended several cheap and easy-to-use magic cleaners, as well as some cleaning tips.

Sirius also cheered up and wrote handwritten invitations one by one.

Regulus's funeral was actually a bit embarrassing.

He was a well-known Death Eater, but he died for resisting Voldemort in the end. Although the latter is still unknown, even among the Death Eaters, they believed that Regulus was a coward who escaped from battle and was executed.

No matter which side he was on, he was difficult to accept.

After careful calculation, Sirius realized that he didn't know whether his younger brother had friends like him and James. Those people who often walked together with Regulus when he was studying were either in prison or in the soil. .

Sirius did not intend to invite people who might not even know what Regulus looked like, nor did he want to invite people who might slander Regulus, even if those people were once his comrades-in-arms.

As a result, there are not many people he can invite.

Sirius thought about it for a long time and finally sent an invitation letter to the Malfoy family.

His favorite cousin was Andromeda, but he also had a good relationship with Narcissa when they were children. The most important thing is that Regulus likes his cousin Narcissa very much, and he is the most obedient among his sisters.

——And Narcissa was not a Death Eater. It was her despicable husband, Lucius Malfoy, who joined the Death Eaters.

Sirius convinced himself with the last point.

He was a freewheeling man, and even eleven years in prison did not change that. For the first time in his life, Sirius considered something so patiently and meticulously, restraining his own preferences.

These little wizards who came to help played a big role.

Without them, Sirius didn't know what the funeral would have been like. Maybe it was because Lupine was troubled from beginning to end, but in the end everyone was still dissatisfied.

But the children did so well that Sirius felt that if he messed up everything because of his own willfulness, he would not be able to forgive himself.

One by one, the owls carried invitations and flew in all directions, braving the cold wind and snow.

In his free time, Wade always stayed in the study.

The Black family is indeed an ancient and wealthy pure-blood family, with an extremely rich collection of books, some of which are not even in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library.

The large collection of books was something that Mrs. Black valued very much before she went mad, so Kreacher had been maintaining it carefully. There was only a little dust on the books, and there were not even moth-eaten holes.

These books were originally attached with powerful protective magic. If people who were not from the Black family read the books, some would corrode the palms of the hands, some would cause serious damage to the eyes, and some would have fatal curses attached to them.

But as the current patriarch, Sirius directly removed most of the harmful magic. For some items that he couldn't solve for the time being, he would throw them into the box in the basement together with the books.

Kreacher felt very distressed.

Originally, he had recently regarded Sirius as his master, who would work seriously and carry out orders.

But after this incident, Kreacher wiped away his tears and packed up the books that had been thrown into the basement, sprinkled them with insect repellent powder, and secretly cursed "Prodigal" several times.

But Kreacher only blamed Sirius, but did not direct his anger at Vader who was reading a book.

Kreacher heard from Lupine what Vader had done and was very respectful to him. When Wade was reading, he always sent some hot tea or cakes to the study from time to time.

Mrs. Black didn't know if she knew about this, but she had been very quiet recently, and the curtain blocking the portrait had never been opened.

While everyone was tidying up the fifth floor, they occasionally heard faint cries coming from Regulus' room.

On the third day, the Italian wizard painter hired by Sirius arrived. He carefully drew a portrait of Regulus based on several old photos.

Not the pale and weird look of Regulus who turned into an Inferi, but the proud and high-spirited boy he was before he was sixteen years old.

From that day on Mrs. Black was utterly silent.

Occasionally, the wind would gently blow the curtains, and everyone would see her quietly closing her eyes, as if she had fallen into a dream from which she would never wake up.

Only Lupine would often interfere with Vader's reading.

Most of the books in the Black family were related to dark magic, and Vader even found a description of a Horcrux in one of the books.

Sirius believes that there is no harm in understanding the functions of black magic, as long as they don't study or even become obsessed with it. What they mainly learn is how to defend and resist black magic.

He grew up in this environment surrounded by dark magic and was still not affected much, so Sirius believed that Vader could do it too.

Although Lupine had different opinions, he did not directly stop Vader from reading or lecture him on what was right and wrong. Instead, he would visit the study from time to time.

Whenever Vader reads some books related to dark magic, it won't be long before Lupine will tell one or two similar stories after dinner or while cleaning-

A certain wizard made a mistake in the process of studying black magic. He was twisted by magic and turned into a monster. He wandered in the dark forest all day long, and his life was worse than death.

The dark magical creature studied by a certain wizard suddenly became violent because it could not bear the abuse, killed its owner and escaped.

A certain wizard changed his mind because of his addiction to black magic. He suddenly killed all his family members one night, and then caused a series of tragedies. Finally, he was eradicated by a white magic wizard who happened to pass by.

And so on.

The little wizards listened with great interest, but Michael looked at Wade with a half-smile every time after listening.

"What books did you read again?"

After the story was over, he asked Wade in a low voice.

"It's just a handbook."

Vader replied: "Just to understand the way wizards studied magic in the past. In their time, this kind of behavior was not considered abnormal."

"Yes." Michael smiled jokingly: "For ancient people, cannibalism seems to be quite normal, right?"

Wade hesitated: "Even now, cannibalism is not illegal in some countries."


Michael's eyes widened, then he quickly adjusted his expression and hummed: "Haha, when the Weasley twins lie to people, their acting skills are much better than yours."

Wade looked at this innocent classmate with sympathy: "It's true."

Michael was silent for a while.



"Muggle law?"

"To be precise, some Muggle countries do not stipulate that cannibalism is illegal. Of course, including our Ministry of Magic, there are no similar regulations, right?"

"Although..." Michael tried to save his world view: "But the reason why there is no legal regulation is because cannibalism will never happen...unless there is famine...unless there is an extreme survival situation..."

He carefully patched his words, but saw a mysterious smile on Wade's lips.

He didn't say anything, but he seemed to have said everything.

Michael: "..."

Because of that smile, the boy scratched his head and struggled for most of the night. The next morning, he got up from the bed with a pair of dark circles under his eyes, ran out of the old Black house, and went to the nearby Muggle library to spend a long time.

After coming back, Michael was silent for a long time.

"Crazy Muggle."

Before going to bed, he couldn't help but sigh to Wade.

However, Wade shook his head.

"You see bloody cannibalism in books, so you feel cruel and crazy. But in a society where the jungle is strong, cannibalism actually happens all the time, but you just don't notice it."

"Look, didn't Regulus get 'eaten'?"

Michael was shocked, his scalp was numb, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

The day before Christmas was Regulus's funeral.

It has been snowing since the morning. Fine snowflakes fell on the ground and on the buildings. At first, they condensed into broken ice, and then gradually gathered into one piece, covering the mottled old marks on the walls, and also covering the little wizards’ meticulous work. A decorated garden.

But the vast expanse of white is quite appropriate at a funeral.

Sirius was wearing black wizard robes, with only black and white on his body. This was the first time that everyone saw him dressed so solemnly. Lupine accompanied him to greet the guests attending the funeral.

Vader saw the Malfoys and Draco Malfoy. The three members of their family are very similar. They all have light blond hair, pale skin, and proud looks.

But when talking to Sirius, both parties maintained restraint, at least there was no conflict in person.

He also saw a light brown-haired witch and a man dressed as a Muggle come in. The witch quickly stepped forward and hugged Sirius, and Sirius's expression softened a little.

Then Vader knew that the witch was Andromeda, who was expelled from the Black family. Sirius once pointed at the family tree and introduced his family to these curious little wizards.

In that huge row of family trees, Andromeda's name had already been scorched.

In fact, almost every generation of the Black family, which claims to be pure blood, has members who have been expelled, sometimes more than one.

Behind the two of them was a beautiful young witch with striking slate-grey hair.

Even though an adult wizard who is good at transfiguration can easily change the color of her hair, her hair color is really special and has an unforgettable effect.

Andromeda introduced her to Sirius as her daughter, Nymphadora Tonks.

Sirius had actually met Nymphadora when she was a child, but of course the girl she was today was unfamiliar to him.

They shook hands politely.

While several people were talking, Draco Malfoy looked at Tonks intently. After hearing her name, he immediately showed an expression as if he had seen something dirty.

Although he didn't say a word, he seemed to have said everything.

Tonks blinked. When everyone went to greet the new guests, she suddenly turned her head to look at Draco Malfoy, and her head suddenly turned into the shape of a Hungarian tree peak.


Draco Malfoy turned his head and saw a huge dragon head, with yellow-brown eyes as big as longan staring at him. He was startled and cried out.

Everyone looked at him together.

"She...she...she just..."

He pointed at Tonks and tried to explain incoherently, but he saw that Tonks had changed back and was looking at him with everyone with an elegant and surprised expression.

"Be polite, Draco."

Narcissa said lightly, while glancing at the half-blood Tonks arrogantly, and then looked away.

Andromeda glared at her daughter and told her not to cause trouble.

Mr. and Mrs. Weasley returned from abroad.

Mrs. Longbottom also arrived, and Neville hurried to stand beside her.

Dumbledore also came early in the morning.

Guests arrived one after another, and at noon, there were already twenty or thirty people sitting on the bench, including many with prominent surnames, as well as some unknown ordinary wizards, and even Muggles.

They sat together and came to Regulus's funeral.

Thank you for your concern. The author is still alive.

It's just a leave of absence, why did he become a eunuch? [The author has said something about asking for a wig, but some readers may not have seen it]

I have been out recently and often take trains. The signal is not good, so it is difficult to find time to code.

At present, the orders have exceeded 10,000 yuan. Anyway, I am very satisfied with the results. I am reluctant to part with them. I just signed a long-term contract.

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